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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Write a nursery rhyme under 500 words, suitable for children, that does not include violence or scary elements.


"Write a nursery rhyme under 500 words, suitable for children, that does not include violence or scary elements."

Little snail, little snail, peeking out your door,
Sun is up, the day is bright, won't you climb some more?

On your silver, swirling shell, green and gold so fine,
Tiny legs that stretch and grip, climbing up the vine.

Up, up, past the ladybugs, red and black and round,
Past the busy spiders spinning, webs that touch the ground.

Reaching for the juicy grapes, purple, plump, and sweet,
One big bite, a sticky mess, oh, what a tasty treat!

Little snail, little snail, happy in the sun,
Climbing high, the world below, your journey just begun.

Down you slide, a gentle ride, on a rainbow leaf so wide,
Sailing through the air so cool, laughing as you glide.

Landing soft on daisy ground, where bumblebees take flight,
Sharing stories of the clouds, buzzing in the light.

Little snail, little snail, safe beneath the tree,
Sleeping in your cozy shell, dreaming what will be.

Moonbeams whisper secrets low, stars peek through the night,
Little snail, little snail, sleep well, the world is bright.

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