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Thursday, January 11, 2024

A nursery rhyme about Marlinton


"Write a nursery rhyme about Marlinton under 500 words, suitable for children, that does not include violence or scary elements."


In West Virginia's mountain crown, where greenest meadows tumble down,
Lies Marlinton, a town so sweet, with streets that wind along the creek.

Red squirrels scamper, chipmunks chirp, while robins sing upon the curb.
Honeybees hum from bloom to bloom, butterflies flit across the room.

Grandpa rocks on creaky porch, tells tales of bears and hidden torch,
Of fireflies that light the night, and dancing shadows soft and bright.

Grandma bakes a cherry pie, aroma floats up to the sky,
Sweet as honeysuckle's kiss, a taste of mountain happiness.

Down by the creek, the children play, skip stones and splash the summer's day.
Catch minnows darting silver quick, build castles tall of muddy brick.

In autumn's cloak of fiery red, leaves like jewels across the spread,
Pumpkins grin with toothy smiles, ready for spooky jack-o'-lantern miles.

Winter wears a frosty crown, snowflakes swirl and drift down,
Children bundle, cheeks so rosy, sledding down the hills so glossy.

Spring awakes with gentle breeze, wildflowers peek from hiding trees,
Baby bunnies hop and peek, the creek awakens, cold and sleek.

So come and visit Marlinton, where mountains kiss the morning sun,
A town of smiles and friendly faces, nestled in its leafy embraces.

With kindness woven like a thread, in every corner hearts are spread,
For Marlinton holds magic tight, a little town with mountain light.

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