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Friday, January 12, 2024

Part I Create a Lesson for "The Proper Use of verbs in English Grammar." Include a Presentation and a Quiz for the Presentation. Include an answer key and an explanation for each answer.


Create a Lesson for "The Proper Use of verbs in English Grammar." Include a Presentation and a Quiz for the Presentation. Include an answer key and an explanation for each answer.

Lesson: The Proper Use of Verbs in English Grammar



  • Briefly explain what verbs are and their importance in sentences.
  • Highlight the different types of verbs (action, state of being, helping verbs, etc.).

Subject-Verb Agreement:

  • Explain the concept of subject-verb agreement: the verb form must match the number and person of the subject.
  • Provide examples with singular and plural subjects and their corresponding verb forms:
    • Singular subjects: "She sings beautifully."
    • Plural subjects: "They dance every Saturday."
    • Irregular verbs: "He goes to the gym every day."
  • Emphasize the importance of subject-verb agreement for clear and accurate communication.

Verb Tenses:

  • Introduce the concept of verb tenses and their usage:
    • Present tense: "I eat breakfast every morning."
    • Past tense: "She wrote a letter yesterday."
    • Future tense: "We will travel to Europe next year."
  • Explain the use of auxiliary verbs ("have," "has," "had," "be," "am," "is," "are," "was," "were") for forming different tenses.
  • Provide examples of each tense and its appropriate context.

Verb Moods:

  • Briefly discuss the different verb moods:
    • Indicative mood: Used to state facts or express opinions.
    • Imperative mood: Used to give commands or instructions.
    • Subjunctive mood: Used to express wishes, doubts, or conditions contrary to fact.
  • Offer examples of each mood and its specific usage.

Common Verb Errors:

  • Identify and address common verb errors:
    • Tense inconsistencies: "I went to the store yesterday, and I will go again tomorrow."
    • Subject-verb disagreement: "The boys play in the park every day."
    • Misuse of verb forms: "I wish I was taller."
  • Provide correct alternative versions and explanations for each error.


  • Briefly summarize the key points covered in the presentation.
  • Encourage students to practice using verbs correctly in their writing and speaking.


Multiple Choice:

  1. Which verb agrees with the singular subject "The student"? (a) write (b) writes (c) writed (d) has written

  2. What is the correct past tense of the verb "to eat"? (a) eated (b) ate (c) eeten (d) have ate

  3. Which sentence uses the future tense correctly? (a) We will be going to the party tomorrow. (b) We are going to the party tonight. (c) We went to the party yesterday. (d) We want to go to the party.

  4. Which sentence expresses a command? (a) I wish I could fly. (b) The birds are singing beautifully. (c) Close the door, please. (d) He was very tired.

  5. What is the subjunctive mood used for in the sentence "If I were you, I would study harder."? (a) to state a fact (b) to give a command (c) to express a wish or condition contrary to fact (d) to describe a past event

True or False:

  1. All helping verbs are forms of the verb "to be."
  2. The present tense can be used to talk about future events.
  3. Only irregular verbs have different forms for past and present tense.
  4. It is always correct to add an "-s" to the end of a verb to make it agree with a plural subject.
  5. The mood of a verb does not affect its tense.

Answer Key:

Multiple Choice:

  1. (b) writes
  2. (b) ate
  3. (a) We will be going to the party tomorrow.
  4. (c) Close the door, please.
  5. (c) to express a wish or condition contrary to fact

True or False:

  1. False. Some helping verbs are forms of "to have" or other verbs like "do" and "modal verbs."
  2. False. The present tense is typically used for events happening now or habitually.
  3. False. Many regular verbs also have different forms for past and present tense.
  4. False. Some verbs already end in "-s" in the present tense (e.g., "has," "goes").
  5. False. The mood of a verb can indicate whether it expresses a

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