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Friday, January 12, 2024

Lesson Plan: The Proper Use of Verbs in English Grammar


Lesson Plan: The Proper Use of Verbs in English Grammar

Target Audience: This lesson plan is designed for intermediate-level learners of English who have a basic understanding of sentence structure.

Time: 90 minutes


  • Students will be able to identify different types of verbs.
  • Students will understand the concept of subject-verb agreement.
  • Students will be able to conjugate verbs in different tenses.
  • Students will be able to choose the correct verb form in various contexts.
  • Students will be able to apply their knowledge of verbs in their own writing and speaking.


  • Whiteboard or projector
  • Markers or pens
  • Handouts with verb exercises
  • Sentence strips (optional)
  • A fun "Verb Game" (instructions below)

Lesson Procedure:

Introduction (15 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students what they know about verbs. Briefly discuss the different types of verbs (action verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs).
  • Introduce the concept of subject-verb agreement and explain why it is important for clear communication.
  • Use examples to illustrate different verb tenses (present, past, future, present perfect, etc.).

Activities (60 minutes):

Activity 1: Verb Identification (15 minutes):

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a list of sentences.
  • Ask them to identify the verbs in each sentence and classify them as action verbs, linking verbs, or helping verbs.
  • Discuss the answers as a class, making sure everyone understands the different types of verbs.

Activity 2: Subject-Verb Agreement (20 minutes):

  • Distribute worksheets with sentences containing subject-verb agreement errors.
  • Instruct students to identify the errors and rewrite the sentences correctly.
  • You can also use sentence strips for this activity, writing incomplete sentences on each strip and having students add the correct verb form based on the subject.

Activity 3: Verb Conjugation (15 minutes):

  • Choose a few common verbs and demonstrate how to conjugate them in different tenses.
  • Provide students with verb conjugation charts and have them practice conjugating on their own.
  • You can also use online conjugation tools to make this activity more interactive.

Activity 4: Verb Game (10 minutes):

  • This optional activity is a fun way to review the different concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Divide students into two teams.
  • Prepare cards with different verb forms (e.g., "read," "reading," "has read," etc.).
  • Each team takes turns drawing a card and using the verb in a sentence that follows the correct grammar rules.
  • The team with the most grammatically correct sentences wins.

Wrap-up (15 minutes):

  • Briefly review the main points of the lesson.
  • Have students write a short paragraph using a variety of verbs.
  • Answer any remaining questions they may have.


  • Observe students' participation in the activities.
  • Collect and grade the worksheets and writing assignments.
  • You can also give a short quiz at the end of the lesson to assess their understanding of the material.


  • For advanced students, you can provide more challenging exercises, such as identifying verb tenses in complex sentences or analyzing the use of modal verbs.
  • For struggling students, you can offer additional support, such as individualized instruction or graphic organizers.

Extension Activities:

  • Students can write a story or poem that focuses on the use of different verbs.
  • They can create a verb dictionary with their own definitions and examples.
  • They can analyze verb choices in their favorite works of literature.

This lesson plan is just a suggestion, and you can adapt it to fit the needs of your students and the available resources.

I hope this helps!

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