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Sunday, January 7, 2024

Lyrics For Great Country Music 2024

Create a country music song sung by a redneck"Truck Stuck in a Ditch (And My Heart's Stuck on You)"

(Verse 1)
Well, the sun hangs low like a busted tail light
My Chevy's belly deep in mud tonight
Fog rollin' in like Hank singin' "Lovesick Blues"
Stuck here thinkin' 'bout somethin' I can't lose

'Cause my truck's stuck in a ditch, but my heart's stuck on you
Got four flat tires and a mountain to do
But honey, if you said the word, I'd push this whole truck through
With nothin' but grit and that sweet drawl from Tennessee, boo

(Verse 2)
Radio's sputterin' static, ain't got no FM
Just the crickets' chirpin' and the hum of the pines
Wish I had a winch, wish I had a prayer
Wish I had you sittin' right there, messin' up my hair

'Cause my truck's stuck in a ditch, but my heart's stuck on you
Got four flat tires and a mountain to do
But honey, if you said the word, I'd push this whole truck through
With nothin' but grit and that sweet drawl from Tennessee, boo

Mud cakin' my boots, stars crawlin' out slow
Gonna take more than moonshine to get this show back on the road
But you, girl, you're the horsepower I been missin' all day
With you in the passenger seat, we'll fly outta this clay

'Cause my truck's stuck in a ditch, but my heart's stuck on you
Got four flat tires and a mountain to do
But honey, if you said the word, I'd push this whole truck through
With nothin' but grit and that sweet drawl from Tennessee, boo

Yeah, nothin' but grit and that sweet drawl from Tennessee, boo
My truck's stuck in a ditch, but my heart's stuck on you


Create a country music song sung by a redneck"Create a country music song sung by a redneck"Truck Stuck in a Ditch (And My Heart's Stuck on You)"

(Verse 1)
Sunrise paintin' gold across the holler, rooster crowin' loud and clear
Coffee steamin' in my chipped mug, headin' out to mend the fence, I swear
But just past the ol' oak tree, wheels sinkin' in the mud like glue
My rusted chariot's belly stuck, lookin' like a beached canoe

Truck stuck in a ditch, and my heart's stuck on you
Girl, you're sweeter than moonshine, stronger than my ol' truck, it's true
Mud cakin' my boots, but I ain't in no despair
'Cause thinkin' 'bout your smile keeps a grin plastered everywhere

(Verse 2)
Radio sputterin' static, ain't no tow truck in sight
Guess it's time for some elbow grease, under the Georgia sun's hot light
Sweat drippin' down my brow, muscles burnin' with each heave
But every grunt escapes my lips, it's your name I can't believe

Truck stuck in a ditch, and my heart's stuck on you
Girl, you're sweeter than moonshine, stronger than my ol' truck, it's true
Mud cakin' my boots, but I ain't in no despair
'Cause thinkin' 'bout your laugh keeps a grin plastered everywhere

Maybe this rusty beast ain't goin' nowhere fast
But my mind's already flyin', past the fields and shadows cast
Seein' your porch swing swayin', hearin' your banjo's gentle twang
Picture perfect sunset waitin', where we'll dance 'til the whippoorwills sang

Truck stuck in a ditch, and my heart's stuck on you
Girl, you're sweeter than moonshine, stronger than my ol' truck, it's true
Mud cakin' my boots, but I ain't in no despair
'Cause thinkin' 'bout your touch keeps a grin plastered everywhere

So let the tires spin and churn, let the engine cough and sputter
This ditch might hold my truck, but it can't hold my love, no sir, no gutter
Gonna dig myself out, wash the mud off, shine those rusty chrome
Head straight for your sweet embrace, 'cause girl, you're my forever


Lost My License, Lost My Job, Found a Million Bucks (But They Were Monopoly Money)

Lost My License, Lost My Job, Found a Million Bucks (But They Were Monopoly Money)
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(Verse 1)
Rain was pourin', wind was howlin', dog howlin' even louder
Sheriff knockin' on the door, sayin', "Son, your time is up, there's a cloud a-brewin'"
License hangin' on the wall, dusty relic of a life gone wrong
Used to fish in Cadillacs, now stuck with catfish dreams and a lonesome song

Lost my license, lost my job, couldn't even keep a steady hand
Thought my luck had hit the bottom, then somethin' shifted in the sand
Stumbled on a suitcase, buckled leather, stuffed with paper green as spring
Million bucks just lyin' there, like an angel with a rusty swing

(Verse 2)
Dreams danced in my head like fireflies, mansions made of pearly shells
Fancy cars and diamond rings, livin' life 'til heaven yells
Bought a bottle of good bourbon, toasted fate for its cruel twist
Then squinted closer at the bills, saw 'Community Chest' and "Advance to Go" kissed

Lost my license, lost my job, couldn't even keep a steady hand
Thought my luck had hit the bottom, then somethin' shifted in the sand
Stumbled on a suitcase, buckled leather, stuffed with paper green as spring
Million bucks just lyin' there, like a Monopoly board taking wing

Sat there laughin', cryin', maybe both, sippin' whiskey slow and sweet
Realized a million bucks in dreams ain't worth a dime on the dusty street
Got up, brushed the dirt off my boots, threw that fake fortune in the creek
Walked back to the shack, dog waggin' his tail, heart thumpin' with a brand new beat

Lost my license, lost my job, still got nothin' but time and two good hands
My luck ain't changed, but somethin' did, deep down where the spirit stands
Maybe I ain't got mansions, but I got fireflies and the river's song
Maybe I ain't got diamonds, but I got a sunrise comin' strong

Yeah, lost my license, lost my job, but found a truth worth more than gold
Happiness ain't bought and sold, it's a story waiting to be told
So I'll keep fishin' in my dreams, maybe someday catch a real, true prize
But for now, I'll walk this dusty road, singin' songs beneath the skies


 My Dog Ate My Pickup Truck (And Other Reasons Therapy Sounds Good)
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(Verse 1)
Woke up to a symphony of crunchin' chrome and leather
Sun crackin' through the blinds, revealin' somethin' ain't all better
There wasn't smoke, no engine fire, just my ol' truck in a sorry state
My four-legged best friend, tail waggin', lookin' like he ate the whole darned gate

My dog ate my pickup truck, chewed the tires and swallowed the radio
Dashboard lookin' like a chew toy, seats ain't nothin' but furry snow
Think that therapy sign might be callin', therapist lady, here I come
This ain't the first time Fido's chomped down, gotta face it, I'm a goner for some

(Verse 2)
Remember the time he swallowed my dentures, chased 'em like a frisbee in the yard?
Or the sofa cushions he devoured, left the frame lookin' kinda bizarre?
Even my shotgun he ain't immune to, chewed the barrel clean as a whistle
Maybe I should switch to squeaky toys, but dang, that dog's got a missile for a gristle

My dog ate my pickup truck, chewed the tires and swallowed the radio
Dashboard lookin' like a chew toy, seats ain't nothin' but furry snow
Think that therapy sign might be callin', therapist lady, here I come
This ain't the first time Fido's chomped down, gotta face it, I'm a goner for some

Now, folks might say I'm crazy, keepin' a beast so destructive and loud
But Fido's more than just a hound dog, he's family, pure and proud
He saved me from a rattler once, licked away my lonely tears
Even if he munches on my truck, love like that ain't conquered by fears

My dog ate my pickup truck, chewed the tires and swallowed the radio
Dashboard lookin' like a chew toy, seats ain't nothin' but furry snow
Think that therapy sign might be callin', therapist lady, here I come
This ain't the first time Fido's chomped down, gotta face it, I'm a goner for some

So maybe my truck's a goner, and maybe I need a shrink's embrace
But with Fido by my side, even therapy's a laughin' chase
He'll chew on couches, swallow radios, maybe even my sanity
But love like that, well, that's a price I'm happy to pay, amen, and see you at three.


Flew the Coop, But the Nest Was in Another Town (A Ballad of Accidental Road Trip)
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(Verse 1)
Packed my bags in dusty twilight, left a note and drove like hell
Didn't care where the road was windin', just needed somewhere else to dwell
Left behind a life half-finished, dreams tangled in the weeds
Headlights cuttin' through the darkness, plantin' doubt like cotton seeds

Flew the coop, but the nest was in another town
Small-town girl with big-city dreams, took a wrong turn wearin' a crown
Thought I'd chase the neon rainbows, escape the whispers and the stares
Turns out sometimes all you need is a change of scenery, not new airs

(Verse 2)
Radio sputterin' static secrets, map unfolded on my knee
Miles tickin' by like raindrops, washin' away the memory
Passed cornfields whisperin' secrets, towns blinkin' in the night
Each one a story unwritten, a chance to hold on tight

Flew the coop, but the nest was in another town
Small-town girl with big-city dreams, took a wrong turn wearin' a crown
Thought I'd chase the neon rainbows, escape the whispers and the stares
Turns out sometimes all you need is a change of scenery, not new airs

Stopped in a roadside diner, coffee strong and black as night
Talked to strangers with kind eyes, bathed in golden morning light
Heard tales of dreams chased and caught, some faded, some still bright
Realized my own was waitin', back where the stars were still a sight

Flew the coop, but the nest was in another town
Small-town girl with big-city dreams, took a wrong turn wearin' a crown
Thought I'd chase the neon rainbows, escape the whispers and the stares
Turns out sometimes all you need is a change of scenery, not new airs

Headed back with the sunrise, heart lighter than the breeze
Sometimes home ain't a place, it's a melody that sets your spirit free
Flew the coop, but found my wings, and learned a lesson on the way
Sometimes the best adventures lead you back where you belong, come what may


 Fishing for Trouble (And Maybe a Catfish or Two)

(Verse 1)
Sunrise streaks across the river, mist rolls like ghosts in the holler
Coffee steams in a tin mug, hook glints sharp as a dollar
Boots crunchin' on gravel banks, where catfish hide deep and low
Castin' out a baited whisper, watchin' the ripples flow

Fishin' for trouble, that's what they say 'bout a restless soul
Always dancin' on the edge, where the river meets the shoal
Might snag a catfish, might snag a fight, never know till the line goes tight
But I wouldn't have it any other way, under this ol' Carolina sky

(Verse 2)
Seen the ripples turn to splashes, felt the tug that sets your jaw
Reel singin' its battle song, draggin' that monster from the raw
He fights like a gator thrashin', tail slappin' the lily pads
But I ain't lettin' go, not this time, even if my knuckles bruise and crack

Fishin' for trouble, that's what they say 'bout a restless soul
Always dancin' on the edge, where the river meets the shoal
Might snag a catfish, might snag a fight, never know till the line goes tight
But I wouldn't have it any other way, under this ol' Carolina sky

Sunset paintin' the water gold, fireflies blinkin' on the bank
Reel quiet now, catfish landed, glistenin' in the twilight dank
He ain't the big one, but he's mine, fought tooth and nail to see the light
Just like all the troubles I've wrestled, makin' me stronger in the fight

Fishin' for trouble, that's what they say 'bout a restless soul
Always dancin' on the edge, where the river meets the shoal
Might snag a catfish, might snag a fight, never know till the line goes tight
But I wouldn't have it any other way, under this ol' Carolina sky

So let the water churn and rumble, let the current pull me downstream
I'll keep castin' out my baited hope, catchin' shadows in the moonbeam
'Cause fishin' ain't just for catfish, it's for livin' life with reckless glee
And in these muddy Carolina waters, there's always somethin' waitin' for me


Hank Done Stole My Hank Williams Poster (Now I'm Singin' the Blues)
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(Verse 1)
Woke up this mornin', sun peekin' through the blinds
Made my coffee strong, hummin' "Move It on Over" in my mind
Headed to the livin' room, guitar propped against the wall
Ready to pick a tune, chase away the winter's squall

But somethin' caught my eye, a hole where pride used to gleam
My Hank Williams poster, gone like a catfish in a dream
Blank space starin' back, where Hank once winked and grinned
Leavin' only heartache, and a melody within

Hank done stole my Hank Williams poster, now I'm singin' the blues
Can't believe that two-timin' rooster would wear my lonesome shoes
Stardust scattered on the floor, where his silhouette used to shine
Guess some folks just ain't got no respect for music divine

(Verse 2)
Searched high and low, every corner, every nook
Even checked the chicken coop, thinkin' maybe Hank turned crook
But nothin', not a scrap, not a feather of his fame
Just the echo of his yodel, whisperin' my stolen name
Image of vintage Hank Williams poster Opens in a new window
vintage Hank Williams poster

Hank done stole my Hank Williams poster, now I'm singin' the blues
Can't believe that two-timin' rooster would wear my lonesome shoes
Stardust scattered on the floor, where his silhouette used to shine
Guess some folks just ain't got no respect for music divine

Maybe I'm bein' harsh, judgment clouding up my sight
Maybe Hank just needed a friend, someone to sing with under the night
But still, my heart aches, like a steel guitar gone dry
Without that poster smilin', there's a tear in my lonesome cry

Hank done stole my Hank Williams poster, now I'm singin' the blues
Can't believe that two-timin' rooster would wear my lonesome shoes
Stardust scattered on the floor, where his silhouette used to shine
Guess some folks just ain't got no respect for music divine

So I'll pick up my guitar, let the lonesome tunes take flight
Sing of heartache and honky tonks, under the pale moon's light
Maybe someday Hank'll return, that poster tucked under his wing
But for now, I'll sing these blues, let the lonesome melody swing


Traded My Tractors for Tacos (And Never Looked Back)
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(Verse 1)
Sunrise kissed the cornfields, mist hung low like Spanish lace
Used to wake to roosters crowin', diesel grindin' in its place
Tractor tires my chariot, furrows my kingdom grand
But somethin' stirred inside me, deeper than the Oklahoma sand
Image of Sun rising over corn fields Opens in a new window
Sun rising over corn fields

Traded my tractors for tacos, a spatula for a hoe
Swapped dusty fields for sizzling grills, let the peppers brightly glow
Didn't know beans from barbacoa, couldn't tell cilantro from a rose
But the music of the fiesta pulled me in, where life in every flavor flows
Image of person standing in front of a taco stand Opens in a new window
person standing in front of a taco stand

(Verse 2)
Sold my John Deere for a dream, learned the secrets of the flame
Spiced up chorizo, salsa secrets whispered every name
From carnitas to carne asada, tortillas fresh and warm
Made hunger sing a chorus, in every corner of the storm
Image of Carnitas tacos Opens in a new window
Carnitas tacos

Traded my tractors for tacos, a spatula for a hoe
Swapped dusty fields for sizzling grills, let the peppers brightly glow
Didn't know beans from barbacoa, couldn't tell cilantro from a rose
But the music of the fiesta pulled me in, where life in every flavor flows

No more sunbaked shoulders, no more wrench-stained hands
Just the laughter of strangers, sharing stories over sands
Spice-filled air my perfume, salsa-stained smile my crown
Found a family in the kitchen, where hearts beat to the salsa's sound
Image of People talking and laughing around a food stall Opens in a new window
People talking and laughing around a food stall

Traded my tractors for tacos, a spatula for a hoe
Swapped dusty fields for sizzling grills, let the peppers brightly glow
Didn't know beans from barbacoa, couldn't tell cilantro from a rose
But the music of the fiesta pulled me in, where life in every flavor flows

Never looked back at the furrows, never missed the engine's drone
Found my rhythm in the sizzle, a melody I call my own
Tractors rust in memories, but these flavors never fade
In the land of sizzling salsa, my soul forever serenaded

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