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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Create a Lesson by Teachers Using Artificial Intelligence in the high school class room.


Create a Lesson by Teachers Using Artificial Intelligence in the high school class room.

Subject: English Literature

Topic: Exploring Character Motivation with AI

Grade Level: 11th/12th

Time Allotment: 60 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to analyze character motivations using text analysis tools powered by AI.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast the results of different AI tools.
  • Students will be able to develop a deeper understanding of a literary character through AI-assisted analysis.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Access to an AI text analysis tool (e.g., IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding, Google Cloud Natural Language API)
  • Selected literary text (e.g., excerpt from a novel, short story, play)

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Introduction (10 minutes):

    • Begin by discussing the importance of understanding character motivation in literature. Ask students to share examples of characters whose motivations were difficult to understand or complex.
    • Introduce the concept of AI-powered text analysis and explain how it can be used to analyze character motivations. Briefly demonstrate how the chosen AI tool works.
  2. Activity 1: AI-Assisted Analysis (20 minutes):

    • Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different excerpt from the selected literary text.
    • Each group will use the AI tool to analyze their assigned excerpt, focusing on identifying key phrases and sentences that reveal the character's motivations.
    • The AI tool will provide insights such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and relationship extraction.
  3. Activity 2: Comparing and Contrasting Results (20 minutes):

    • Groups will come together to share their findings and compare the results of their AI analyses.
    • Encourage students to discuss how the AI tool identified different aspects of the character's motivation and how these insights compare to their own interpretations.
    • Have students consider the strengths and limitations of using AI for literary analysis.
  4. Wrap-up and Discussion (10 minutes):

    • As a class, discuss the overall value of using AI for analyzing character motivations in literature.
    • Consider the ethical implications of using AI in literary analysis and the importance of critical thinking skills.
    • Ask students to reflect on how this activity has deepened their understanding of the characters in the selected text.


  • Formative assessment: Observe students' participation in group discussions and ask probing questions to gauge their understanding of the AI analysis results.
  • Summative assessment: Have students write a short essay analyzing the motivations of a character in the selected text, incorporating insights from the AI tool and their own critical analysis.


  • For students who need additional support, provide a more guided list of prompts or questions to focus their AI analysis.
  • For advanced students, challenge them to compare and contrast the results of multiple AI tools or to use the AI tool to analyze a more complex literary text.

Extension Activities:

  • Have students use the AI tool to analyze their own writing or the writing of their peers.
  • Explore the use of AI in other areas of literary analysis, such as theme identification or style analysis.
  • Invite a guest speaker who works in the field of AI and literature to talk to the class.

Additional Resources:

Using AI in the classroom can be a valuable tool for engaging students and deepening their understanding of literature. By using AI in a critical and thoughtful way, teachers can help students develop the skills they need to be successful readers and writers in the 21st century.

I hope this lesson plan provides a helpful example of how AI can be used in a high school English literature classroom. Please feel free to adapt and modify this plan to fit your specific needs and curriculum.

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