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Friday, January 5, 2024

The term "synthetic fiction"

"Synthetic" can have a few different meanings, depending on the context. Here are the most common:

  • Made artificially, rather than naturally. This is the most common meaning of "synthetic." For example, synthetic fibers are made from chemicals, while natural fibers like cotton or wool come from plants.

  • Created by combining things together. This meaning is often used in chemistry and biology. For example, a synthetic compound is a molecule that has been made by combining two or more simpler molecules.

  • Not genuine or sincere. This meaning is often used to describe emotions or feelings. For example, someone might say that a politician's smile is synthetic, meaning that it is not genuine.

  • Related to synthesis, which is the process of combining things together to form something new. This meaning is often used in linguistics and philosophy. For example, a synthetic language is a language in which words can be changed to indicate their grammatical function.


The term "synthetic fiction" can have a couple of different meanings, depending on the context. Here are two possibilities:

1. Science fiction featuring synthetic beings: This is the most common interpretation. It refers to stories that involve artificial intelligence, robots, androids, cyborgs, or other types of beings created through synthetic means. These narratives can explore a wide range of themes, such as the nature of consciousness, the definition of humanity, the relationship between humans and technology, and the ethical implications of creating artificial life. Some examples of well-known synthetic fiction include:

  • "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick: This novel explores the nature of humanity through the lens of androids who are indistinguishable from humans.
  • "Ghost in the Shell" by Masamune Shirow: This manga and anime series follows a cyborg in a futuristic society, grappling with questions of identity and what it means to be human.
  • "Westworld": This HBO series delves into the ethical and philosophical implications of creating lifelike androids as hosts for a Wild West-themed amusement park.

2. Fiction based on scientific hypotheses: This less common interpretation refers to stories that are created based on hypothetical scientific or technological advancements. For example, a story about the consequences of discovering new forms of life on another planet, or the development of technology that allows people to upload their consciousnesses into computers, could be considered synthetic fiction in this sense.

To give you a more specific answer, I need some more information about what you're interested in. Do you have a particular theme or genre in mind? Or are you looking for specific examples of synthetic fiction?

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