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Friday, January 5, 2024

A Redneck Fairy Tale

 A redneck fairy tale. Image 4 of 4

Now that's what I call a proper yarn, y'all! Let's rev it up a notch, redneck style:

Part 1: The Queen with a Temper and a Feathered Fink

Once upon a time, down in Hog Holler, there was this queen with a mouth like a shotgun and a patience thinner than a possum's ear. Her little princess, bless her little cotton socks, was a ball of fire in overalls, bouncing off the walls faster than a greased watermelon on a downhill roll. One day, that sassy firecracker done plumb wore the queen out. In a fit of sputterin' rage, she waved her magic finger like a shotgun barrel and bam! The princess turned into a blacker-than-midnight raven and squawked outta the window. The raven flew to the deep woods, hoppin' mad and eatin' grubs for years.

Part 2: The Beer-Guzzlin' Hero and the Sleepy Spells

One hot afternoon, a scruffy fella named Bubba was trompin' through the woods, beard scraggly like a hound dog's tail. He heard this cawin' like a crow with hiccups and stumbled upon the princess-turned-raven. She told him the whole mess, sayin' he could break the curse if he watched for her carriage at two o'clock for three days, pulled by fancy-colored horses. Bubba, bein' a sucker for a pretty princess, agreed, but somethin' tickled his craw.

He wandered on to a shack stinkin' of moonshine and sass. This old granny in a tattered shawl offered him a cold one. Now, Bubba loved his suds like a squirrel loves pecans, but the raven squawked a warnin'. Still, one sip turned into two, two into three, and before you could spit in a bucket, Bubba was snorin' louder than a hog at a trough. The raven's carriage flew by, but ol' sleepy-head missed it. This happened two more times, Bubba gettin' sucked in by that granny's hooch every time. The raven left him a magic loaf, jug o' never-empty whiskey (Bubba's kinda dream), and a ring, tellin' him to head to the Golden Castle of Stromberg.

Part 3: Giants, Maps, and a Mule That Flies

Bubba hit the road, whiskey jug in hand, followin' nothin' but his nose and a hunch. He got lost in a forest thicker than a possum's fur, wanderin' for weeks, his beard almost touchin' his boots. One night, he stumbled upon a giant's shack, bigger than a catfish pond. The giant, lookin' like a mountain with bad breath, threatened to eat him for supper. Bubba, thinkin' fast, offered him some of that magic whiskey. The giant guzzled it down like a dry creek bed, and they sat talkin' till the cows came home (or, in this case, the owls hooted). The giant had maps, but none showed the Golden Castle. That's when his brother, a giant even bigger and smellier, came lumberin' home. This giant, fueled by another jug of magic hooch, dug out some ancient maps, and there it was! The Golden Castle, shinin' like a rhinestone buckle on a Saturday night.

Part 4: Robbers, Horsepower, and a Glassy Climb

Bubba hopped on his mule, fueled by whiskey and wanderlust, and the giant sent him flyin' towards the castle. He landed near a slippery glass mountain where the princess, now lookin' mighty fine in a dress like the sunset, was zippin' by in her carriage. Bubba tried climbin', but he slid back down faster than a greased pig. Then, he saw three rednecks fightin' over a stick, a cloak that made you disappear, and a mule that could climb walls. Bubba traded his magic whiskey for the goods, proved they worked by beatin' the snot out of the rednecks (who cried like babies), and used the magic mule to zoom up the glass mountain.

Part 5: Ring in the Wine, Invisible Hero, and Shotgun Wedding

He snuck into the castle, cloak hidden, and tossed the princess's ring into her wine glass. It clinked like a church bell. The princess knew her hero was near, but couldn't find him! So, Bubba threw off the cloak and shouted, "Boo! Your curse is busted, shotgun style!" The princess, prettier than a firefly in a mason jar, jumped into his arms and squeezed him tighter than a tick on a hound dog. They got married the next day, with enough whiskey flowin' to fill a catfish pond and enough grub to feed the whole holler. Bubba, the sleepy

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