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Monday, December 30, 2024

Instant Lesson Plans:Test Reports in Plain English


List the 10 least proficient loc skill scores by Marlinton Elementary math grade 3. Sort by loc from low to high. Create a lesson plan for each separated by a line.


(circa 2003)

Here are the 10 least proficient LOC skill scores for Marlinton Elementary in Math for Grade 3, sorted by LOC score from low to high, along with a lesson plan for each, separated by a line:
Skill: Estimate using reasonableness
LOC Score: 20
NAT Score: 13
Deficit: -7
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to use estimation and check the reasonableness of an answer to a math problem
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, real-world problems that use estimation.
Start by doing a problem together on the board, and thinking out loud as you estimate and do the problem
Give the students a problem to estimate, solve and discuss the reasonableness of their answer with a partner
Discuss how to determine whether the answer is reasonable.
Skill: Identify a number sentence that represents the commutative property of multiplication
LOC Score: 22
NAT Score: 21
Deficit: -1
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to identify number sentences that demonstrate the commutative property of multiplication (e.g., 3 x 4 = 4 x 3)
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, manipulatives (e.g., counters, blocks).
Start by explaining the commutative property of multiplication using manipulatives and showing how changing the order of the factors does not change the product
Write several number sentences on the board, some that demonstrate the commutative property and some that do not, and ask students to identify which ones show the property
Have the students create their own examples of multiplication number sentences that show the commutative property.
Skill: Estimate using reasonableness
LOC Score: 20
NAT Score: 13
Deficit: -7
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to use estimation and check the reasonableness of an answer to a math problem
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, real world problems that use estimation.
Start by doing a problem together on the board, and thinking out loud as you estimate and do the problem
Give the students a problem to estimate, solve and discuss the reasonableness of their answer with a partner
Discuss how to determine whether the answer is reasonable.
Skill: Estimate using compatible numbers
LOC Score: 53
NAT Score: 72
Deficit: -19
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to use compatible numbers to estimate the answer to math problems
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, problems that require estimation.
Begin by defining what compatible numbers are, and using examples
Present various problems on the board, and have the students show how they would estimate using compatible numbers
Have the students do practice problems with a partner and explain their reasoning.
Skill: Identify rotations and reflections * LOC Score: 56 * NAT Score: 59
Deficit: -3
**Lesson Plan**:
*   **Objective**: Students will be able to identify rotations and reflections of shapes [3].
*   **Materials**: Geometric shapes, mirrors, paper, pencils.
*   **Activity**:
    *   Begin by explaining and showing what rotations and reflections are [3].
    *   Have the students use the mirrors to explore how shapes are reflected, and rotate the shapes to explore rotations [3].
    *   Have the students draw shapes, and then draw rotations and reflections of those shapes [3].
Skill: Identify symmetry
LOC Score: 60
NAT Score: 85
Deficit: -25
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to identify lines of symmetry in shapes
Materials: Geometric shapes, paper, pencils, scissors.
Begin by explaining the definition of symmetry and show examples
Have the students fold shapes in half and cut along the line to show symmetry
Have the students find or create examples of symmetrical shapes.
Skill: Identify most likely and least likely outcomes
LOC Score: 64
NAT Score: 90
Deficit: -26
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to identify the most likely and least likely outcomes in simple probability situations
Materials: Dice, spinners with different colored sections, decks of cards, recording sheets, whiteboards, markers.
Begin by explaining what a likely and unlikely outcome is, using real-world examples
Use dice, cards, and spinners to simulate probability situations.
Have students predict which outcomes are more likely or less likely and explain their reasoning
Record the results and have the students compare their predictions with what actually happened.
Skill: Recognize multiplication as repeated addition
LOC Score: 67
NAT Score: 82 * Deficit: -15
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to understand and demonstrate multiplication as repeated addition
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, manipulatives (e.g., counters, blocks).
Start by showing how multiplication is the same as repeated addition using manipulatives and groups of objects
Write multiplication problems on the board and have the students rewrite them as repeated addition problems
Have students create their own examples of multiplication as repeated addition.
Skill: Identify a fraction model that is part of a whole
LOC Score: 68
NAT Score: 77
Deficit: -9
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to identify fractions and represent them using models
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, fraction models (e.g., fraction circles, bars), paper, pencils.
Begin by reviewing basic fraction concepts and show how a whole can be divided into equal parts
Use fraction models to represent various fractions, and have students label the parts
Give students paper to create their own models for various fractions.
Skill: Identify a fraction model that is part of a group
LOC Score: 76
NAT Score: 90
Deficit: -14
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will be able to identify fractions and represent them using models
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, fraction models (e.g., fraction circles, bars), paper, pencils.
Begin by reviewing basic fraction concepts and show how a group of items can be divided into equal parts
Use fraction models to represent various fractions, and have students label the parts
Give students paper to create their own models for various fractions using groups of objects.

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