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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Stony Bottom Prospect--The Search For Gold

 gold prospector. Image 1 of 4

Analysis of Rock Sample from Stony Bottom Prospect
A rock sample, reportedly retrieved from the Stony Bottom Prospect, displayed traces of copper.

The Stony Bottom Prospect is a shaft located near Stony Bottom, originally excavated in pursuit of gold. 

The specific bedrock layer where the prospect was situated was not visible at the time of the writer's investigation. 

However, it is mentioned that the surface horizon of the area falls within the Catskill Series. The rock sample, described as a singular, small piece, had a quartz matrix and minor fissures, bearing a resemblance to a quartz vein. 

 However, the author notes the improbability of finding precious metals within the Catskill rocks.


Stony Bottom Prospect
The Stony Bottom Prospect is a shaft situated near Stony Bottom.

The prospect was established to locate gold-bearing rock. However, during the writer's visit, the shaft opening was partially collapsed, making it impossible to examine the bedrock. 

Despite being located within the surface horizon of the Catskill Series, a sample of rock purportedly extracted from the prospect revealed traces of copper. 

This sample, a small, solitary piece, featured a quartz matrix and contained minor fissures. It bore a resemblance to a quartz vein. The author suggests that discovering significant gold deposits within the Catskill rocks is improbable. A benchmark with an elevation of 2,328.922 feet is positioned 430 feet southwest of the Stony Bottom station, on the north bank of Elklick Run.

  This benchmark is set atop a large boulder and is marked "2329 W. Va. 1921 H 154". The corresponding telegraph pole bears the inscription "U. S. B. M. 2,328.7".

The Elklick Run Section, measured using an aneroid barometer, begins at the U.S.G.S. triangulation station located at Thorny Flat on the southern end of Cheat and Back Allegheny Mountains.

It extends southward along Elklick Run, reaching Stony Bottom. This section provides a comprehensive view of the rock layers, showcasing key horizons from the base of the Pottsville formation down to and including the upper portion of the Catskill Series at Stony Bottom.


 The Stony Bottom Prospect is a shaft situated near Stony Bottom. The prospect was established to locate gold-bearing rock. However, during the writer's visit, the shaft opening was partially collapsed, making it impossible to examine the bedrock.

Based on the information you provided, here's a summary of the Stony Bottom Prospect:

    Location: Near Stony Bottom (exact location unknown)
    Purpose: Established to find gold-bearing rock
    Current Status: Shaft opening is partially collapsed, hindering examination of the bedrock.

This suggests that the Stony Bottom Prospect was once an active mining site but is now abandoned and potentially inaccessible. It would be interesting to learn more about:

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