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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Edray, Pocahontas County

 Pocahontas County Quarry is located in Edray

Edray is located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia
. The Greenbrier Series of rocks can be studied along a new state road northwest of Edray. The Edray Sandstone was named for a location on an old road 1.2 miles north of Edray. The Edray Sandstone is 25 feet thick, green, and either shaly or flaggy
The Edray District is located west of and bordering the Greenbrier River between Violet and Raywood on the east, and from Mace to the divide between Middle Fork and the main Williams River on the west
. Surface rocks in the Edray District range from the Kanawha Group of the Pottsville down nearly to the base of the Catskill Series. The Edray District has exposures that have been only slightly disturbed
A local measurement of the Reynolds Limestone was taken along a new state road 1.1 miles north of Edray.  The base of the measurement is 130 feet above the top of the Greenbrier Limestone. Some prospects in the Edray District were examined, including the Cherry River Boom and Lumber Company Prospect. The Pocahontas County Quarry is located in Edray. A bronze tablet stamped "W. Va. 1921 H 179" was placed 5.04 miles south of Edray, 0.48 mile north of Crooked Fork School, 40 feet west of a sharp turn in the road, in the top of a large sandstone boulder
Additional information about Edray:
The Bertha Sandstone is present in the Edray Section
The Ada Shale was noted in the Edray Section
A topographic map of Pocahontas County (Map II) shows Edray
The elevation of a benchmark 6.01 miles north of Edray is 3,015.10 feet
The Maccrady Series is present in the Edray Section
Fossils were collected at an elevation of 3,040 feet along state road number 24 above Edray
Edray District details:
The population of the Edray District is available
The Sewell Coal in the Edray District was measured at 295-297 feet and 298 feet
The Gilbert Coal in the Edray District was measured at 288-289 feet
The Hushes Ferry Coal in the Edray District was measured at 290-292 feet and 293 feet
A gazetteer gives the locations of several places in or near Edray:
Black Mountain
Laurel Creek
Red Lick Mountain
Stony Creek
Williams River

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