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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Best Performances at First Friday


Tourist (excitedly flipping through a brochure): Hi there! We're so excited for First Friday in Marlinton! Can you recommend any of the musical performances?

Local (wearing overalls and a straw hat, rocking in a chair): First Fridays, huh? Well, listen up close now. For the best music, you gotta head straight for the bakery.

Tourist (confused): The bakery? For music?

Local (grins, leans in conspiratorially): Now, hold on.  It ain't just any bakery. You gotta find Mildred. Yep, that's the name of the bakery, and Mildred herself puts on a right show.

Tourist (even more confused): Mildred puts on a show?

Local (taps his knee):  Sure does! She plays the spoons like nobody's business, and sometimes, if the mood strikes her, she'll yodel like a mountain lion with a case of the hiccups. Real crowd-pleaser, that yodellin'.

Tourist (exchanging a hesitant look with their travel companion):  Uh, spoons and yodeling, huh?  Are there any bands or singers performing?

Local (eyes widen): Bands? Singers? Now, where'd you get those fancy notions? First Fridays are all about the unconventional tunes. Why, last month we had a fellow play the washboard and a squirrel with a surprising talent for the kazoo.

Tourist (completely unsure): A squirrel with a kazoo?

Local (pats their shoulder reassuringly): Don't knock it till you try it, sonny. Now, you get yourselves down to Mildred's Bakery, and tell her Jebediah sent you. You won't regret the musical experience!

Tourist (completely bewildered, clutching the brochure): Thank you...we'll, uh, keep that in mind.

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