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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Speeding on Back Mountain Road


 Officer Jones (approaching car with hand on holster): License and registration, please, ma'am.

Tourist (flustered, handing over documents):  Uh, sure thing, officer.

Officer Jones (eyes narrowed, glancing at speedometer):  Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going back there?

Tourist (nervously chewing her lip):  Uh, well,  the scenery was just so beautiful, I kind of…lost track of time?

Officer Jone
s (raises an eyebrow): Lost track of time, huh? You were doing ninety miles per hour on Back Mountain Road. That's not exactly sightseeing speed.

Tourist (eyes wide): Ninety? Oh dear!  Must have been the wind. You know how it messes with the speedometer sometimes?

Officer Jones (unconvinced):  Wind messing with the speedometer?  Ma'am, this car is barely moving compared to the speed you were doing.

(grasping at straws): Maybe it's… jet lag?  Yes, jet lag!  Coming from a different time zone can really mess with your sense of…  velocity.

Officer Jones (trying not to smile):  Jet lag, huh?  Interesting theory.  Where are you visiting from, ma'am?

Tourist (defeated):  Uh, next town over?

Officer Jones (sighs, holds out a ticket):  Look, ma'am, I appreciate the creativity, but speeding is no laughing matter.  This is a ticket for exceeding the speed limit.

Tourist (sheepishly):  Right, of course.  Thank you, officer.  And, uh, the wind does get pretty strong sometimes, you know?

Officer Jones (shakes his head, handing her the ticket):  Drive safe, ma'am.  And maybe next time, enjoy the view at a more leisurely pace.

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