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Friday, May 17, 2024

Imagine William Shakespeare giving this speech.



Four score and seven winters past, our noble fathers birthed upon this land a nation fresh and new, conceived in liberty's embrace, and vowed to this grand truth: that all men, by the hand of fate, are equal made.

Lo, now we find ourselves embroiled in a civil war most dire, a crucible to test if this nation, or any nation built on such a righteous dream, can weather the storm of strife. Upon this very field of battle, we stand. Here, we gather to consecrate a hallowed ground, a final resting place for those valiant souls who yielded up their mortal coil that this nation might forevermore draw breath. To dedicate this soil is a deed both just and meet.

Yet, mark my words, for in a grander view, dedication holds no sway here. These hallowed grounds, by the blood of brave men, living and those who've crossed death's threshold, have already been consecrated. Far greater their sacrifice than any words we utter. The world may pay but fleeting heed to our pronouncements, nor shall they linger in memory's embrace. But the deeds wrought here, those shall forevermore be writ in history's tome.

Thus, the mantle falls not upon them, the fallen, but upon us, the living. We must rededicate ourselves to the unfinished work these warriors so nobly advanced. Theirs was the fight, ours is the task that lingers yet. Let us draw from their honored sacrifice renewed devotion to the cause for which they pledged their very lives. Let us resolve with unwavering purpose that these fallen heroes shall not have met their demise in vain. May this nation, with God's providence as our guide, experience a glorious rebirth of freedom. And may this government, of the people, by the people, and for the people, never be extinguished from the face of the Earth!

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