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Friday, May 17, 2024

Imagine Uncle Remus giving this speech


Well now, little chillen, gather 'round close. It weren't but fo' score and seven years ago, yo' great-grandpappies done somethin' mighty special. Right here on this very land, they birthed a whole new nation, plumb fresh and spankin' new. This here nation, it was built on the idee that everyone, black or white, rich or poor, was made equal under the good Lord's eye.

Now, things ain't always peaceful, you see. We're smack dab in the middle of a big family squabble, a war you might say. It's a test, see, if this nation, this dream of equality, can hold strong. We done gathered here on a battlefield, a place where the fightin' was fierce and many brave souls done gave their all. We come here today to dedicate a piece of this land, a restin' place for those heroes who fell so this nation could keep breathin'.

Truth be told, though, this ain't just about this patch of dirt. No siree. Nothin' we say here can truly make this ground holy. Them brave men, both those who sleep here and those who still walk the earth, they done consecrated it with their blood and sweat. We ain't got nothin' to add to that, not a single word. The world might forget what fancy speeches we make, but it won't forget what happened here.

That's why it falls on us, the ones still livin' and breathin', to carry on the work they started. We gotta take the torch from their hands and keep fightin' for what they believed in. Let their sacrifice fill our hearts with even more devotion to this cause. Let's vow that these heroes won't have died for nothin'. Let this nation, with the good Lord's help, be reborn with a brand new freedom ringin' from every corner. And that government of the people, by the people, for the people – let it never fade away, not ever.

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