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Friday, May 31, 2024

Flat Tire on a John Deere


Alright, picture this: You're out in the middle of nowhere, like a cellphone commercial nightmare, and BAM!  Flat tire on your John Deere. Now, I'm no city slicker, but there's something inherently comical about wrestling a giant rubber donut off a behemoth of a machine.

First off, forget that fancy jack that came with the tractor. That thing's about as useful as a chocolate teapot for lifting this beast.  No, sir, you gotta McGyver this situation.  Two cinder blocks and a crowbar later, you're starting to sweat through your overalls like a nervous racehorse.

Then comes the fun part: the actual tire change.  This ain't your Prius situation.  This lug wrench is the size of a small tree trunk, and those lug nuts seem like they haven't budged since the Carter administration.  You grunt, you groan, you contemplate the futility of existence while staring down this stubborn hunk of metal.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity and a hernia-inducing effort, the new tire is on.  Just gotta tighten those lug nuts... oh wait.  Seems the wrench decided to take a vacation on the other side of the tractor tire.  Fantastic.  So there you are, covered in grease, muttering to yourself about the existential dread of agricultural maintenance.

Hey, at least you got some exercise in, right?  Besides, there's something oddly satisfying about conquering a flat tire on a giant tractor.  Just maybe next time, you'll pack a spare wrench. And maybe a sandwich.  This whole ordeal is bound to take longer than you think.

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