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Friday, May 31, 2024

Events at the Dunmore Pie-off


 Agnes, a spry octogenarian with a twinkle in her eye, wasn't one for fancy gadgets. In Dunmore, where ingenuity bloomed brighter than petunias in summer, everyday objects became multi-purpose marvels. Take Agnes' vacuum cleaner, for instance. Its original function? A distant memory. Now, it was her prized polka-dot polka-player. With a twist of the hose and a strategically placed teacup cymbal, it belted out tunes that could wake the napping pigeons in the town square.

Across the street, Mildred the mime was having a particularly frustrating day. Her trusty invisible dog, Bartholomew, had gone rogue, chasing a rogue tumbleweed down Main Street. Mildred, never one to be outdone, grabbed her briefcase and with a flourish, transformed it into a sleek, imaginary canine. The townsfolk chuckled as she feigned throwing a stick (actually a rolled-up newspaper) and commanded her "briefcase beagle" to fetch. It was a sight to behold - a mime walking a briefcase on a leash, both with unwavering determination.

Meanwhile, at the annual Dunmore Pie-Off, Mayor Higgins was facing a crisis. The judging table, a rickety antique, was about to give way under the weight of scrumptious blueberry delights. Just then, young Timmy, known for his love of building with Legos, sprang into action. With a whoosh and a click, he stacked empty pie tins into a surprisingly sturdy tower, earning a chorus of "oohs" and "aahs" from the crowd. The pies, thankfully, were saved.

Later that evening, as the town gathered for a movie night under the stars, a collective gasp arose. The projector bulb had mysteriously blown! But fear not, Dunmore was always prepared. Old Man Jenkins, a retired fisherman, stepped forward. His secret weapon? A magnifying glass and a strategically placed bucket of water. With a practiced flick of the wrist, he turned the setting sun into a giant, albeit slightly blurry, projector beam, much to the delight of the popcorn-munching crowd.

In Dunmore, necessity wasn't just the mother of invention, it was its wacky, wonderful aunt. And as the laughter died down and the stars twinkled overhead, one thing was certain: in this town, the most unexpected things could become the most useful, and the most ordinary objects, the most extraordinary tools.

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