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Thursday, September 28, 2023

A Home School Lesson on the Subjunctive Mood

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Detailed Lesson on the Subjunctive Mood

What is the subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive mood is a verb form used to express wishes, suggestions, hypothetical situations, or commands that are not direct orders. It is also used in certain types of clauses, such as after certain verbs and expressions, and in conditional clauses.

When to use the subjunctive mood

The subjunctive mood is used in a variety of contexts, including:

  • To express wishes:
I wish I were taller.
  • To make suggestions:
I suggest that you study for the test.
  • To express hypothetical situations:
If I were you, I would go to the doctor.
  • To give indirect commands:
I insist that you finish your homework.
  • After certain verbs and expressions, such as:
  • ask
  • demand
  • insist
  • recommend
  • require
  • suggest
  • wish

For example:

I asked that you be here on time.
  • In conditional clauses:
  • first conditional: if + present tense, will + infinitive
  • second conditional: if + past tense, would + infinitive
  • third conditional: if + past perfect tense, would have + past participle

For example:

If I were you, I would go to the doctor.

Forming the subjunctive mood

The subjunctive mood is formed differently depending on the tense.

Present subjunctive

The present subjunctive mood is formed by using the base form of the verb "to be" (be/were) followed by the base form of the main verb.

For example:

I be (am) here.
You be (are) happy.
They be (are) smart.

Past subjunctive

The past subjunctive mood is formed by using the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were) followed by the past participle of the main verb.

For example:

I was here.
You were happy.
They were smart.

Perfect subjunctive

The perfect subjunctive mood is formed by using the present subjunctive of the verb "to have" (have/has) followed by the past participle of the main verb.

For example:

I have been here.
You have been happy.
They have been smart.


Here are 6 illustrations of how to use the subjunctive mood in different contexts:

Illustration 1: Wishing

I wish I were taller.

Illustration 2: Suggesting

I suggest that you study for the test.

Illustration 3: Expressing a hypothetical situation

If I were you, I would go to the doctor.

Illustration 4: Giving an indirect command

I insist that you finish your homework.

Illustration 5: After a verb or expression that requires the subjunctive mood

I asked that you be here on time.

Illustration 6: In a conditional clause

If I were you, I would go to the doctor.

Video lessons

Here are some links to video lessons on the subjunctive mood:

  • The Subjunctive Mood in English:
  • How to Use the Subjunctive Mood in English:
  • The Subjunctive Mood in English Grammar:


Here are some pictures that illustrate the subjunctive mood:

10-question test

  1. Which of the following sentences uses the subjunctive mood?

a. I am here. b. I wish I were here. c. I am going to be here. d. I have been here.

Answer: b

  1. Which of the following verbs is followed by the subjunctive mood?

a. ask b. demand c. insist d. all of the above

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following sentences is a conditional sentence using the subjunctive mood?

a. If I were you, I would go to the doctor. b. I wish I were you. c. I am going to the doctor. d. I have been to the doctor.

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following sentences is an indirect command using the subjunctive mood?

a. I asked that you be here on time. b. I demand that you be here on time. c. I insisted that you be here on time. d. all of the above

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following is the correct form of the present subjunctive mood for the verb "to be"?

a. be b. am c. is d. are

Answer: be

  1. Which of the following is the correct form of the past subjunctive mood for the verb "to be"?

a. was b. were c. be d. am

Answer: were

  1. Which of the following is the correct form of the perfect subjunctive mood for the verb "to be"?

a. have been b. has been c. is d. are

Answer: have been

  1. Which of the following sentences uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

a. I wish I was taller. b. I wish I were a better singer. c. I wish I was smarter. d. all of the above

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

a. I suggest that you study for the test. b. If I were you, I would go to the doctor. c. I insist that you finish your homework. d. I asked that you be here on time.

Answer: none of the above

  1. Which of the following is the best definition of the subjunctive mood?

a. A verb form used to express wishes, suggestions, hypothetical situations, or commands that are not direct orders. b. A verb form used to describe actions that have happened in the past. c. A verb form used to describe actions that will happen in the future. d. A verb form used to describe actions that are happening now.

Answer: a


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