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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Detailed Lesson on the Future Tense


Detailed Lesson on the Future Tense

What is the future tense?

The future tense is used to talk about things that will happen in the future. It can be formed using a variety of grammatical structures, including:

  • The modal verbs "will" and "shall"
  • The present continuous tense
  • The present simple tense with certain time expressions
  • The "be going to" construction

When to use the future tense

The future tense is used in a variety of contexts, including:

  • To make predictions:
I will be a doctor when I grow up.
  • To make plans:
We are going to see a movie this weekend.
  • To give instructions:
Please put your bags on the conveyor belt.
  • To express hopes and wishes:
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Forming the future tense

The future tense can be formed using a variety of grammatical structures, as mentioned above. Here is a brief overview of each structure:

Modal verbs "will" and "shall"

The modal verbs "will" and "shall" are the most common way to form the future tense.

Use "will" for all persons and tenses except first person singular.

  • I will go to the store.
  • You will go to the store.
  • He/She/It will go to the store.
  • We will go to the store.
  • They will go to the store.

Use "shall" for first person singular.

  • Shall I go to the store?

Present continuous tense

The present continuous tense can be used to talk about future events that are planned or scheduled.

  • I am going to the doctor tomorrow.
  • We are flying to London next week.
  • The meeting is starting in 10 minutes.

Present simple tense with certain time expressions

The present simple tense can be used to talk about future events that are certain or inevitable, or that happen on a regular basis.

  • The train leaves at 10:00 AM.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • I have class every Monday and Wednesday.

"Be going to" construction

The "be going to" construction can be used to talk about future events that are planned or decided.

  • I am going to buy a new car.
  • She is going to be a doctor.
  • We are going to have a party.


Here are 6 illustrations of how to use the future tense in different contexts:

Illustration 1: Making a prediction

I will be a doctor when I grow up.

Illustration 2: Making a plan

We are going to see a movie this weekend.

Illustration 3: Giving instructions

Please put your bags on the conveyor belt.

Illustration 4: Expressing a hope or wish

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Illustration 5: Talking about a planned or scheduled event

I am going to the doctor tomorrow.

Illustration 6: Talking about a certain or inevitable event

The train leaves at 10:00 AM.

Video lessons

Here are some links to video lessons on the future tense:

  • The Future Tense in English:
  • How to Use the Future Tense in English:
  • The Future Tense in English Grammar:


Here are some pictures that illustrate the future tense:

10-question test

  1. Which of the following sentences uses the future tense?

a. I am here. b. I will be here. c. I was here. d. I have been here.

Answer: b

  1. Which of the following grammatical structures is used to form the future tense?

a. Modal verbs "will" and "shall" b. Present continuous tense c. Present simple tense with certain time expressions d. All of the above

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following sentences is a future tense sentence?

a. I am eating dinner. b. I will eat dinner. c. I ate dinner. d. I have eaten dinner.

Answer: b

  1. Which of the following sentences uses the "be going to" construction?

a. I am going to the store. b. I will go to the store. c. I went to the store. d. I have been to the store.

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following sentences uses the future tense correctly?

a. I wish I was taller. b. I will be taller next year. c. I am taller than my sister. d. I was taller last year.

Answer: b

  1. Which of the following sentences is a prediction?

a. The sun rises in the east. b. I am going to the store. c. I had a pizza for lunch. d. I will be a doctor when I grow up.

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following sentences is a plan?

a. I am going to the beach this weekend. b. The train leaves at 10:00 AM. c. I had a great time at the party last night. d. I wish I were taller.

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following sentences is a certain or inevitable event?

a. I am going to the store. b. I will be a doctor when I grow up. c. The sun rises in the east. d. I wish I were taller.

Answer: c

  1. Which of the following sentences is an instruction?

a. Please put your bags on the conveyor belt. b. I am going to the doctor tomorrow. c. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! d. I will be taller next year.

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following is the best definition of the future tense?

a. A verb form used to talk about things that will happen in the future. b. A verb form used to describe actions that have happened in the past. c. A verb form used to describe actions that are happening now. d. A verb form used to describe actions that will happen in the past.

Answer: a


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