Will Give Monterey Fine Shipping Facilities - Big Tannery Being Erected -
.MONTEREY, VA., November 20. - (Special.) - Near the State line, just west of us, the birth of a new town is reported, and our people feel a keen interest in the new-born "kid," as it brings us a shipping point three miles nearer, and because a former Highland boy is the chief promoter. The new town has been christened Bartow, being located on the east prong of Greenbrier river, near the site of Camp Bartow, occupied by our troops during the summer of 1862, and which was named in honor of General Bartow, who fell in the first battle of Manassas. The site selected for the town is on a beautiful stretch of improved land, along Greenbrier, but above high-water mark, and consists of forty-three blocks and something like 100 lots. Forty-one of these have been sold, and a good indication - one which eliminates the usual boom features - is that each purchaser has given a guarantee to improve his lot by building thereon either business or dwelling houses.
At the extreme lower end of the plat the United States Leather Company is erecting its big tannery, and hundreds of tons of bark are now stacked ready for use. That the embryo city is properly located in point of railroad facilities is untenable. Four roads have been surveyed to and past it, and three are now under rapid construction. They are the Greenbrier branch of the Chesapeake and Ohio, the Monongahela and Pittsburg, and the Coal and Iron. The Chesapeake Western Company has also surveyed a branch from its main line at Frost to a connection with the Coal and Iron at Bartow, and as they are both believed to belong to the Wabash system, strong hope is entertained that it, too, will be built.
The ground on which the town has been laid off was formerly the farms of Messrs. B. M. Yeager and C. C. Burner, now owned by a land development company, of which former county-man M. M. Arbogast, is a member. Mr. Arbogast's home is now at Marlinton.
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