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Monday, December 16, 2024

Williams River Gazette--Old News Clippings


1. A tragedy occurred involving two school children in Tucker county; a brother and sister perished in a blizzard on February 13th. The brother, age 12, took off his coat and wrapped it around his 10 year old sister when they were found, they were folded in each other's arms. The New York Express described the act as the highest elements of heroism, and the boy's actions as inspired by love and the instinctive chivalry of his character.

2. The Marlinton town council is considering purchasing a lot in Huntersville for the purpose of building a new town hall. The town council is also considering buying the old court house and jail from the county. The reasoning behind these decisions are the belief that it will be more convenient and comfortable to have a town hall closer to the center of town.

3. A horse race took place at Mingo under the auspices of the New Mingo Racing and Driving Association. There was a large crowd and good weather for the races, which consisted of several events. The "Cigar and Umbrella race" was won by Mr. Marshall's horse "Dolly". The races included some unusual rules and equipment, such as the riders having to hold a cigar and umbrella.

4. A man named James McCoy was arrested for allegedly threatening to burn the property of another man named Jones. McCoy was apparently upset by a case in court in which Nick McCoy was a witness, and also made threats against other parties. He was released on the promise that he would leave the county and never return, but was later seen back in the area. He was apprehended again after attacking a dog, and then approaching another man with a gun.

5. The Greenbrier Railway Company held a meeting in Huntington and elected officers. This new line is to be 80 miles long, connecting to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and will penetrate the coal fields in Greenbrier and Pocahontas counties. The road has been surveyed and will be pushed to completion at the earliest date possible. This railway is considered an important feeder on the Chesapeake and Ohio line. The company has been actively acquiring land in the area for development.

6. A temporary injunction was granted last week by the judge of the circuit court to stop the county from paying any money to the Manley Manufacturing Company of Dalton, Georgia, for work on the courthouse. The bill was a petition by taxpayers stating the contract was not constitutional, and the amount was too large. The court found that the $25,000 claim was unconstitutional and the county was not legally bound to pay. The court also stated that this judgement was to bind future levies.

7. The case of Turk vs. Skiles was appealed to the Supreme Court. The court case was regarding the sale of a tract of land. The land was sold to James Skiles, but it was later claimed that it was not being held in trust for the benefit of Mrs. Skiles. The court ruled in favor of Skiles.

8. A man named Henry Fults was involved in a shooting incident at a camp on the Greenbrier River. Fults had been drinking and got into a fight with Caleb Hatfield. Fults was hit and severely wounded by a gun in the fight, and he was then taken into custody. This event took place at a place called Chand's Gap, located about 10 miles from the West Virginia line.

9. A new jail was recently built, and the building was thoroughly inspected by the commissioners. The jail is made of brick and has a slated roof with different sections for men, women, and families. It was built with the intention to improve the living conditions of the prisoners and make it a more sanitary place. It has a variety of improvements, including running water, a separate room for the jailer and a kitchen.

10. Mr. Geo. Auldridge, who was part of a large family living on William's River, moved to Iowa in 1862. He first farmed on the shares, but then bought land and now has a 160 acre farm which he says is as productive as any in Pocahontas. Mr. Auldridge raises grain, and he has a forty acre field for this purpose and has had grain each year for the last 22 years. His main revenue is hogs, selling 12 hogs last year for $348, and his largest hog being worth $40.

11. An incident occurred where a horse was found dead, having been “barbarously” taken, killed, and left in a public road. This took place near the West Union public road. The horse had been shot and also had its throat cut. It was not believed to be a local crime.

12. The Greenbrier Extension has been receiving a lot of attention because of the route through the Dry Fork and Cheat River mountains. It is said that the work will employ thousands of men. It is expected that the railway will be built to link the Chesapeake and Ohio lines with Pittsburg. The route will travel through the Dry Fork Valley, across the Cheat Mountains, and end at the Dry Fork River and connect to the main line.

13. A young boy was recently struck by a train while playing on the tracks. His leg was badly injured. Doctors were called to treat the young boy's injuries. There were recent statements about an engineer who thought he had struck a hog instead of a boy.

14. The Pocahontas County School Board is requiring that all teachers hold a certificate of attendance for five days at a teacher's institute. The board also states that if the trustees employ a teacher who doesn't comply with the new rule, then the trustees will be personally responsible. This new rule was put into place based on advice from the Attorney General. There is an understanding that a woman teacher must sign her contract at the meeting that is held on the third Monday in July.

15. A half-mile horse race track was recently formed and utilized at Mingo Flats. The races were held under the auspices of the New Mingo Racing and Driving Association. There was a large crowd of people from the surrounding areas that attended. The weather was considered to be good, and the afternoon was enjoyed by all.

16. A very serious murder was committed at Buckeye, only about 10 miles from the place the newspaper is published. A man named Dick Rankin, was indicted for the crime. The prosecuting attorney made efforts to find evidence for the State. The prosecution ultimately decided not to move forward with the case because the evidence was not sufficient to prove the man's guilt.

17. There was a report of a "Mammoth Cave" discovered near Marlinton. A group of men explored the cave, finding a large underground stream, and several other interesting features. The entrance to the cave was described as being "awful" and the descent being "aggravating". The group walked through several passages, and found areas of the cave that were considered "splendid".

18. A shooting occurred at a camp on the Greenbrier River where a man named James Fults was shot. The event occurred at a camp near Chand’s Gap. Fults was drinking and got into a fight with Caleb Hatfield, during which he was shot. The incident is believed to have involved a large amount of "moonshine whiskey".

19. A man named William Warwick had an experience while traveling back to Pittsburgh by horse and buggy. On the way, he came across an area near the Greenbrier River where there had been a fire. He helped put out the fire, and when doing so, found a man, thought to be dead, in the burning building. He pulled the man from the fire, and the man was able to walk away with minimal injuries.

20. The Confederate Veterans of Pocahontas County will meet in Marlinton on October 17th to form a camp. The arrangement is being made by several prominent soldiers. The public is invited to attend this event.

21. The trial of John Wilfong for the murder of his wife was completed. The case was a preliminary examination, and the purpose of the hearing was to determine if he should be sent to jail. A large crowd was in attendance at the hearing. The judge decided that the evidence presented was sufficient to keep him in jail until his trial.

22. A meeting was held to discuss the relocation of the courthouse. A petition has been filed to have the court house removed from its current location. There is a concern that it would be more convenient to have the courthouse in a more central location. It would also save tax payers money to relocate the court house, rather than keep the old one in operation.

23. A report was made about the "Raven Rocks" on the farm of Wm. M. McAllister. The report noted that the recent clearing of trees has made the rocks visible from the road. The rocks are described as being an imposing sight. They appear to be a detached portion of the cliffs and have a base that is smaller than the top.

24. A man named Orin W. Slavin passed away after a long illness. Slavin was a young man of 23 years. He was a man of promise who was gifted with intelligence and kindness. His last words were, “I am ready to go home”.

25. A man named James P. Warwick was appointed postmaster in Marlinton. He is well-liked and considered to be a good man for the job. It is noted that he is a "staunch Republican".

26. A case involving a man named Charles Beverage was brought before the court. Beverage was a witness in a case, and he refused to answer questions. He was sent to jail for his refusal to answer, and he was to remain there until he decided to comply with the court.

27. There was an incident in which a man named Andrew Crummett visited the home of Andrew Crummett. It is believed the visit was to try and ascertain if the man had been telling the truth about an earlier incident where he was accused of stealing, and when asked about it Andrew Crummett responded in an unfriendly way. A fight broke out in which Andrew Crummett struck him in the face, and then threw him out of the house.

28. The surveyors for the Greenbrier Railway have been busy at work, establishing the route for the new rail line. The surveying has been done for several miles on either side of the Greenbrier River. They are attempting to find the most practical route for the rail line. They have determined that two tunnels will be required.

29. The teachers of Pocahontas County have been attending the Teachers’ Institute. It is considered by some to be a good thing, while others view it as "an outrageous imposition". There was a great deal of discussion on the methods that are used to teach, and whether they are the right methods to use.

30. A large amount of chancery work has been pending in the courts. The case of O. S. Wilson and Co., and others vs. Yeager and others is one such case. The case relates to the settling of the partnership property of W. S. Yeager. The court had determined that Mrs. Yeager is in fact, not responsible for her husband's debts.

31. A man named Ralph Wanless died in March of 1808. He was a native of England, and he resided in the lower valley of the Virginia River. His parents were Quakers. He was a man who was described as being of an independent and unconventional character.

32. A group of men went on a trip to a mammoth cave near Marlinton. The men explored the cave and found an underground stream. The men also reported that the entrance was narrow and the descent was difficult. They reported a passage that was about twelve feet wide and there was a second room where the ceilings were much higher than what they found in the first room.

33. A letter to the editor expressed concern about the number of schools that were being closed. The letter noted that the law states that the school trustees must meet in July to appoint teachers. The letter also expressed concern that the school year might not begin until August.

34. A football game was played between teams from Frost and Green Hill. The Frost team won. The game was played at G.B. Ryder's, on Back Creek. The game was hard fought, and played in a friendly way, with both teams giving their best effort.

35. A series of indictments were made at the most recent court session. There were several individuals indicted for various offenses. Some of the indictments were for felonies, and others were for misdemeanors. A number of people were indicted for assault, as well as for carrying weapons.

36. The body of a dead horse was found in a public road. The horse had been shot and its throat had been cut. It was not clear who committed the crime, but it was assumed to be the work of someone not from the local area.

37. A man named William Warwick returned to Marlinton after being away for several days. He had been on a trip to Bath County. He had been gone for several days, during which he enjoyed the local scenery.

38. A man named John Kinnison died in Hillsboro. He was a member of one of the earliest families to settle in the area. He was a farmer and a veteran of the Civil War. It was said that he was a faithful reader of the Bible.

39. A man named James W. Arbogast was appointed as the county's Commissioner of Schools. He was a native of Pendleton County. He had been a teacher for 10 years in Grafton before his appointment.

40. There was an incident of gigging in the Greenbrier River. The method to gig fish involves using torches to attract the fish. This is done by using a bright light which blinds the fish and makes them easy to catch. It was noted that the practice requires a noiseless approach and a trained eye.

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How does the data presented show the variation in skill values across different schools in Pocahontas County? ------------------------------...