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Monday, December 23, 2024

War Casualties


War casualties, specifically those from World War II, are discussed in the sources.

Casualties suffered by the American Armed Forces since the start of the war totaled more than 141,000.

A breakdown of the casualties includes:

  • Army casualties in all theaters, through December 23rd: 16,831 killed, 24,067 wounded, 25,415 prisoners.
  • Army casualties in Italy: 2,985 killed, 12,504 wounded, and 3,721 missing.
  • Navy casualties: 11,976 killed, 3,136 wounded, 7,778 missing.
  • Marine Corps casualties: 3,193 killed, 3,763 wounded, 686 prisoners.
  • Coast Guard casualties: 316 killed, 78 wounded, and 47 missing.

Other war casualties mentioned in the sources include:

  • Pfc. James Meredith Rucker, a paratrooper with the airborne command, was killed in an explosion aboard a ship. He was headed for Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands, which had recently been taken from the Japanese.
  • Petty Officer First Class, Arthur Lee Miller, a United States naval air force pilot, was killed in action in the South Pacific as a result of a plane crash at sea. His remains were not recovered. His brother, First Class Stewart E. Miller, was a survivor of the U.S.S. Yorktown, which was sunk in the Pacific.
  • Pfc. Carl Lee Bryan was killed in action on June 6 in France, the date the allies launched the invasion. He was an anti-aircraft gunner.
  • Pfc. Richard Roadarm, was killed in action in the Philippines. He was previously stationed in New Guinea and the Dutch East Indies.
  • Pfc. Adam Randolph McGuffin was killed in action on February 23 at Manila, Luzon, in the Philippine Islands. He had been overseas since the previous summer, and took part in the invasion of Luzon.
  • Sergeant Watson Underwood, Jr., was killed in Viet Nam.
  • S/Sgt. J. Dan Bogan had been missing "in action" since early in the month over Austria.
  • Henry Kramer was killed at Winchester or New Market.
  • George Gay was killed on Swago.
  • James Morrison was killed on Drop Mountain.

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