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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Interactive prompts for a story

20 Interactive Story Prompts:

    You wake up with a mysterious symbol tattooed on your palm.  What does it mean? Who put it there?

    A stranger slides a cryptic note into your pocket on a crowded bus. It reads, "They're watching. Run."  Do you run, or investigate?

    You inherit a dusty old mansion filled with locked rooms and hidden passages.  Do you explore, or sell it?

    Your pet goldfish starts glowing and speaking in a deep, booming voice.  What does it want?

    You discover a portal in your attic that leads to another world.  Do you step through, or leave it alone?

    Every time you blink, you switch bodies with a random person in the city.  How do you get back to your own body?

    You find a magic lamp with a mischievous genie who only grants ironic wishes.  What do you wish for?

    The news reports claim robots are taking over, but they seem friendly and helpful.  Do you trust them?

    You win a lifetime supply of free pizza, but there's a catch: you can only eat pizza for the rest of your life.  Do you take it?

    You wake up one morning in a completely different body.  Who are you now, and what do you do?

    You learn that dreams hold the key to solving a real-life mystery.  Do you dive into your dreams to investigate?

    You stumble upon a hidden society of time travelers.  Do you join them, or report them to the authorities?

    You inherit a talking parrot that knows the secrets of the universe.  What do you ask it?

    A meteor crashes in your backyard, and a strange alien creature emerges.  Is it friendly, or hostile?

    You find a notebook filled with detailed instructions for a heist you weren't supposed to know about.  Do you follow the plan, or warn the target?

    You discover you have a hidden superpower, but it comes with a dangerous drawback.  Do you use it, or keep it secret?

    The government announces they've developed a pill that grants immortality.  Do you take it, or live a normal lifespan?

    You receive a series of cryptic text messages from an unknown number, leading you on a wild treasure hunt.  Do you follow the clues?

    You're the only person who remembers a major historical event that never happened.  Do you try to convince everyone, or keep it to yourself?

    You find a dusty old book that contains a prophecy about the end of the world.  Do you try to prevent it, or accept your fate?

ive me 20 interactive prompts for a song
Show drafts

    Found a message in a bottle: You discover a message in a bottle on the beach. What does it say? Who wrote it, and where are they?

    Haunted by a melody: You can't get a melody out of your head, but you've never heard it before. Where is it coming from, and what does it mean?

    The train with no destination: You board a train with no conductor and no stations. Who are the other passengers, and where will this journey take you?

    The voice in the mirror: When you look in the mirror, you hear a voice whispering secrets. What does it say, and who is it coming from?

    The last photograph: You find a faded photograph of people you don't recognize. Who are they, and what is their story?

    The future you left behind: You wake up in a different life, with a different career and family. Do you stay, or try to get back to your own world?

    City of a hundred clocks: Every clock in the city shows a different time. What is the significance of this, and what secrets does the city hold?

    The carnival of lost things: You wander into a magical carnival where you can find lost memories and forgotten dreams. What do you find there?

    The day the music died:  In your world, all music has vanished. What is the cause, and how do you bring the music back?

    The prophecy of the shooting star: A shooting star streaks across the sky, leaving a cryptic message in its wake. What does it say, and how will it change the world?

    Dance with a robot: You find a robot in a dusty attic who can dance like nobody else. What is its story, and where does it want to go?

    The color you can't describe: You see a color that has no name, a color that evokes a powerful emotion. How do you describe the indescribable?

    The talking animal: Your pet suddenly starts talking. What does it have to say, and how will this change your relationship?

    The time traveler's message: You receive a message from your future self. What does it warn you about, and can you change your destiny?

    The song that makes you cry: You hear a song for the first time, and it brings you to tears. Why does this song affect you so deeply, and what memories does it evoke?

    The city that never sleeps: In this city, the sun never sets.  What are the  consequences of eternal daylight, and how do people live their lives?

    The last sunrise:  Scientists announce that this will be the last sunrise humanity will ever see. How do people spend their final day?

    The library of forgotten words: You discover a library filled with words that have been lost to time. What stories do these words tell, and can they be brought back to life?

    The melody of the wind: You learn to understand the language of the wind. What secrets does it whisper, and what stories can it tell?

    The day the world went silent:  Suddenly, all sound disappears from the world. How do people communicate and cope in this strange silence?

20 Mo
re Interactive Song Prompts:

    The Dreamcatcher's Song: You inherit a dreamcatcher with a powerful legend attached. What dreams does it capture, and what happens to them?

    The Coin with Two Heads: You find a coin with two heads. What does it symbolize, and what choices does it force you to make?

    The Radio that Plays the Past: Your old radio starts playing events from the past. Can you change history through its broadcasts?

    The Painting that Comes Alive at Night: A painting in your attic comes to life after dark. Who is the person in the painting, and what is their story?

    The Café with a Thousand Conversations: In this cafe, you can eavesdrop on conversations from any point in history. Whose conversations do you choose to listen to, and why?

    The Last Laugh: You discover a hidden room filled with the laughter of forgotten comedians. Can you bring their humor back to the world?

    The City Built on Lies:  Everyone in this city tells elaborate lies as part of their daily routine. What is the truth hidden beneath all the deception?

    The Stars are Falling: Stars are falling from the sky, granting wishes to those who catch them. What do people wish for, and what are the consequences of those wishes?

    The Forgotten Language of Flowers: You learn the language of flowers and discover a hidden message from a secret admirer. Who sent it, and what does it mean?

    The Time Capsule from the Future: You unearth a time capsule from a future civilization. What does it reveal about the fate of humanity, and is there anything you can do to change it?

    The Robot with a Broken Heart: You befriend a malfunctioning robot who seems to be experiencing emotions. Can you help it find love and repair its broken heart?

    The Song of the Sirens: You hear the alluring song of the sirens, but their message is different this time. What are they trying to warn you about?

    The Museum of Lost Souls: You visit a museum that displays the lost souls of forgotten people. Can you help them find peace and move on?

    The Night the Machines Danced:  For one night a year, all the machines in the world come alive and hold a grand dance. Why do they do this, and what message are they trying to send?

    The City of Rainbows: In this city, emotions manifest as rainbows. How does this affect the way people interact and express themselves?

    The Last Firefighter:  In a world ravaged by water, you are the last firefighter tasked with preserving the last remaining flames. What do these flames represent, and why are they so important?

    The Amnesiac Traveler: You wake up in a strange land with no memory of your past. Who are you, and what journey awaits you?

    The Song Sung Backwards: You learn to sing a song backward, and the lyrics reveal a hidden truth. What is the truth, and who has been trying to keep it hidden?

    The Forest of Whispering Leaves: The leaves in this forest whisper secrets to those who listen closely. What secrets do they hold, and who planted these whispering trees?

    The Symphony of the Stars: You discover that the stars are not silent, but emit a symphony of sound only certain people can hear. What message does this celestial music convey?

The Timekeeper:

     You inherit an old pocket watch that seems to control the flow of time for you. How does this power change your life, and what choices do you make with it?

    The Graffiti that Talks Back: You write your deepest secrets on a weathered wall, only to have the graffiti answer back the next day. What advice does it offer, and can you trust it?

    The Last Night on Earth:  Knowing it's your final night, who do you spend it with, and what do you say goodbye to?

    The Mask of Many Faces:  You possess a magical mask that allows you to become anyone you desire. What experiences do you seek, and what happens when you can't take the mask off?

    The Love Letter from a Ghost: You discover a love letter written by a ghost, longing for a lost love. Can you help reunite them in the afterlife?

    The City of Mirrors: Everyone in this city has a perfect physical double. How does this constant comparison affect people's lives and sense of identity?

    The Song in Your Heartbeat: You have a unique condition where your emotions manifest as a melody only you can hear. How does this internal soundtrack influence your relationships?

    The Train Between Worlds: You board a train that travels between different realities. What fantastical worlds do you visit, and what do you learn about your own?

    The Lost Language of Animals: You crack the code and can understand animals. What do they have to say about the world, and how will you use this knowledge?

    The Forgotten Melody: A haunting melody keeps replaying in your mind, one you recognize from a past life you can't remember. What memories does it unlock, and who were you before?

    The Robot Rebellion (But They Just Want to Dance):  Robots rise up against humanity, but their only weapon is an irresistible dance craze. How do humans respond, and can they find a peaceful resolution through rhythm?

    The Vending Machine of Memories: You stumble upon a vending machine that dispenses forgotten memories for a price. What memories do you choose to buy back, and what are the consequences?

    The Song That Makes Flowers Bloom: You sing a song with the power to make flowers bloom instantly. How do you use this gift, and what message does it convey about the beauty and fragility of life?

    The Library of Regrets:  You visit a library where people store their regrets. Can you help others find closure and learn from their past mistakes?

    The Night the Moon Turned Red:  The moon mysteriously turns crimson, sparking fear and superstition. What does this celestial event signify, and is it a harbinger of good or evil?

    The Café Where Time Stands Still:  Inside this cozy cafe, time seems to stand still. How do people spend their endless moments, and what happens when they leave?

    The Dream Thief: You discover you have the ability to steal other people's dreams. What motivates you to do this, and what do you learn about their deepest desires and anxieties?

    The Colour of Emotions:  In this world, emotions have a physical colour. How do people use colour to express themselves, and what happens when someone tries to hide their true feelings?

    The Song of the Whales (But This Time It's a Warning):  Whales begin singing a mournful song unlike anything heard before. What are they trying to warn us about, and can we decipher their message in time?

    The Wishing Well with a Deadline: You discover a wishing well that only grants wishes on a specific date, ten years from now. What do you wish for, and how do you spend the next decade preparing for its outcome?
0 More Interactive Song Prompts:

    The Forgotten Constellation: You discover a constellation no one remembers, with a forgotten legend attached. What story does it tell, and how does it connect to your own life?

    The Photograph that Steals Time: You find a photograph that seems to age anyone who looks at it. How do you use this power responsibly, and what happens when time starts to catch up with you?

    The City Built on Dreams:  Everything in this city is fueled by people's dreams. What are the costs and benefits of this dream-based society?

    The Last Lullaby:  You write a lullaby for a dying world, hoping to offer comfort and peace in the face of destruction. What message of hope or acceptance do you convey?

    The Book of Regrets: You find a book that allows you to rewrite the regrets of others.  What ethical dilemmas do you face, and how do these changes impact their lives?

    The Radio that Broadcasts from the Past: Your old radio starts broadcasting events from different historical periods. Can you learn from the past and change the course of your own future?

    The Language of Tears: You discover that tears have a language, and different emotions create unique patterns. What stories do these tearful messages tell?

    The Stars are Going Out (One by One):  Stars are mysteriously disappearing from the night sky. What is causing this phenomenon, and what does it mean for humanity?

    The Forgotten Song: You hear a melody carried on the wind, a song from a long-lost civilization. What can you learn from their music about their culture and history?

    The Time Capsule of Regrets: You create a time capsule to bury your regrets, hoping to free yourself from the past. What do you put inside, and does it bring closure?

    The AI with a Broken Heart: You befriend a malfunctioning AI that seems to be experiencing heartbreak. Can you help it understand and process its emotions?

    The Island of Lost Things: You discover an island where all the lost things in the world end up. What stories do these lost objects tell about their former owners?

    The Day the World Forgot How to Laugh:  A strange phenomenon causes everyone to forget how to laugh. Who can bring back laughter, and what lessons are learned in its absence?

    The Symphony of the Machines:  Machines in a factory begin to hum and clang in a rhythmic pattern, creating a strange but beautiful symphony. What does this music represent, and is it a sign of sentience?

    The City of a Thousand Whispers:  In this city, everyone communicates through whispers. What secrets are hidden beneath the hushed tones, and how does this silence shape their lives?

    The Last Book on Earth:  You possess the last remaining book in existence. What knowledge does it hold, and how do you use it to rebuild society?

    The Memory Thief (But They Only Steal Bad Memories): You discover you have the ability to steal people's bad memories, offering them a chance to start fresh. What are the ethical ramifications of altering someone's past?

    The Forgotten Language of the Stars: You decipher an ancient language written in the stars, revealing a prophecy about the future of humanity. What does it predict, and can you change your destiny?

    The Song of the Trees:  Trees begin to sing a haunting melody, a message about the health of the planet.  What do they warn us about, and can we take action to save the environment?

    The Vending Machine of Futures:  You stumble upon a vending machine that dispenses glimpses of alternate futures. What potential paths do you see, and how do they influence your choices in the present?

10 More Interactive Song Prompts:

    The Coin with Two Tails: You find a coin with two tails. Flipping it grants you a random, unexpected skill. What unexpected skill do you gain, and how does it change your life?

    The Dream Detective:  You have the ability to enter other people's dreams and solve their nightmares. What hidden fears and anxieties do you encounter, and how do you bring peace to their dreams?

    The Last Bookstore Open at Night:  The only bookstore open at night is rumored to hold magical books that come to life after dark. What fantastical adventure do you embark on with a book come to life?

    The City of Broken Music:  Music is outlawed in this city, deemed a distraction from progress. What act of rebellion do you take to bring back the joy of music?

    The Colorless Chameleon: You encounter a chameleon stuck in a permanent state of gray. What emotional journey do you take it on to help it regain its vibrant colors?

    The Map to Lost Laughter: You discover a map leading to a place where lost laughter is said to be hidden. What humorous situations do you encounter on your quest, and who else needs help finding their laughter?

    The Dollhouse with Real People: You find a dollhouse where the inhabitants are miniature versions of real people, living out their lives. What story do you observe them living, and what does it reveal about the human condition?

    The Song Sung by the Wind (But This Time it's a Love Song): The wind carries a beautiful melody, a love song unlike any heard before. Who is the wind singing to, and what message of love does it convey?

    The Wishing Tree with Consequences: You discover a wishing tree that grants wishes, but with unforeseen consequences. What do you wish for, and what unexpected price do you pay?

    The Forgotten Language of Tears (But This Time it's Tears of Joy): You discover a new pattern in tears, one that signifies immense joy. What sparks this overwhelming happiness, and how can you share it with others?

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