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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Mistakes people make on their first date


Now honey, I done seen a heap of first dates go about as smooth as a greased pig on ice skates. Here's some of the worst mistakes folks make when tryin' to court that special someone:

    Showin' up late:  Well bless your heart, if you can't be on time for your date, how you gonna be on time for the weddin'? You leave a fella waitin' there like a junebug in a jam jar, you done messed up from the start.

    Dressin' like a scarecrow:  First impressions are powerful, ya hear?  Don't come lookin' like you wrestled a bear for your clothes. A little effort goes a long way!

        Talkin' 'bout your ex:  Honey, nobody wants to hear about your last flame. Tonight's about writin' a new chapter, not re-readin' the burned one.

    Yakin' on and on about yourself:  Your date ain't a potted plant! Ask questions, show some interest in what makes them tick. Don't be a one-man band!

    Bad-mouthin' the food:  If the catfish ain't to your likin', keep it to yourself! Focus on the company, not the cookin'.

    Bragin' like a peacock:  Nobody likes a show-off.  Save the tall tales for your buddies, tonight's about connection, not competition.

    Crackin' jokes that ain't funny:  If you gotta explain the punchline, it landed about as flat as a sack of potatoes. Read the room, honey, read the room!

    Makin' promises you can't keep:  Don't go spoutin' off about fancy dinners and weekend getaways if your wallet's lookin' like a tumbleweed. Be honest and upfront about what you can offer.

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