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Sunday, May 26, 2024

I went to my 70th high school reunion and all I saw ...


     ... was a room full of people who swore they'd never forget my locker combination.

    ... were name tags the size of dinner plates because nobody remembered anybody else's face.

    ... were classmates arguing about who had the better memory (it wasn't close).

    ... was a desperate search for the teacher who gave detention - turns out, they needed it too!

    ... were more hip replacements than high fives.

    ... were people reminiscing about the good old days, conveniently forgetting the cafeteria food.

    ... was a competition to see who could take the most selfies with their bifocals on.

    ... were people offering free medical advice they just learned at the bingo hall.

    ... was a dance floor full of folks a snail's pace. 1 ... was a chorus of "who are you again?" in perfect harmony.

    ... were classmates comparing grandkids' college acceptances - plot twist, some of us were the grandkids.

    ... was a desperate search for the exit before anyone tried to sell me outdated encyclopedias.

    ... were people asking if the teachers were still alive - then immediately regretting it.

    ... was a trophy case full of dusty memories and mothballs.

    ... were people reminiscing about our high school crushes - who, coincidentally, were unrecognizable.

    ... was a realization that the most popular kid in school is now arguing about the thermostat.

    ... was a giant game of "telephone" trying to figure out who was still married.

    ... was a showcase of the best (or worst) hair dye our generation could muster.

    ... was proof that friendships can truly last a lifetime, even if you can't remember each other's names.

    ... was a night filled with laughter, old stories, and the overwhelming urge to schedule a nap for the next day.

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