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Sunday, May 26, 2024

(Humorous) 20 statements

 I baked a ... but it ... (Humorous) 20 statements

    I baked a beautiful sourdough bread... but it looks like a deflated beach ball that took a geology class (learned about rock formations).
    I whipped up a batch of cupcakes... but they resemble a pack of mismatched mushrooms more than anything edible.
    I attempted a classic chocolate cake... but it achieved a new level of density unknown to science (perfect for doorstops?).
    My blueberry pie looked like a masterpiece... until you noticed the blueberries staged a full-on escape through the crust.
    I proudly presented my souffle... but it resembled a deflated clown wig more than a fluffy dessert.
    My attempt at macarons went swimmingly... well, literally, they all merged into one giant, sticky puddle.
    I baked a batch of cookies... but forgot the leavening agent. They're perfect for playing miniature hockey!

    I made a delicious looking carrot cake... but the carrots seem to have taken over, resembling a mutant carrot with frosting hair.
    My attempt at croissants... well, let's just say they're more like abstract art interpretations of croissants.
    I baked a fruit tart... but the fruit filling seems to have declared independence and is making a run for it.
    My snickerdoodles look divine... until you realize they've mysteriously sprouted little cinnamon horns.
    I made a batch of brownies... but they achieved a new shade of black unknown to the culinary world (charcoal briquettes, anyone?).
    I whipped up a batch of meringues... but they look more like a cloud formation with a questionable sense of direction.
    My attempt at a classic cheesecake... well, the "cake" part seems to have taken a permanent vacation.
    I baked a batch of muffins... but they look like they've been through a baking war and lost spectacularly.
    My attempt at a cream puff... well, the "puff" part seems to have gotten lost in the mail.
    I made a delicious looking apple pie... but the apples seem to be having an internal civil war, with the crust acting as a flimsy barricade.
    I baked a loaf of banana bread... but it looks like a giant, misshapen banana that took a siesta in the oven for too long.
    My attempt at a quiche... well, let's just say the crust seems to have ambitions of becoming a bowl.
    I made a delicious looking layer cake... but the layers seem to have had a disagreement and decided to separate mid-bake.


Here are 20 examples of paradoxes:

Logical Paradoxes:

  1. Achilles and the Tortoise: This paradox, attributed to Zeno of Elea, ponders how the faster runner Achilles can never catch the slower tortoise in a race, as Achilles must first reach the point where the tortoise was.
  2. The All-Knowing Barber: This paradox asks: Can an all-knowing barber shave all the men in town who don't shave themselves, but only those who do? Shaving himself creates a contradiction.
  3. Russell's Paradox: This complex paradox in set theory challenges the idea of a set containing all sets.

Paradoxes of Knowledge and Perception:

  1. The Paradox of Choice: With an abundance of options, we can feel paralyzed by indecision.
  2. I Know That I Know Nothing: This Socratic paradox highlights that the more we learn, the more we realize the vastness of what we don't know.
  3. Schrödinger's Cat: This thought experiment explores the superposition principle in quantum mechanics. A cat in a sealed box with a poison vial might be alive and dead simultaneously until the box is opened.

Paradoxes of Time and Travel:

  1. The Grandfather Paradox: If you travel back in time and kill your own grandfather, you wouldn't exist to travel back, creating a paradox.
  2. The Predestination Paradox: If time travel is possible, does it mean our actions are predetermined, or can we change the future?

Paradoxes of Power and Freedom:

  1. The Paradox of Power: The more power you have, the more limitations you face due to responsibility and potential misuse.
  2. Paradox of Freedom: True freedom might require some restrictions for a functioning society.

Paradoxes of Strength and Weakness:

  1. The Paradox of Choice: With an abundance of options, we can feel paralyzed by indecision.
  2. The Strength of Vulnerability: Sharing our weaknesses can make us stronger by fostering connection.

Paradoxes of Life and Death:

  1. The Paradox of Thrift: Saving too much money might mean not enjoying life enough.
  2. The Paradox of Fear: The thing you fear most might be what you need to confront to grow.

Literary and Everyday Paradoxes:

  1. The Bystander Effect: In emergencies, with more witnesses, help is less likely as responsibility is diffused.
  2. Less is More: Sometimes, simplicity and minimalism can be more effective than excess.
  3. Deep down, you're really shallow. (This oxymoron is a paradox as well)
  4. I'm a compulsive liar. (This statement contradicts itself if true)

Paradoxes of human behavior:

  1. The more you try to impress people, the less impressed they'll be. (Insecurity can be off-putting)
  2. People who can't trust, can't be trusted. (Distrust often breeds more distrust)


The Toast Always Falls Butter-Side Down:

 No matter how careful you are, if toast slips from your grasp, it'll land butter-side down on the floor.

Law of Mechanical Repair: Just as you get your hands covered in grease fixing something, you'll feel an urgent itch or need to use the restroom.

Law of Probability: The likelihood of someone noticing you doing something embarrassing increases significantly when you're trying to be discreet.

Law of Random Numbers: When you dial a wrong number, you'll never get a busy signal, but a live person will answer instead.

The Murphy of Meetings: Important calls or deliveries always seem to happen right when you're stuck in a crucial meeting.

The Law of the Theater: At any event, the people with the farthest seats will arrive last, holding up the start.

The Starbucks Edict: As soon as you settle in with a hot coffee, something urgent will come up from work, leaving your drink cold.

Murphy's Law of Lockers: In a nearly empty locker room, you'll end up with a locker right next to the only other person there.

Law of Physical Surfaces: The probability of an open-faced sandwich landing buttered-side down on the floor is directly proportional to the carpet's newness and value.

The Law of Queues: The queue you choose in a store will always be the slowest one that day.

 Murphy's Law of Travel:  The baggage you need most urgently will be the one that gets lost or delayed.

    Law of the Missing Item: You'll never find what you're looking for until you buy a replacement.

    Law of Public Transportation: Buses will bunch up together when you're waiting, then disappear when you finally need one.

    Law of the Internet:  Just as you find the perfect solution online, the website will crash or the information will become unavailable.

    Law of Technology: The more complex a piece of technology, the more likely it will malfunction at the most inconvenient time.

    Law of Weather: You'll forget your umbrella on the one day it rains unexpectedly.

    Law of the Fresh Haircut: It will inevitably rain or you'll have a bad hair day right after getting a haircut.

    Finagle's Law (Corollary to Murphy's Law):  "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and at the worst possible moment."

    Soda Law: When you reach for the last can of soda, you'll discover it's mysteriously empty.

    The Law of Experience:  Just as you think you've learned from a past mistake, Murphy will ensure you experience it all over again.


Darwin Award Nominees:

    Selfie by Shark:  Determined to capture the perfect underwater selfie with a passing reef shark, Harold positioned himself mere inches from the apex predator.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the "cheese" turned into a startled chomp, removing Harold from the gene pool forever.

    Allergic Avenger:  Marvin, severely allergic to peanuts, proudly announced he'd "conquered" his fear by eating a peanut butter sandwich.  He then proceeded to reenact his favorite superhero landing, promptly going into anaphylactic shock mid-air.

    DIY Disaster:  Brenda, determined to save money on home repairs, attempted to fix a leaky gas line with duct tape and positive thinking.  The resulting explosion thankfully only took Brenda, leaving behind a slightly singed reminder for the neighbors.

    Honey, Hold My Beer:  During a backyard barbecue, a tipsy Terry decided to impress his friends by attempting a jump over a kiddie pool filled with water balloons.  Misjudging the distance (and his sobriety), Terry landed neck-first, leaving a deflated legacy.

    The Legend of the Leap Frog:  Gerald, convinced he could outrun a startled bull, attempted a daring leapfrog maneuver during a farm tour.  The bull, however, remained unimpressed and thundered on, leaving Gerald a cautionary tale for aspiring bovine leapfroggers.

    Lava Lamp Libation:  Mistaking a vintage lava lamp for a fancy cocktail, Mildred took a generous swig of the mesmerizing, hot, oil-based concoction.  Her internal flames were unfortunately not metaphorical.

    Rocket Man (Gone Wrong):  Inspired by amateur rocketry videos online, Carl built his own backyard spacecraft.  Unfortunately, his understanding of physics remained firmly earthbound, resulting in a fiery, albeit short-lived, liftoff.

    Ghost Hunting Gone Ghostly:  Determined to capture "proof" of the paranormal, Gary spent the night alone in a supposedly haunted house, armed with a night-vision camera and questionable judgment.  His screams, however, were attributed to more earthly causes.

    The Case of the Curious Collector:  Mildred, an avid collector of antique weaponry, decided to test-fire a recently acquired black powder pistol indoors.  The resulting explosion left a rather large (and permanent) hole in both the ceiling and Mildred's collecting career.

    Honey, I Shrunk the Canoe:  Harold, attempting to impress his wife with his DIY skills, built a "space-saving" inflatable canoe.  Unfortunately, his calculations were off, and the canoe deflated spectacularly mid-river, leaving Harold with a very different kind of splash.

    The Headphone Hikers:  Determined to avoid "tourist traps," Brenda and Marvin set off on a remote hiking trail, blissfully unaware of their surroundings, thanks to their noise-canceling headphones.  A  change in weather and a very large, very startled bear ended their oblivious adventure.

    The Great Escape (Fail):  Convinced his escape plan was foolproof, Barney fashioned a bedsheet rope to climb down from his second-story apartment.  He forgot, however, to factor in the flimsy nature of the bedsheet and the unforgiving concrete below.

    Spicy Challenge, Inappropriate Venue:  In a misguided attempt to win a free burrito, Gerald attempted the "Carolina Reaper" pepper challenge... at his grandmother's funeral.  The ensuing chaos, complete with uncontrollable coughing and projectile vomiting, was not appreciated.

    The Case of the Mistaken Maneuver:  While attempting a daring ski jump, Bernard accidentally grabbed a nearby snowboarder instead of his ski pole.  The resulting aerial ballet ended with a very broken leg for Bernard and a lifetime of therapy for the snowboarder.

    The Unfriendly Flier:  Determined to avoid luggage fees, Gary attempted to stuff all his belongings into his oversized winter coat.  Unfortunately, airport security wasn't impressed with his "creative packing" and neither were the alarms when he tried to waddle through the metal detector.

    The Case of the Confused Climber:  Mildred, an avid reader of rock climbing forums, decided to "wing it" on a solo climb.  Turns out, internet tutorials are no substitute for actual experience, as Mildred discovered mid-ascent.

    The Electric Eel Enthusiast:  Fascinated by nature documentaries, Harold decided to get "up close and personal" with an electric eel at a local aquarium.  His attempt to "pet" the creature resulted in a shocking (and literally electrifying) experience.

    The Swarm Whisperer (Who Didn't Whisper):  Marvin, convinced he could "connect"


Create 20 jokes in the style of Bob Hope

    I flew in last night on a new airline.  Never heard of them.  Their motto: "We'll get you there eventually... maybe."

    My doctor told me I should take cholesterol medication.  Great! Now I have to worry about dying and living too long!

    I walked into a self-help group for short people. Nobody could see me.

    They say money can't buy happiness. Well, it lets you choose your own form of misery, doesn't it?

    I went to the gym this morning.  A whole five minutes.  Just long enough to realize I look better in sweatpants.

    My wife's idea of a weekend getaway is hiding the car keys.

    I just bought a self-driving car. First thing it said was, "Where are you going? You can't drive!"

    I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.

    I asked the bartender for a double martini.  He said, "Isn't that a little too much?" I said, "It depends.  Are you telling me a joke?"

    I saw a commercial for wrinkle cream that said, "Look 10 years younger!"  Great! Now I can look 80 instead of 90!

    I went to a seafood disco last night.  It was packed.  Everyone was doing the clam!

    Dating these days is a nightmare.  You swipe right, they swipe left.  Then you accidentally swipe right on your grandma on Facebook.  Awkward.

    I finally got a phone that's smarter than me.  Unfortunately, it can't make calls yet.

    I'm on a seafood diet.  I see food, and I eat it.

    They say all good things must come to an end.  Thankfully, that includes bad haircuts.

    I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something.

    I love going to the movies. It's the only place where it's perfectly acceptable to stare at strangers for two hours.

    I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now.

    I haven't been this tired since I had to explain the offside rule to my wife. (Adjust for relevant local sport)

    I tell my wife, "Honey, you look beautiful tonight!"  She says, "Thanks, but I didn't do anything special."  I say, "That's the special part!"


Create 20 jokes in the style of Red Skelton

    Well folks, I was takin' my dog for a walk the other day, and let me tell you, that pooch is stubborn! He wouldn't budge for nothin'. Now, some folks might say a stern voice is the answer, but have you ever tried reasonin' with a basset hound? It's like tryin' to teach manners to a buttered noodle! (憨憨地憨憨地 hān hān de - acts silly)

    I went to the dentist yesterday, and let me tell you, that man had more tools than a five-and-dime!  One looked like a miniature rake, another like a tiny torture device for gnomes.  I felt like I was starrin' in a Charlie Chaplin movie! (做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn - make a funny face)

    My wife's been on a health kick lately.  Everything's gotta be organic, gluten-free, non-dairy... you name it!  The other day, I caught her tryin' to water the plants with sparkling water!  I said, "Honey, what in the world are you doin'?" She says, "They deserve a little fizz in their life too, Clem!" (克林姆 Clem Kadiddlehopper - signature character)

    I saw a sign at the grocery store the other day: "Self-checkout open!"  Well, I thought to myself, "Red, that's your chance to finally save some money!"  Let me tell you, folks, it was a disaster!  The machine kept yellin' at me for "unexpected item in the bagging area."  Turns out, it didn't appreciate my attempt to "borrow" a cantaloupe for a little while. (自言自语 zì yán zì yǔ - talking to oneself)

    I was readin' an article about the dangers of secondhand smoke.  Well, I gotta tell ya, folks, I'm more worried about secondhand shopping!  The other day, I bought a used sweater and ended up with a family of moths movin' in!  Now I gotta pay rent and fumigate my closet! (唉声叹气 āi shēng tàn qì - sigh)

    I took my grandson fishin' the other day. Now, this little fella, he's got more energy than a firecracker on the Fourth of July!  He's castin' his line everywhere, yellin', singin', you name it.  Finally, a fish bites!  He pulls it in, all excited, and yells, "Grandpa, it's a catfish!"  I take a look and say, "Son, that ain't a catfish, that's your other shoe!"  (语重心长 yǔ zhòng xīn cháng - speak earnestly)

    I was at the library the other day, lookin' for a good book on humor.  Let me tell you, folks, it was a real ordeal!  Every book I picked up, it just wasn't funny!  Finally, I found one titled "Guaranteed Laughs or Your Money Back."  I opened it up, it was blank!  I said to the librarian, "Hey, lady! There's nothin' in this book!"  She says, "Sir, that's your money back!" (一本正经 yī běn zhèng jīng - serious)

    I was watchin' a nature documentary the other day about penguins.  Fascinating creatures, folks!  They waddle around on their bellies, they huddle together for warmth, they even wear tuxedos!  I gotta tell ya, they're basically just little businessmen trapped in bird bodies! (滑稽 hua ji - funny, comical)

    My wife's been takin' up pottery lately.  She's got this wheel spinnin', clay flyin' everywhere, it's a real mess!  The other day, I come home and there's a lopsided bowl on the counter.  I say, "Honey, that looks more like a hat than a bowl!"  She says, "Red, it's modern art!"  I say, "Modern art? Looks more like a modern disaster!"  (斗嘴 dòu zuǐ - bicker)

    I went to the doctor the other day, complainin' about my memory.  He says, "Write down everything you can remember and bring it back next week."  A week later, I come back, empty-handed.  The doctor says, "Well, Red, what did you forget?"  I say, "What was I supposed to write down?"  (健忘 jiàn wàng - forgetful)


Create 20 jokes in the style of Rodney Dangerfield

    I tell ya, I went to a restaurant the other day with no atmosphere.  No one would even argue with my order!

    My therapist told me the key is to have a positive attitude.  I said, "About what? My face?"

    I went to the gym and asked about a personal trainer.  They said, "We can't help everyone, sir."

    I took my wife to a fancy French restaurant.  The portions were so small, I left hungry... and broke!

    My dentist told me I grind my teeth at night.   I told him, "I guess I'm just rehearsing my material."

    I went to a dating app for successful guys.  They said, "Sorry, we can't accept everyone."

    I tell ya, my apartment is so small, when I open the refrigerator, I bump into the people in the living room.

    My doctor told me I have a heart condition.  Great, now I gotta worry about falling in love?

    I went to a self-defense class. They taught us to scream, "Fire!"  I said, "Why not yell 'Help!' ?"  They said, "Who wants to help a guy on fire?"

    I  went to a party the other night.  It was so boring, I could hear my hair growing.

    My wife bought me a self-help book on how to be more assertive.  I don't even know what "assertive" means!

    I went to the casino and lost everything.  The good news is, the cab ride home was free.

    I tell ya,  I get no respect at the beach.  Seagulls keep trying to steal my lunch!

    I went online dating and put "looking for someone special" in my profile.  A lady messaged me back and said, "You're in the wrong place, buddy."

    My wife's idea of a romantic evening is watching reruns of Judge Judy while I rub her feet.

    I went to a restaurant that advertised "all you can eat."  Apparently, I can't eat that much.

    I tell ya, I went to a party where the host served finger foods.  I said, "Where are the fingers?" They said, "Those are the appetizers."

    I went to a disco for senior citizens.  The only dancing they did was the "Electric Slide" to their dentures.

    My wife bought me a new toupee.  It's so realistic, even the birds try to build a nest in it.

    I tell ya, I went to a nudist colony.  I got thrown out for indecent exposure. Turns out, a bathrobe is still considered clothing.


Give me 20 statements   I went to a ... the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my ... growing.
Show drafts

    I went to a lecture on existentialism the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my patience growing.
    I went to a community theater production of "Waiting for Godot" the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my eyelids growing.
    I went to a business meeting about paperclip inventory the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my will to live growing.
    I went to a paint-drying watching competition the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my grass growing. (This one is a bit silly)
    I went to a seminar on the history of beige carpet the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my daydreams growing.
    I went to a taxidermy convention the other night. It was so boring, I could hear the dust bunnies growing.
    I went to a recital of avant-garde accordion music the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my confusion growing.
    I tagged along to a meeting about HOA regulations the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my indifference growing.
    I went to a movie with a single plot point stretched over two hours the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my disappointment growing. 1 (See note below)
    I went to a presentation on the mating habits of the common housefly the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my disgust growing.
    I went to a class on underwater basket weaving the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my skepticism growing.
    I stuck around for a work event with mostly unfamiliar colleagues the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my awkwardness growing.
    I went to a neighbor's gathering where everyone just stared at their phones the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my social battery draining.
    I went to a poetry slam where everyone whispered their pieces the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my caffeine wearing off.
    I went to a restaurant with an incredibly slow waitstaff the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my hunger pangs growing.
    I went to a sporting event where the score remained tied at zero the other night. It was so boring, I could hear the tumbleweeds rolling.
    I got stuck in an interminable conversation about celebrity gossip the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my judgment simmering.
    I attended a relative's birthday party filled with awkward silences the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my escape plan formulating.
    I convinced myself to go to a networking event filled with small talk the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my forced smile straining.
    I went to a museum exhibit on the history of buttons the other night. It was so boring, I could hear my appreciation for interesting things growing. (This one subverts the expectation)

Note: I avoided using any answers that could be interpreted in a lewd or offensive manner.


Give me 20 statments: I went to a ... meeting about ...  inventory the other night. It was so boring, I could ...
Show drafts

    I went to a staff meeting about reorganizing the storeroom the other night. It was so boring, I could draw a map of the entire building from memory by the end.
    I went to a department meeting about spreadsheet formatting for inventory control the other night. It was so boring, I could recite the alphabet backwards in three different languages.
    I went to a mandatory training about counting inventory procedures the other night. It was so boring, I could explain the Dewey Decimal System to a pigeon.
    I went to a team meeting about updating inventory stock numbers the other night. It was so boring, I could write a haiku about staplers.
    I went to a company-wide video conference about optimizing warehouse space the other night. It was so boring, I could name all the capitals of Europe.
    I sat in on a lunch and learn about inventory management software the other night. It was so boring, I could juggle imaginary limes for an hour.
    I endured a long and tedious meeting about inventory discrepancy reports the other night. It was so boring, I could explain the offside rule in soccer to a toddler.
    I attended a seemingly endless meeting on inventory control best practices the other night. It was so boring, I could fold an origami crane with my eyes closed.
    I slogged through a meeting about dust control in the warehouse (seriously!) the other night. It was so boring, I could recite the lyrics to my favorite childhood song.
    I participated in a snooze-fest of a meeting regarding seasonal inventory adjustments the other night. It was so boring, I could do a spot-on impression of my boss.
    I bravely confronted a late-night meeting about inventory cycle counting the other night. It was so boring, I could list all the ingredients in my pantry.
    I soldiered through a meeting on inventory data analysis (don't ask) the other night. It was so boring, I could name every movie I've seen in the past year.
    I escaped unscathed from a meeting about implementing a new inventory tracking system the other night. It was so boring, I could write a limerick about spreadsheets.
    I wrestled with drowsiness during a meeting on inventory forecasting the other night. It was so boring, I could recite the multiplication tables up to 12.
    I persevered through a meeting on optimizing inventory turnover the other night. It was so boring, I could name all 50 states and their capitals.
    I attended a meeting on the importance of accurate inventory management the other night. It was so boring, I could explain the Pythagorean Theorem to a goldfish.
    I confronted a meeting about conducting a physical inventory count the other night. It was so boring, I could tell you all the winners of the Super Bowl in the last decade.
    I endured a meeting on developing an inventory reduction plan the other night. It was so boring, I could name all the characters in my favorite book.
    I survived a meeting on streamlining the inventory purchasing process the other night. It was so boring, I could recite the preamble to the US Constitution.
    I witnessed a meeting on implementing a new inventory control protocol the other night. It was so boring, I could name all the colors of the rainbow in two different languages.


Give me 20 statements: I went to a ... meeting about ...  climate change the other night. It was so boring, I could ...
Show drafts

    I went to a town hall meeting about climate change the other night. It was so boring, I could almost hear the ice caps melting.
    I went to a presentation about climate change solutions the other night. It was so boring, I could have sworn I saw a tumbleweed roll by.
    I went to a documentary screening about climate change the other night. It was so boring, I could practically feel my eyelids sealing shut.
    I went to a climate change awareness meeting the other night. It was so boring, I fantasized about inventing a machine that runs on yawns.
    I went to a business conference about climate change initiatives the other night. It was so boring, I thought I might spontaneously combust from sheer drowsiness.
    I went to a climate change action group meeting the other night. It was so boring, I considered writing a haiku about the struggle to stay awake.
    I went to a lecture by a renowned climate scientist the other night. It was so boring, I swear I saw a squirrel reading a textbook in the corner.
    I went to a climate change fundraiser dinner the other night. It was so boring, I almost choked on a yawn instead of a canapé.
    I went to a climate change rally the other night. It was so boring, I thought the chanting crowd was actually lulling me to sleep. 1 I went to a climate change policy debate the other night. It was so boring, I could have sworn I saw a politician’s eyes glaze over.
    I went to a climate change book club meeting the other night. It was so boring, I almost used the book to prop my eyelids open.
    I went to a climate change clothing swap event the other night. It was so boring, I debated switching into my pajamas right there.
    I went to a climate change film festival the other night. It was so boring, I thought popcorn was a particularly crunchy dream.
    I went to a climate change meditation session the other night. It was so boring, I’m pretty sure I only achieved a state of mild narcolepsy.
    I went to a climate change cooking class the other night. It was so boring, I could have sworn the vegetables were wilting from boredom.
    I went to a climate change benefit concert the other night. It was so boring, I thought the music was actually white noise.
    I went to a climate change volunteer orientation the other night. It was so boring, I fantasized about saving the planet with a giant nap.
    I went to a climate change protest march the other night. It was so boring, I thought the only thing rising was my blood sugar from all the pre-protest snacks.
    I went to a climate change trivia night the other night. It was so boring, I answered every question with “the environment.”
    I went to a climate change award ceremony the other night. It was so boring, I almost gave an acceptance speech for the award of “Most Likely to Fall Asleep.”


Give me 20 statements: "I went to a school board meeting about  reduction in staff the other night. It was so ... I could ..." (Humorous)
Show drafts

    I went to a school board meeting about reduction in staff the other night. It was so tense, I could practically hear the pencils sweating.
    ... tense, I could have used my bingo card for "budget cuts" and "synergy" to win three times.
    ... tense, the only sound was the janitor nervously whistling "Pop Goes the Weasel."
    ... tense, you could cut the atmosphere with a butter knife... and probably use it to spread budget cuts.
    ... tense, I brought popcorn, but ended up needing it to soak up all the tears.
    ... long, I could have finished crocheting a life-size replica of the school mascot.
    ... long, I started composing a haiku about funding, but by the end, it was an epic saga.
    ... long, I saw a tumbleweed roll through the ventilation system.
    ... confusing, I left wondering if they were cutting teachers, chairs, or existential dread.
    ... confusing, I'm pretty sure a squirrel presented a PowerPoint on "Optimizing Nut Procurement."
    ... confusing, by the end, I thought they were proposing a school musical about spreadsheets.
    ... chaotic, I witnessed a fistfight break out over the remaining box of donuts.
    ... chaotic, a rogue dodgeball launched from the gym and landed in the superintendent's lap.
    ... chaotic, someone suggested replacing textbooks with iPads, then immediately tripped over a power cord.
    ... dull, I could recite the Pythagorean Theorem backwards by the time it ended.
    ... dull, I woke up the guy next to me three times with my enthusiastic snoring.
    ... dull, even the flies lost interest and went to a PTA meeting across the street.
    ... inspiring, it made me want to homeschool my kids using interpretive dance.
    ... inspiring, it ignited a deep passion for… well, anything else.
    ... inspiring, I left determined to write a strongly worded letter about the importance of funding… on a napkin, because apparently, there wasn’t enough budget for paper.

I went to my 50th high school reunion and all I saw ...

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