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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Give me 20 things to include in my prompts

Genre and Tone:  Indicate the genre (fantasy, mystery, romance) and desired tone (serious,

     humorous, lighthearted).

    Character Details: Describe your characters' personalities, backstories, and motivations.

    Setting:  Provide details about the location and time period  to create a vivid atmosphere.

    Sensory Details:  Engage the reader's senses with descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.

    Plot Points:  Outline key events or turning points in the story's plot.

    Themes:  Mention any underlying messages or ideas you want the content to explore.

    Emotional Arc:  Specify the emotional journey you want the characters or reader to experience.

    Figurative Language:  Suggest using metaphors, similes, or other figures of speech for a more creative touch.

    Sentence Style:  Indicate your preference for short, punchy sentences or longer, descriptive ones.

    Vocabulary:  Specify the level of formality (sophisticated, informal) or any specific words you want used.

    Specific Objects:  Include details about a special item a character carries or a unique feature of the setting.

    Personal Anecdote (Optional):  Share a relevant story from your own life to inspire the AI's direction.

    Dialogue Style:  Indicate if you want the dialogue to be witty, realistic, or filled with slang.

    Famous Author Inspiration:  Mention a writer whose style you admire to guide the AI's tone.

    Ending Style:  Specify a happy, sad, ambiguous, or cliffhanger ending for the story.

    Object as a Character:  Challenge the AI to write from the perspective of an inanimate object.

    Unexpected Twist:  Request the AI to include a surprising plot development.

    Moral Dilemma:  Pose a difficult moral choice for a character to face.

    Reimagine a Classic Story:  Provide a fresh spin on a well-known fairy tale or myth.

    Write a Song in a Specific Genre:  Give the AI details about the genre (pop, country, rock) and the song's mood (happy, sad, angry).


hemes of Praise and Worship:

  Express thankfulness and adoration for God's love, grace, and creation.

Testimony and Witness: Share personal stories of faith, struggles overcome, and God's intervention.

Scripture References: Weave in quotes or allusions to the Bible for added depth and spiritual weight.

Encouragement and Perseverance: Uplift listeners facing challenges and remind them of God's strength.

Redemption and Forgiveness:  Sing about the power of God's forgiveness and the hope of new beginnings.

Community and Unity: Celebrate the strength found in fellowship and the shared love of God.

Call to Action:  Motivate listeners to live righteously, spread the gospel, and serve others.

Imagery of Nature: Use vivid descriptions of creation to glorify God's majesty.

Repetition and Call-and-Response:  Incorporate elements that encourage audience participation and build emotional intensity.

Metaphors and Similes:  Employ figurative language to paint pictures and convey deeper meaning.

Storytelling: Craft narratives about biblical figures, historical events, or fictional characters experiencing faith.

Questions and Answers:  Pose questions that make listeners contemplate their own faith journey.

Social Issues: Address social justice themes and the importance of loving thy neighbor.

Spiritual Warfare: Acknowledge the challenges of faith and overcoming temptation.

Second Coming and Heaven:  Express hope for the afterlife and the promise of eternal life.

Ancestral Veneration: (Depending on denomination) Honor the legacy and faith of those who came before.

Positive Emotions:  Evoke joy, peace, hope, and love through the music and lyrics.

Humility and Gratitude:  Sing about the importance of staying humble and thankful for God's blessings.

Modern Instrumentation:  Blend traditional gospel sounds with contemporary instruments for a fresh feel.

Enthusiastic Delivery:  Pour your heart and soul into the performance, creating an infectious energy.


 Gospel music thrives on a strong structure that allows for both call-and-response and building emotional intensity. Here are the key structural components to consider for your gospel songs:

        Set the scene and introduce the story or theme.
        Use vivid language and imagery to connect with the listener.
        Often multiple verses with slightly different lyrics can build anticipation.

        The heart of the song, expressing the main message or theme.
        Catchy melody and lyrics that are easy to sing along to.
        Repeated throughout the song to solidify the central message.

    Call and Response:
        A hallmark of gospel music, creating a conversation between the leader (soloist, choir) and the congregation (audience).
        Can be lyrical ("Can I get a witness?" "Yes!") or musical (leader sings a phrase, congregation repeats).

        Piano and drums are foundational, providing a driving rhythm section.
        Additional instruments like bass, guitar, organ, and horns can add depth and texture.
        Instrumental breaks can add excitement and create opportunities for improvisation.

    Improvisation and Repetition:
        Gospel singers often improvise on melodies and lyrics, adding an element of spontaneity and emotional connection.
        Repetition of key phrases or choruses reinforces the message and builds a sense of community.

    Bridge (Optional):
        Provides a brief contrast to the verses and chorus, often with a more reflective or introspective mood.
        Can introduce a new musical idea or lyrical twist.
        Not all gospel songs have bridges, but they can be a powerful tool.


    Gospel music is about expressing faith and uplifting spirits.
    Structure is a guide, not a rigid rule. Feel free to experiment and find what works for your song.


Show drafts
20 Themes for Gospel Music Songs:

Praise and Worship:

    God's Majesty and Power: Sing about the awesomeness of creation, His sovereignty, and His faithfulness.
    Gratitude: Express thankfulness for God's blessings, provision, and guidance.
    Holy Spirit: Celebrate the presence and Wirken (work) of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
    Redemption: Proclaim the power of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and the gift of salvation.

Christian Life:

    Faith: Encourage listeners to hold strong in their faith through trials and temptations.
    Hope: Offer uplifting messages about the hope found in Christ.
    Love: Express God's unconditional love and our call to love one another.
    Stewardship: Inspire responsibility and wise use of God's gifts.
    Temptation and Overcoming Sin: Acknowledge struggles with sin but emphasize God's grace for forgiveness and overcoming challenges.
    Community and Fellowship: Celebrate the strength and support found in the church family.

Biblical Stories and Characters:

    The Life of Christ: Reflect on different aspects of Jesus' ministry, teachings, and miracles.
    Testimonies and Biblical Heroes: Share stories of faith and courage from the Bible.
    End Times and Second Coming: Explore themes of hope and preparation for Christ's return.

Social Issues and Outreach:

    Social Justice: Speak out against injustice and call for God's love to prevail.
    Evangelism and Sharing the Faith: Spread the message of salvation and invite others to experience God's love.
    Comfort and Healing: Offer solace to those facing grief, illness, or loss.

Personal Connection:

    Seeking Guidance: Express the need for God's direction and wisdom in life's decisions.
    Repentance and Forgiveness: Sing about the power of God's forgiveness and the importance of seeking it.
    Dedication and Surrender: Commit oneself to living a life that glorifies God.
    Longing for Heaven: Express the hope and joy of the promise of eternal life with God.


Here are 20 themes to include in your country music songs:

    Life on the farm: Capture the beauty, challenges, and simple pleasures of rural life.

    Love and loss: This is a classic country theme, exploring heartbreak, healing, and enduring love.

    Small town struggles:  Sing about the joys and hardships of living in a small community.

    The American dream:  Explore themes of chasing dreams, overcoming obstacles, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Pick-up trucks and dirt roads:  These iconic symbols represent freedom, adventure, and the open road.

    Faith and family: Country music often celebrates traditional values and the importance of loved ones.

    Hard work and perseverance:  Highlight the grit and determination that country folks are known for.

    Heartbreak and healing:  Country music offers comfort and understanding through relatable stories of lost love.

    Living off the land:  Sing about the self-reliance and connection to nature found in a rural lifestyle.

    The beauty of nature:  Paint a picture of rolling hills, starry skies, and the peacefulness of the natural world.

    Nostalgia for simpler times:  Evoke a longing for a bygone era, where life seemed slower and more meaningful.

    Patriotism and military life:  Honor those who serve and celebrate the values of patriotism.

    Drinking and partying (with a cautionary tone): It's a country music staple, but you can explore the flip side of letting loose.

    Finding love in unexpected places:  There's always hope for love, even in the most surprising places.

    The challenges of growing up: Country music can speak to the anxieties and experiences of growing up.

    The bond between friends: Celebrate the unwavering loyalty and support of close friends.

    Standing up for what's right: Country music has a strong tradition of advocating for what's fair.

    The importance of community:  Highlight the power of helping neighbors and the strength found in unity.

    Chasing your dreams: Country music is all about following your heart and reaching for your goals.

    Lessons learned from life on the road: Share the wisdom and experiences gained from traveling and living a nomadic life.


20 themes for your tragic country music songs:

  • Loss and heartbreak: This is a classic theme in country music. You could write about the death of a loved one, a cheating spouse, or a broken engagement.

  • Struggles with addiction: Sing about the pain of addiction and the struggle to overcome it, perhaps highlighting the toll it takes on relationships and livelihoods.

  • Facing economic hardship: Many country songs deal with the challenges of poverty, job loss, and the struggle to make ends meet.

  • The longing for home and simpler times: Capture the feeling of nostalgia for a simpler life, perhaps on a family farm or in a small town.

  • The challenges of rural life: Country music often explores the hardships of living off the land, dealing with extreme weather, and isolation.

  • The sacrifices made for family: This theme could focus on the difficult choices people make to provide for their families, or the sacrifices parents make for their children.

  • The fight for survival: Create a song about overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, whether it's a natural disaster, a life-threatening illness, or a personal struggle.

  • The resilience of the human spirit: Even in the face of tragedy, there's strength and a will to keep going. Explore this theme in an uplifting way despite the tragic undercurrent.

  • The beauty and pain of growing old: Capture the bittersweetness of aging, the wisdom gained alongside the loss of youth and loved ones.

  • The regret of missed opportunities: Everyone has them. Write about the "what ifs" and the roads not taken.

  • The burden of family secrets: Secrets can tear families apart. Explore the weight of keeping a secret or the damage it can cause when revealed.

  • The struggle to find purpose: This is a relatable theme for many. Sing about someone searching for their place in the world or trying to figure out what truly matters.

  • The allure and danger of the road: The open road can be a symbol of escape and freedom, but also of loneliness and danger.

  • The temptation to leave everything behind: Sometimes people feel like they need a fresh start. Write about the desire to walk away from a difficult situation and start over.

  • The power of faith and redemption: Country music often explores themes of faith and hope. Write about finding solace in religion or about a character seeking redemption for their mistakes.

  • The search for forgiveness: Forgiveness can be a long and difficult road. Explore this theme from the perspective of the person seeking forgiveness or the one who needs to forgive.

  • The healing power of music: Music can be a source of comfort and strength in hard times. Write about the power of music to mend a broken heart or lift someone's spirits.

  • The importance of community: Close-knit communities are a staple of country life. Write about the importance of friends, family, and neighbors in times of need.

  • Finding hope in the midst of darkness: Even in the darkest of times, there's always a glimmer of hope. Write about finding the strength to carry on despite tragedy.


  • Loss and Lament: The classic theme of mourning a loved one, a relationship, or a way of life.

  • Betrayal and Revenge: A tale of trust shattered, the sting of betrayal, and the burning desire for revenge.

  • Forbidden Love: A love story doomed from the start due to societal pressures, family feuds, or even past lives.

  • War and its Toll: The devastation of war, the loss of innocence, and the lasting scars it leaves on individuals and societies.

  • Unfulfilled Dreams: The bittersweet ache of dreams deferred, ambitions thwarted, and the weight of unfulfilled potential.

  • Justice Denied: The struggle against a corrupt system, the fight for justice in a world that seems indifferent.

  • Sacrifice and Regret: The heavy burden of sacrifice, the lingering doubts and regrets of choices made.

  • Nature's Wrath: The destructive power of nature, the vulnerability of humanity against the unforgiving elements.

  • Descent into Madness: The slow unraveling of the mind, the descent into darkness and despair.

  • Haunted by the Past: The weight of past mistakes, the ghosts that linger and refuse to be forgotten.

  • Lost at Sea: The vastness and loneliness of the ocean, the perils of voyages gone wrong, and the yearning for home.

  • Curse or Prophecy: Living under a dark cloud, the burden of a family curse or a terrifying prophecy.

  • Last Stand and Defiance: Facing overwhelming odds, the courage to fight back even in the face of certain defeat.

  • Beauty in Decay: Finding beauty in the midst of loss, the resilience of life even amidst ruins.

  • Farewell and Longing: The bittersweet ache of goodbyes, the yearning for what may never be again.

  • The Weight of Glory: The burden of a legacy, the struggle to live up to past achievements.

  • The Hero's Fall: The tragic downfall of a noble figure, the dangers of pride and ambition.

  • Isolation and Loneliness: The sting of social isolation, the yearning for connection in a world that feels cold.

  • The Supernatural Bargain: The temptation of making a pact with a dark force, the consequences of wielding forbidden power.

  • Acceptance and Letting Go: Learning to live with loss, finding peace amidst the tragedy, and the bittersweet beauty of moving on.



    • Second Chances: A character gets a chance to redeem themselves from a past mistake.

  • Artificial vs. Natural: Exploring the relationship between humans and technology or the tension between a manufactured world and the natural world.

  • Facing Fears: A character confronts a deep-seated fear that has been holding them back.

  • The Power of Dreams: A story about the pursuit of a lifelong dream or the consequences of letting go of one's aspirations.

  • The Unseen World: Exploring the existence of magic, the supernatural, or hidden realities.

  • Breaking the Cycle: A character breaks free from a repetitive or destructive pattern in their life.

  • Unexpected Friendship: An unlikely bond forms between two contrasting characters.

  • Loss and Acceptance: Dealing with grief, loss, or learning to let go.

  • The Importance of Forgiveness: A story about the power of forgiveness, for oneself or others.

  • The Cost of Progress: The story explores the potential downsides or unintended consequences of technological or societal advancements.

  • Finding Home: A character searches for a sense of belonging or grapples with the concept of home.

  • The Power of Choice: A story about a pivotal decision that shapes a character's destiny.

  • Appearances vs. Reality: The story explores the idea that things are not always as they seem or challenges societal expectations.

  • The Weight of Expectations: A character struggles with the pressure to meet the expectations of others.

  • Facing the Unknown: A story about venturing into the unfamiliar or taking a leap of faith.

  • The Power of Memories: The story explores the impact of memories, both positive and negative.

  • Redefining Family: Expanding the traditional definition of family or exploring unconventional family structures.

  • Nature vs. Nurture: A story that delves into the debate of whether personality is shaped by genetics or environment.

  • Finding Your Voice: A character learns to speak their truth or stand up for what they believe in.

  • The Value of Imperfections: The story challenges the pursuit of perfection and celebrates the beauty of flaws.


  • Universal Experiences: Love, loss, joy, sorrow, fear, hope - these are emotions everyone feels, making them strong themes for relatable poems.
  • Nature's Beauty: Explore the wonder of the natural world, from the vastness of space to the delicate details of a flower.
  • The Power of Dreams & Imagination: Capture the magic of dreams and the limitless possibilities of imagination.
  • The Human Condition: Delve into what it means to be human, with all our complexities, strengths, and flaws.
  • Memories & Nostalgia: Explore the bittersweet beauty of the past and the power of memory.
  • Coming of Age: Capture the challenges and triumphs of growing up and finding your place in the world.
  • Urban Rhythms: Paint a picture of city life, with its energy, diversity, and hidden stories.
  • Loss of Innocence: Explore the transition from childhood naivety to a more jaded view of the world.
  • The Power of Music: Express the emotions and memories music evokes.
  • The Unexplained: Explore mysteries, the unknown, and the search for meaning.
  • Metamorphosis & Change: Capture the constant transformation of life, both internal and external.
  • The Power of Words: Explore the beauty and impact of language itself.
  • Social Issues & Justice: Raise awareness of social problems and the fight for equality.
  • Science & Technology: Contemplate the wonders and challenges of the technological age.
  • Mythology & Legends: Draw inspiration from ancient myths and folklore for fantastical poems.
  • Historical Reflections: Explore the past and its lessons for the present.
  • The Power of Silence: Use silence as a tool to convey unspoken emotions or profound contemplation.
  • Loneliness & Connection: Explore the desire for belonging and the complexities of human relationships.
  • Humor & Wit: Use humor and playful language to create lighthearted poems.
  • Death & Mortality: Confront the inevitable end of life and its impact on the living.
  • ------------------------------------------
  • Love Letter: Written from a robot to its human creator, questioning the nature of love and connection.

  • Fear of Heights: Expressed by a mountain climber who thrives on pushing boundaries despite the terror.

  • Superpower: The "power" is actually a constant, nagging sense of deja vu that allows the speaker to avoid minor inconveniences.

  • Time Travel: The protagonist travels back in time to prevent a disaster, only to realize they caused it in the first place.

  • Beauty: A poem praising the unconventional beauty of a decaying industrial landscape.

  • Silence: The silence isn't peaceful, it's a deafening hum that only the speaker can hear.

  • The Sea: Written from the perspective of a single drop of water, yearning to rejoin the vast ocean.

  • The City: The bustling city streets are personified, weary and longing for a moment of quiet.

  • The Party: A seemingly joyous celebration hides a dark secret about the guests.

  • The Last Man on Earth: He's not alone, but the only other survivor is a talking parrot who constantly criticizes him.

  • Metamorphosis: The transformation isn't physical, but a gradual loss of empathy as the speaker becomes increasingly successful.

  • The Dream: The dream world is a harsh reality show where the dreamer is constantly judged.

  • The Monster Under the Bed: It's actually a shy creature terrified of the messy human child above.

  • The Broken Heart: The heartbreak isn't from a lost love, but from the crushing disappointment of a lottery ticket not winning.

  • The Genie: The genie offers three wishes, but each wish comes with a hilarious and inconvenient side effect.

  • The Fortune Teller: The fortune teller's predictions are always slightly off, leading to a hilariously chaotic life for the client.

  • The Island Paradise: The island is beautiful, but its inhabitants are constantly bickering over the best way to relax.

  • The Haunted House: The "ghosts" are just bored teenagers who prank anyone who enters.

  • The Superhero: The superhero's weakness isn't kryptonite, it's an overwhelming fear of public speaking.

  • The Lullaby: Sung by a parent to a monster child who craves bedtime stories about destruction and mayhem.

  •   -------------------------------------Forgetful Superheroes:  "Wonder Woman keeps forgetting where she puts her invisible jet.

     Maybe she needs Wonder Specs?" (Twist: Superheroes are human too!)

    Literal Sayings: "They say money doesn't grow on trees. But have you ever seen a broke willow?" (Twist: Taking sayings way too literally)

    Animals with Jobs: "My therapist is a llama. Great listener, but his 'therapy' mostly involves spitting on me." (Twist: Unconventional professions for animals)

    Historical Figures on Social Media: "Michelangelo just posted a new sculpture. Renaissance Twitter is going wild!" (Twist: Historical figures in modern settings)

    Talking Objects: "My coffee mug complains every morning. 'Another day of being filled with this bitter brew?' it groans." (Twist: Inanimate objects with personalities)

    Superstitious Tech: "My self-driving car keeps stopping at black cats. Maybe it needs a software update for bad luck?" (Twist: Superstitious technology)

    Famous Works with Reviews: "Just finished the Mona Lisa. Great smile, but the lack of eyebrows is a bit distracting. 3 stars." (Twist: Online reviews for famous works)

    Procrastinating Villains: "World domination keeps getting put off. First it was laundry day, now it's bake sale season." (Twist: Lazy villains with mundane problems)

    Overly Honest Politicians: "I promise to try my best. No guarantees, but hey, at least I'm honest, right?" (Twist: Shockingly honest politicians)

    Clueless Cupid: "Cupid keeps shooting arrows at random people. Explains a lot about some relationships..."  (Twist: Incompetent Cupid)

    Superpowers with Drawbacks: "I can turn invisible, but only when nobody's looking. Great for hide-and-seek, useless for everything else." (Twist: Superpowers with silly downsides)

    Time Traveler Tourist Traps: "Went to the future yesterday. The traffic was insane, and the robot tour guide kept malfunctioning." (Twist: Time travel with mundane inconveniences)

    Literal Movie Titles: "Just saw 'The Neverending Story.' It never ended. Still watching..."  (Twist: Taking movie titles way too literally)

    Animals Running Companies: "The new CEO is a squirrel. He's great at hoarding nuts, but the board meetings are a mess." (Twist: Animals in charge)

    Mythical Creatures with Jobs: "My dentist is a unicorn. He charges a horn and a leg for his services." (Twist: Mythical creatures with regular jobs)

    Talking Statues: "The statue of liberty keeps complaining about holding that torch for so long. Maybe it needs a union?" (Twist: Talking historical monuments)

    Clumsy Genies: "I wished for a million bucks. Now I have a million useless deer bucks." (Twist: Genies who can't quite get it right)

    Superhero Side Hustles: "Batman moonlights as a wedding photographer. Turns out capturing villains and capturing happy couples are quite similar."  (Twist: Superheroes with surprising side jobs)

    Superstitions from Aliens: "Turns out aliens are terrified of stepping on cracks. Guess they're not so advanced after all."  (Twist: Aliens with silly superstitions)

    Famous Paintings with Hidden Messages: "I finally cracked the code in the Mona Lisa's smile. It says 'Send Help.'" (Twist: Hidden messages in famous works)


     The new CEO is a panda. He's got a great bamboo strategy, but naps are a recurring agenda item in every board meeting.

     (Twist: Animals in charge with relatable quirks)


    The lion, the new CEO, keeps roaring management decisions. The employees are terrified, but productivity has skyrocketed.

     (Twist: Animals in charge with surprisingly positive outcomes)

    The company hired a sloth as their marketing director. Their new campaign slogan? "Coming Soon... Eventually." (Twist: Animals in charge with hilarious brand strategy)

    The CEO, a parrot, keeps accidentally revealing company secrets during client meetings. It's become a real squawk on the stock.  (Twist: Animals in charge with communication mishaps)

    The new CEO, a cunning fox, outsmarted the competition. Now the company is literally swimming in fish.  (Twist: Animals in charge with literal interpretations of success)

    The CEO, a wise old owl, sees right through every employee's scheme. But staying awake for late-night meetings is a hoot. (Twist: Animals in charge with both advantages and disadvantages)


    The CEO, a peacock, has the most dazzling presentations, but his constant need to preen disrupts every meeting.

     (Twist: Animals in charge with vanity getting in the way)

    The company hired a detective agency run by a team of bloodhounds. They sniff out every single leak, but client confidentiality goes straight out the window. (Twist: Animals in charge with literal interpretations of tasks)

    The CEO, a social butterfly, has the entire company buzzing with new ideas. Unfortunately, follow-through isn't exactly their strong suit. (Twist: Animals in charge with great ideas but lacking execution)

    The company brought in a bear as their security chief. He's excellent at deterring intruders, but the constant hibernation periods leave the office vulnerable. (Twist: Animals in charge with seasonal effectiveness)

    The CEO, a chameleon, excels at adapting to market changes. The problem? He keeps blending in with the office furniture. (Twist: Animals in charge with beneficial skills that come with drawbacks)


     The CEO, a honeybee, has an incredible work ethic, leading the company to record profits. But the constant buzzing in board meetings is driving everyone batty. (Skill: Efficiency - Drawback: Annoying)

    The dolphin CEO's communication skills are unmatched, fostering a collaborative work environment. However, every meeting ends up as a pool party, delaying decisions. (Skill: Communication - Drawback: Distraction)

    The company thrives under the leadership of a meticulous spider CEO. Every project is perfectly planned, but the web of bureaucracy is stifling innovation. (Skill: Planning - Drawback: Overcontrol)

    The company thrives under an eagle-eyed hawk CEO. No detail escapes him, leading to flawless execution. Unfortunately, employee morale plummets under his constant scrutiny. (Skill: Observation - Drawback: Micromanagement)

    The energetic cheetah CEO propels the company forward with lightning-fast decisions. However, the constant changes leave employees exhausted and confused. (Skill: Speed - Drawback: Impulsiveness)

    The elephant CEO possesses an unmatched memory, recalling every detail of past projects. Unfortunately, his meetings turn into history lessons, slowing down progress. (Skill: Memory - Drawback: Dwelling on the Past)


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