Option 1: The BOE School of Priorities
The BOE must be adherents to a very particular school of economics – the "Theory of Shiny New Objects." Apparently, in this theory, a fancy new office building is a much more valuable investment than, you know, actual education for the future workforce. Maybe they're planning to hold fire sales in the teacher's lounge to fund the new furniture?
Option 2: The Business of NOT Doing Business
Perhaps the BOE is running on cutting-edge financial principles nobody else understands. Maybe they're playing a game of "educational whack-a-mole," where they whack down every good program they have, hoping a new office building will pop up in its place. It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off!
Remember, these are just humorous takes on a serious situation. Hopefully, they provide a chuckle in the face of absurdity.
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