West Virginia has an open meetings law known as the Open Governmental Proceedings Act (OGMA)
[1]. This Act guarantees public access to most meetings of state and local government bodies.Here are some key points about the OGMA:
- Covered Bodies: Applies to any administrative or legislative unit of state, county, or municipal government, including committees with the authority to make decisions [1]. Courts and private organizations receiving government funding are not covered.
- Meeting Notice: Requires public notice of meetings through media and postings for local governing bodies, and through the State Register for state governing bodies [1]. Notice must include the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting, and be filed at least five business days prior except in emergencies [2].
- Public Attendance: Meetings must be open to the public with some exceptions.
- Exceptions to Open Meetings: Doesn't apply to every meeting. For example, sessions for gathering information or legal advice might be closed [2].
- Meeting Minutes: Requires written minutes of all open meetings to be available to the public within a reasonable time after the meeting [1]. Minutes must include basic details like the date, attendees, motions proposed, and results of votes.
- Enforcement: Violation of the Act can result in a misdemeanor and fines [2]. The West Virginia Ethics Commission offers advisory opinions to interpret the OGMA [2].
Here are some resources for more information:
- West Virginia Ethics Commission: https://ethics.wv.gov/openmeetings
- West Virginia Attorney General: https://ethics.wv.gov/openmeetings
- Land Use and Sustainable Development Law Clinic: https://ethics.wv.gov/openmeetings
- Remember: LSIC meetings are open to the public as well as other board meetings with the exception of an "executive session"
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