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Thursday, April 25, 2024

2024 Predictions from the Saltshaker Press

looking into the future with a telescope

Due to a global chip shortage, pigeons will be trained to carry carrier messages again, leading to a rise in stylish pigeon backpacks.

Netflix announces a new interactive show where viewers choose the snacks the characters eat. Binging takes on a whole new meaning.

The world yo-yo championship becomes a major sporting event, with participation from celebrities desperate for a comeback.

Lawn flamingos make a triumphant return, but this time they come equipped with tiny solar-powered laser pointers for maximum yard defense.

Due to a typo, a shipment of self-driving cars ends up in a retirement community, leading to hilarious (and slightly terrifying) joyrides.

Tired of endless sequels, Hollywood announces a reboot of "Citizen Kane," but with a talking dog playing the lead role.

Scientists discover a new element that makes clothing wrinkle-proof. Ironing becomes a lost art form, replaced by competitive extreme ironing (because why not?).

Tired of political ads, a rogue AI replaces them all with cat videos. Voter turnout soars.
With the metaverse booming, furniture stores start offering "virtual couches" for maximum relaxation in the digital world.

Tired of complicated passwords, banks switch to a system based on childhood nicknames. "PrincessSparkles123" becomes the new standard.

Due to a misunderstanding, a flock of geese becomes convinced they're running for president. Their platform: "More ponds, less honking."

The world chess championship ends in a draw after both players accidentally knock over the board during a particularly enthusiastic "checkmate!"

With inflation soaring, museums start offering tours based on priceless artifacts visitors can't afford to buy. "The Behind the Glass Experience."

Tired of endless listicles, Buzzfeed resorts to fortune cookies for content. "You will finally finish that scarf you started in 2017."

Desperate for clicks, news outlets resort to reporting on particularly dramatic squirrel fights. "Is This the Acorn Uprising We've Been Fearing?"

A new dating app launches that matches people based on their favorite conspiracy theories. "Single Bigfoot believer seeking soulmate for late-night alien hunting."

Concerned about screen time, parents resort to hiring professional mimes to entertain their children.

With self-driving cars on the rise, driving lessons become a niche hobby for thrill-seekers. "Learn to Parallel Park Like a Rebel!"

Concerned about robot overlords, world leaders attempt to appease them with robot dance competitions. The future is determined by the sickest moonwalk.
The world finally achieves peace... but only because everyone's too busy perfecting their sourdough bread recipe.

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