right good evening everyone there we go good evening
sandy unfortunately he's got bronchitis so she thought you'd have somebody with
a loud mouth to speak on our behalf I'm here tonight thank you very very much for joining us for those of you
joining us on the live stream a special welcome to you and ideon you said you
wouldn't be able to make it tonight because you have to cut somebody's here just be careful with this subject you
might cut more than the hair off okay so we delighted that you with us this evening
we want you to relax they remember that my style is a little different and we
trusted you be able to adapt to the style now all of you have received some
notes when you entered into the service tonight and these notes were presented
to you for those of you sitting at home unfortunately you don't have a notes in front of you but we will be projecting
some of what's on the notes on the big screen and you should be able to pick it up on your screen at home or wherever
you may be in the world so we absolutely delighted that you here we're dealing with a subject that is a great interest
to all of us by virtue of what is happening in the world and what science
claims to be authentic and genuine and tonight we dealing with the pre-adamite
world looking at the theory that has been propagated for many many centuries
now we do understand that there are many theories about how life began and
science is still debating how it all began it was a time that science said
that there was no such thing as a beginning the universe has always existed about science has come to the
deduction and this is a general statement no scientists have come to the deduction that there was a beginning and
if they was the beginning to the University must be an entered universe and therefore this evening
we're going to be looking at using possibly some scientific terms but not much we're going to use a new language
which is called buy beliefs began to use what the Bible has to say that's a very
interesting language buy beliefs and we're going to be looking at some of these theories now the theory of the
pre-adamite world to many is not a theory they believe that it can be
substantiated in the sacred scriptures but I'm going to give you the opportunity to make that deduction
yourself I'm going to present the pre-adamite theory but I will also touch
very very briefly on some of the other theories as well we have a variety of
theories dealing with the nebula hypothesis which is a very big term
nebular hypothesis how it all began and we know that sciences now believe there
was a big bang while he calls the Big Bang and things that exist exist simply
because there was an intelligent designer and more scientists are getting
onto that bandwagon and proclaiming the fact that they believe that for the for
life to be so intricate and so finely tuned and developed and designed they
must have been an intelligent designer and all you need to do is consider the
physiological side the neurological side of our makeup and you will see how intricate our body is how intricate our
brain is and therefore there must have been a designer after all you don't have
a watch unless you have a watchmaker the fact that we have a creation shows there must be a creator but how does the Bible
compare with science what I'm going to present to you this evening as the pre-adamite theory has often been it's
been suggested that this theory is a reactive theory based on Charles dog
and origin of the species and many people believe that the pre-adamite
concept which I'm going to share with you this evening is really a knee-jerk reaction by some people who have tried
to explain a way what Charles Darwin said now I believe for those of you that
would do more research you will find that the theory of the pre-adamite will predates Charles Darwin long before
Charles Darwin came on the scene and before he wrote his origin of the species they were believers and
researchers and commentators who embraced the pre-adamite theory I am NOT
going to labor it any further but say that I presented tonight as a theory
with biblical support for the theory encouraging you to in actual fact do
your own research and your own study so before we go any further we're going to have a brief prayer that the Lord will
help us to concentrate this evening father we want to thank you for this opportunity afforded us and we pray that
as we open the sacred scriptures that you will give us some insight and that whilst much that we will hear tonight
may be foreign may be new we pray that you will help us to to process it in a
proper manner in a matured manner and that we will come to deductions that will be honorable and deductions that
will be supported through your word we pray this in your precious name also praying for those who would love to be
yes tonight but can't be a because they're not well we pray that your sustaining hand will be upon them all
these blessings we pray in that name above all other names the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior amen all
right before we get into this we need to understand that when the Bible speaks of
angels the Bible is really talking about spirits because God is a spirit angels
are created spirit beings God is not created God is has always existed
and therefore he doesn't need anyone to make him because he is eternal in his
whole own nature however tonight we will be touching on the spirit world that is
related to the pre-adamite theory and we need to also understand that when we
talk about angels we are not talking about angels with wings but messengers
and spirit beings and I make that as the first statement tonight before we get in
to Genesis chapter 1 so if you have your Bibles we're going to open to the very
first verse of the Bible in the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth there are three requirements in the world of science to determine a
theory or to present what is a
scientific formula science requires time
space and matter in order to determine a
hypothesis or to present a formula or a theory those three three things are
important without it the scientific argument falls flat the very first verse
in the Bible presents to us in the beginning time God created the heavens
space and he created the earth matter so time space and matter which is the
requirement for scientist and in the world of physics that is how you test things anything beyond time anything
beyond matter anything beyond space science is not equipped to determine its
validity God therefore does not exist
within his creation he is separate from his creation God is beyond time and he's
beyond space and he's beyond matter we refer to that realm as the eternal realm
and when we think of eternity we think of it being a long long long time
and we're wrong eternity is not a long long long time
eternity is timeless it is beyond time and therefore we need to understand that
there is what is called cosmic time and earth time earth time is determined by
what we understand as past present and future and time becomes relevant to us
as human beings you know the crown of God's creation time is relevant to us
time from God's perspective a day is
like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day what does that mean we're talking in terms of a cosmic time
which is beyond earthly time now hold on to that thought because it's going to be
important as we digest this particular subject tonight
the others who believe that there was a fall of life that existed before Genesis
chapter 1 this is called the gap theory GAAP the gap theory the gap theory
promotes the viewpoint that between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1
we have all the millennia of time all the ages of time all the ages of time
all the time that science may require billions of years can be found between
verse 1 and verse 2 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
. period then verse 2 takes us into
another narratives between verse 1 and verse 2 we have millions and thousands
and billions of years that have been extra fact passed on and on the basis of
that it's called the gap theory now the gap theory suggests that there was a
fall of life that existed on the planet and what we are reading in Genesis chapter 1
which classically and traditionally we refer to as the creation period there
Genesis chapter 1 is not a creation of new things but a restoration of life on
a planet that was once alive that became dead okay are you with me okay if you if
you are you nod your head if not takes me another 10 minutes to explain what I
mean okay so it's very important so I am NOT going to what did I do with the
Cokie pin okay I carried it there it is thank you very much
video observance young man there we go so between verse 1 and verse 2 all the
millions of years that is actually required by science is found there and the the viewpoint and the theory of the
pre-adamite world is that Genesis chapter one which we call the seven days of creation is in actual fact a
restoration of life and these reasons why they've come to that conclusion that
Genesis chapter one is dealing with a restoration of life on the planet
suggesting that there was a form of life that existed in a pre-adamite world so
the suggestion is that the earth has gone through three different phases an
original earth that became filled with
water and was destroyed and a new earth that emerged it's the same earth but
it's gone through three phases number one the pre-adamite era where there was
a form of life on this planet upon which Lucifer over which Lucifer ruled Lucifer
was a fallen angel the word Lucifer is not a bad word the word Lucifer means a
bearer or a carrier of light he's also referred to the Morningstar it is the morning and
the evening star which is the star of Venus that is associated with Lucifer's
fall now Lucifer definitely had a kingdom and he ruled over some domain
but he tried to exalt his kingdom above the kingdom of God that could not have
been in the Garden of Eden as we would understand it in terms of Adams existent
and Adam Eve in Eden but predating Eden there must have been some creation that
Lucifer ruled over some domain and he tried to exalt he throne and his kingdom
above the kingdom of God and this prior pride actually calls his
fall when Lucifer film one third of the Angels fell with him when did that occur
the Bible tells us that happened and we will look at some verses this evening but the Bible doesn't tell us exactly
where it happened the pre-adamite theory suggests that this happened in a
prehistoric era where we have the dinosaurs where we have the forms of
prehistoric life that existed even a humanoid something that looked like a
human being but did not have a soul so all the physiological features the
mechanical part of the body that you and I would associate with humanity there
was this type of human form but did not have a soul we're going to get to what
is meant by that and therefore Lucifer ruled over some kingdom it appears from
the verses that we will look at tonight in the Bible that Lucifer had been given
earth to rule over that is the reason why when Adam and Eve were in the garden
God had restored life to this once living planet that had become dead and
Lucifer came into that garden how did he do why did he do that because earth originally
belonged to him that is the theory so let's go through it the pre-adamite one that's number one
then what happens there was a deluge a deluge a great flood not noah's flood a
great flood that destroyed this particular planet and earth went to that
through the winter stage of its existence an ice age where all forms of
life especially life plant life all of
that was kept in preservation during the Ice Age so the deluge let's call it the
winter period of Earth was the second phase how long that's happened or how
long that occurred we don't know the Bible doesn't say but it could be
millions of years when did this occur this occurred when Lucifer tried to
exalt his throne above the throne of God and God cast him down when God cast him down he took vengeance against God's
creation and all of these ginormous prehistoric forms that people seem to be
so fascinated and enamored with today because she talked to little kids like this thing no no no I don't want $2
Barbie doll I went to dinosaur we heard those kids people seem to be quite
impressed with this Jurassic Park concept now it is believed that those
horrible looking creatures with the byproduct of Lucifer's fall in other
words he took what was on this planet originally and he annex effect caused
corruption to sit in hybrids to occurred
and hybrids came as a result of Lucifer's for Lucifer remember was a
spirit a cherub angel once Italy the angels had joined the against him and they cause absolute
havoc on the earth that God says the theory had to send a deluge the winter
period that caused the earth to go through an ice age preserving many plant
life forms from that original planet then what happened this existed between
verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1 then when we get into chapter verse 2 of
chapter 1 we start seeing what we think is the creation the first day the second
day the third day the fourth day the first day it cetera but really that is a restoration of life the third phase of
Earth's evolution was in actual fact a
restoration when I say effect effect according to the theory we cannot be
effect but you'd understand my linguistics all right so there we have
those three phases that is what is being promoted and a viewpoint of the free
animal world we can go home now and have coffee that's basically it hang on there is so
much more to in actual fact consider so let's having said that this is just an
overview let us begin now to look at these verses that would support this
particular theory the verses in Scripture let's look at it in the
beginning God created heaven the earth for thus says the lord isaiah 45:18 you
can write that down as i 4518 well that's it the Lord that created the
heavens God Himself that formed the earth and made it he has established it
he created it not in vain he formed it
to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is none else as isaiah 45:18 now that
little verse sort of jumps out at you that God originally made the earth to be
inhabited and in order for us to have seven days of restoration they had to be
a nurse so how long was the earth why call it the earth when it wasn't really the earth what do you mean well if in
its original sense in its original nature it was covered with water let's
just knock out this viewpoint if it was just a delude you can't call it earth
because earth means dry land and if it was covered with water as the Bible
tells us it was then how can you call it earth because it's not dry land it's wet
come with water something must have happened to have caused that to take
place and therefore the hypothesis is that there was a pre-adamite world and
God had created the earth to be inhabited as the Book of Isaiah 45
declares now let's get to Lucifer and by
the way this is a subject that I've been treated with seeing that Halloween has
come and gone but I will be robbing you
of a bitter understanding if I don't cover this area very briefly firstly
Isaiah 14:12 3 to 14 is the classical passage that every bible-believing
Christian uses to support the viewpoint of Lucifer but if you look at the
context of isaiah 14 it is not only talking about satan the one who was the
cherub we rebelled against god but it's also talking about the antichrist that will come one day because the Antichrist
will be possessed by lucifer and that's why the narrative of isaiah 14 deals not
only with Lucifer but deals with the Antichrist as well and that's where a lot of folks get confused now this is
Isaiah 14 and I just quote from this how art thou fallen from heaven
Oh Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst
weaken the nation's for thou has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I
will exalt my throne above the stars of God the stars of God they're the Angels
and I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north this is the first time heaven is
is mentioned in location to the earth north to the earth seems to be the
Citadel of heaven I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like
the Most High that narrative introduces us to Lucifer's form when did it happen
when Lucifer arrives in the form of a serpent and telepathically communicates
with Eve once at the time that he fell
he must have fallen long before that otherwise for Eve didn't have many days
of being on her own this must have happened long before the Garden of Eden
how long if the earth is only 6,000 years old and this is where scientists
and people with the scientific mind will say I can't believe the Bible because from the biblical perspective if you
take from Adam until now it's only 6,000 years how do we know that if you count
the generations from Adam until now it's only 6,000 years and therefore based on
that many Christians have said the earth is only 6,000 years they are what we called young earth believers but for
those who subscribe to a pre-adamite world believe in an Old Earth that the
earth existed before Eden in a pre-adamite realm upon which or over
which Lucifer actually ruled and when he fell he caused all of these this chaos
to actually occur now I brought a little packet along with me to Innis trait some
where do we find oil where do they draw for oil in deserts
that were once seized and it sees because it is at the seabed that you
find oil what is royal oil using extra factors
slush but that slush was once a marine creature and over thousands of years
science will say billions of years those little creatures died within the ocean and they went to the bottom of the ocean
that's actually formed oil that's what oil is it's found deep down within the
seas on the seabed and also in desert areas that were once seas filtering all
the way down and that's why you can strike oil and the Arabs love it because
it's made them rich where do you find coal what is coal coal is charred wood
do we find it on the surface or do we have to drill down to find coal down
there the forest under the earth those forests were once the coal will once
trees and the forests of the pre-adamite world says the theory so if you take
this packet and you turn it inside out that is basically what's happened to the
earth when the earth was in that form and chaos hit the earth be it an
asteroid whatever hit the planet whatever God used it in extract turned the planet
inside out that is the reason why we strike oil down there and we also in
extra fact find some fantastic minerals down there plus we find coal down there
wait is that all come from it's all molten what happened there was volcanic
eruption when did the volcanic eruption actually take place in this era alright
says the theory now what you and I considered to be
creation is restoration and we're going to be looking at that restoration phase
now so now Lucifer Falls and the earth becomes distracted and we read that
again in Isaiah 14 16 17 that they see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and
consider the saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that that shake the kingdoms that made the world
as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his
prisoners the terminology they would suggest that Lucifer must have ruled
over some sort of realm and cities could have been built by these pre human
beings which we refer to as Homo Naledi
found in serpentine the cradle of mankind home and the lady is found a
type of human specimen but it's not the missing link in scientists or arguing
about that particular thing so the point is there was a type of human life where
they had the ability to build what we would call urban jungles concrete
jungles and that this was destroyed this passage is speaking about the Antichrist
that is to come but it's also speaking about the spirit that possessed will
possess Antichrist namely Lucifer and Lucifer was the original ruler and
monarch of this planet before it was destroyed so something happened to cause
this chaotic stage and we read that in 2nd Peter whereby the world that then was being
overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved
unto fire against the day of judgment and the perdition of godly ungodly men now we could argue and say that passage
is talking about Noah's Flood but the context which should suggest that it's not and then Jeremiah 4:23 another passage
I beheld the earth and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they
had no light what caused this to happen there must have been something to cause
the earth to become formless and void God did not create it formless and void
something caused it to be formless and void and the hypothesis therefore the
theory suggests that that's what caused it that eventually there was a sick
nebula or cloud that covered the earth and the sun rays could not come through
to the earth cosmic light could not penetrate it and the earth became dead and dormant waiting for its resurrection
and what we read in Genesis chapter chapter 1 is God restoring life to a
planet that once was alive that was now dead you got the point
that's the picture okay now Genesis 1:2
and the earth was without form now if God created it not with that form what
creat why did it become formless why did it become like a void why did darkness cover the face of the
earth why did the Spirit of God hover over the water in that he could not relate and identify with any life
yeah because of the Adamic fall sorry not the
Adamic false eight Satan's for the restoration of the earth it's important
when you read the narrative of Genesis chapter one that you take into consideration that we have two English
words made and create those words are used interchangeably in the beginning
God created and then the Bible tells us on the fourth day God made two lights
the word made and created are two separate words but in Hebrew it explains
it very nicely the words therefore are as follows you've got the you got it in
your notes there when the Hebrew word for unveiling is used
it is the word Assad a is a H okay I
know we got a dinar notes yes as a is a HSS correct it's pronounced asar in
Hebrew which actually means to release or unveil okay
these words are crucial and the word bother I would put another H there or
the BA or a s fine bada is the word create now that's going to be important
as we develop this thought tonight these two definitions asar means to unveil its
to make something visible I may not see
the pigeons on the roof tonight I cannot see that when I walk outside I am made
to see them because it's unveiled I don't have this roof that's asbestos or
anything it's asbestos whatever the roof is some of you say well is that what we breathing in the air anyway so the point
is that whatever the roof is made of it's limiting me in seeing the the pigeons on the roof when I walk outside
I can see them I am made to see them because I don't have a veil anymore I
don't have a roof separating myself from visibly seeing the pigeon in exactly the
same way the word asar means to make or to unveil it's making you see something
that was not visibly possible to see before the word bara is the word create
out of nothing to create something two crucial words now we move on to our on
to the next section and I'm trying to follow you on in the notes and I don't
want the notes to limit me but this look of the notes say on the second day God divides the
firmament the vapor from the water below both within the atmospheric heavens and
around the earth so what actually happened here we go back to our little chart when God restores life to the
planet the earth cannot be called Earth because it's covered with water but it
was once called Earth created to be inhabited so something made it covered
with water which we say is the fall now what actually happens is that God's restoring the life to this planet and in
order to restore life he has to separate the water from the earth he has to
create something where the water is going to dissipate and the earth is
going to appear the Earth's appearing is a word asar not creating he's already
created earth in the millennia of years gone by now he's restoring it to its
original condition so the vapor above the water below both within the
atmospheric heavens and around the earth everything was already there but just had to be separated and there you have
this beautiful diagram put together by Sandy with the waters covering the Earth's and the atmospheric vapor etc
etc I'll leave that to your own imagination to work out we get to the
third day God separates the water around the earth the dry land is called earth
and the waters he now called seas and God said that the earth bring forth
grass let the earth bring forth grass God didn't create it originally he did
but the grass seeds and everything is lying dormant now there's light coming
on to this dead planet for the first time and suddenly we have an emerging of
beautiful grass and vegetation you say how's that possible come on
haven't you seen we had the draft for such a long time it rained one day and
the grass in your backyard was green one day
suddenly there was water it was light things started to germinate so that is
quite possible so within that particular period light started to shine on the on the foot
indeed on the earth again and what happened vegetation that was already there started to germinate and started
to bring forth life now we're moving somewhere folks even if you think we're
not that was the third day let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed
and fruit yielding fruit after its kind
then on the fourth day God makes the Sun the Moon the Stars we got a problem yet
we got a problem how can you believe the Bible when it says he made it the Sun in the moon and
the stars only on the on the fourth day oh we have a terrible problem
scientists laugh at us children even laugh because parents are saying they
are well the Bible says it you must believe it what does it mean how on
earth could the splendid exist without the Sun the moon and the solar system where was a dangling going to him for
two days three days it was just out there there was no Sun because I mean
the fourth day made the Sun you get the point
the Sun and the moon and the stars were always there it's on the fourth day that
he became visible ah there we have the word us our God made the Sun the moon
and the stars visible and what was there the earth was always part of the solar
system all right it was always rotating around the Sun
the Sun was always there but for three days the light of the Sun was only
breaking through very slightly the nebula the thick cloud was in extra fact
covering this was covered with water now that life is being restored light life comes
from light the first rays of light I see the notes will say cosmic light I'll
I'll live with that well cosmic like I believe it was solar light but nevertheless broke through into the
earth and the earth started to receive warmth again and heat and light and it
started to produce the life that once existed on it that lay dormant for
millions of years ok I'm going to give you an opportunity
to ask questions later on so write your question down the first day there is sea
life and birds are created the word that is used there for the creation of that
is bara bara he created it because these
many of the birds that have a sort of prehistoric look about them
you've seen the Hadid are mean you mean looks pretty prehistoric to me and so
many of them that possibly the egg could have been preserved for thousands of
years and certainly warmth support life to it that's possible but that's
conjecture let me move on to the fifth day sorry the sixth day animal and
insect life is created then mankind is created and God said let us make man in
our own image now I want to present some some a Hebrew take on this if you speak
to many of the well-read well-educated rabbis not all of them of all that
cruder but those who are really clued up the scholars if you talk to them they
would suggest that it was in the sixth day was the first day that God actually made man with a soul there was a type of
human noid or a human form without a
soul that existed before the Garden of Eden but what made Adam unique
is that he gave Adam a conscious awareness of God the consciousness of
man is the emergence of the soul the soul is your mind your intellect your
emotions your ability to make choices the brute Beast that had the form which
we call a humanoid form or human form
was a hybrid that did not have a soul I'm talking from a Hebrew point of view
the great Hebrew rabbinical scholars would therefore suggest that this is the
first time that man became a living soul and from that very moment if you count
the generations in 6000 years but the
the days before God created man with living soul were cosmic years that
cannot be measured from an earthly point of view because time is relative to man
and not relative to cosmic time it's an
abbreviated ISM you know okay neppy
illustrate all of you are going to go
and live beyond Mars I've arranged it with with NASA they in actual fact
they've arranged a spaceship for all of you you are all let's say 40 years old
all of your 40 I know some of you young enough for yet but those are older say yes pretty great so you 40 years old
I'm also 40 years old at the stage we shoot you guys out in the capsule into
outer space and you traveling as fast as a speed of light you go beyond earth time you go out of the solar system you
go into the cosmos out there and you're traveling as fast as the speed of light from my point of view being on earth 40
years apart but you in cosmic time time does not
exist therefore you come back after 40 years as time and you still I'm
80 you may say Oh think about it it's
true why because that is that is the the law of science
Einstein speaks of time is relative to speed the theory of relativity e equals
MC ^ - and therefore time slows down you
are travelling in your little beetle 1943 beetle rusty it can barely do 80
kilometres and you going down to Bay West or going up to Bay West it's going
to take you 10 minutes to get there I'll get in my Volvo I get in three minutes
eh because I'm driving and secondly because my Volvo has turbo power time
becomes relative the speed takes you to me to take me three minutes time is relative to speed that's that's a
scientific fact now if we're dealing with cosmic time earthly time only
becomes understandable and relative to man and therefore from that six-day
honor we can say there's been six thousand years earthly time but before
that there were twenty-four hours from an earthly point of view only because to be looking back retrospectively
but from a cosmic point of view it could be thousands and thousand years by no means am I suggesting that let's say it
was a thousand years five hundred years was day and five hundred years was night I'm not suggesting that because we need
to understand cosmic time from God's perspective is beyond the limits of earthly time may be difficult to wrap
your mind around that one but I thought I'll throw that in so now we reached the point where we
have gone through those different phases but they sought recapping Genesis
chapter 128 reading from the King James Version when it suits us and it suits me
Genesis chapter 128 listen to what it says you are we talking about the
creation of man Genesis chapter 128 okay
yeah there we go so God created man in his own image
verse 27 and the image of God created he him male and female created he them and
God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish
not plena Sh replenish what does it mean to punish populate it says repopulate in
other words they must have been some form similar to that of man for man to
repopulate that which was once populated
something caused it to happen for the population to be destroyed now God
creates man with a soul to repopulate the earth and to have dominion over the
earth there are some very very interesting concepts in terms of that
but we can get into some of the other passages but I think that I am almost
done and I hope that you've been done well done it's a rare opportunity if
you're talking about price well done this rare opportunity will will help
each and every one of us okay now these many more
aspects to this but I think it would be within the realm of our subject to say
that existence in the pre-adamite earth
fossils that are being discovered that carbon-14 would suggest dates back
millions of years is being discovered on the earth on a regular basis these days
what lies below and oetiker science does
not know what lies below an article the
Bible in Acts effect says that the day is going to come revelation 20 where the sea is going to give up the dead much of
life that was in the pre-adamite world is going to start surfacing as you have
the poles melting and an article becomes a habitable continent and region man is
going to make incredible discoveries not only new species but with an article
they're going to discover a lot more is it possible that this mythical city
called Atlantis which Greek mythology
suggests was an advanced civilization
that in actual fact was destroyed how it restored we don't know that was covered
with water this whole concept of velocity of Atlantis is it a miss did
these ancient Greek philosophers sucked us out of the thumb or was there such a
city the others who believed in the pre animate world who would suggest that the
Atlantis Theory stems from the view of a
pre-adamite form of existence where
alien and spirit beings were very very active and therefore could take men man
into another evolutionary level where people were pretty advanced not people
but the spirits were advanced you have a passage in the Bible in the Book of
Ezekiel that makes reference to the king
of Tyrus and this king of Tyrus is
considered to be one who had let me just read sections of it
that's Ezekiel 28 12 19 that there was a
being surpassing beauty and wisdom who had been in Eden the garden of God that's not the Garden of Eden but a
garden that existed predating Eden a pre endemic era not the Eden of Adam's day
but possibly the Eden of Earth as it was first created this being is spoken of as
being the anointed cherub that covereth who walked about the holy mountain of
God and was perfect in all his ways from the day that he was created until iniquity was found in him but his heart
was lifted up because of his beauty and his wisdom was thus corrupted now this
seems to be a parallel passage in Ezekiel 28 a parallel passage to Isaiah
14 which is describing Lucifer so there
has been no king of Tyrus that answers to the description of this particular passage however he's called the king of
Tyrus he is the ruler of Tyrus at that particular stage and remember the Antichrist
who will rule the world will be the personification of Lucifer and therefore
that ancient passage in Ezekiel is referring to a king that existed but he
was ruling through the spirit of Lucifer that once dominated the earth Lucifer's
desire is to control the whole world and to bring the world under one
Authority and one power we call that globalism globalization
we've had the mad man with blond hair from America that has slowed down the
globalization agenda we have Putin who has slowed down the whole globalization
agenda what does he extract happened George Soros who is the Hungarian who
actually lives in America how he's the one who was financed the Democrats and fire finance the Liberals who whose
agenda is to bring about globalism where the earth will become one again part of
Lucifer's agenda is to bring all mankind under his dominant control and that's
why the Antichrist will play a role in the past or in the future the reason why the devil has not given up his
aspiration of ruling over this planet like he once ruled in the pre-adamite
world so you can read that in Ezekiel and many other passages of scripture
will give you some insight but I think I've really given you a sketchy view of this particular theory and as you can
see there's a lot of conjecture and there's a lot of most likely and also
theories and hypotheses but it is something that one can chew on there are
those who have actually watched Ken Holland's DVDs during the rounds I think
a good couple of decades ago before he went to jail where he basically
presented that the earth is only six thousand years and what may appear to be
thousands and thousands of years ago such as rock formation is in actual fact
God created a like that and there's a lot of hogwash that is being said but to
many people it's plausible and if you want to believe that that is fine because this particular subject if you
believe what I have shared with you is not a theory but there's a biblical fact it's not going to help you to get to
heaven at all if you know this subject and you don't know the subject
it's not going to affect your salvation at all it just helps you when discussing with people who haven't evolutionary a
viewpoint it basically helps you to present a theory as a very very young
minister I think I must be about 25 26 years old I was invited to speak at the old University of Port Elizabeth and I
had to speak to a department a science department and I'm not a scientist I don't clanked you actually know too much
about science the little bit of that I know about about it possibly could be
dangerous however I to go and speak and it was a debate between creation the creationists
you believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old and the evolutionists who believe that the Bible cannot believe me
because it actually speaks of creation and so you had these two arguments and I
came in right in the middle and became the catalyst between the two because I disagreed with the creation view that
the earth is only 6,000 years old and I disagreed with the evolutionists who who
in actual fact spouted his mouth off and and rejected what the Bible had to say so I came in with this pre-adamite
theory and we blew them all away that never heard of it in their lives and they had PhDs in theology and
anthropology so it was very very interesting and then I remember that
everybody left in confusion and I said well that's what happened there it was confusion and chaos on the earth because
we Lucifer reigns there will be confusion and God is a God of order and therefore God being a God of order would
suggest that God has structured and designed an orderly process and that
what man discovers today and presents a hypothesis about namely a fossil God
must smiled saying you guys don't know there was life on this planet long before Adam and Eve all right so some of
you may say ah now I know that's where Cain got his wife from she was a pre-adamite woman now you've got it
wrong but nothing to do with that at all so I'm going to open it I think I'll be
kind enough to open it to questions we can go and have some coffee and tea and talk about this but I'm sure if some of
would like to go through 14 coffee now you must welcome to do that but
there may be some folks who would like to ask some pertinent questions
open to
the floor are there any questions yes ma'am
can I come and stand next to you so we can pick it up yeah and they can hear you throughout the world sorry man in
Genesis 1.3 it is lit they be light in God saw and they was light but it is God
created the Sun full like it was so how
can you explain that I explained that right I'd like to take you thank you ma'am you know right in the beginning I
mentioned the two words Oscar and Bora and what it actually happened is that
the light on the first day God said to be like some people believed it was some cosmic light but the earth cannot exist
in the solar system without the Sun so the Sun must have been there but you
rightly point out but you know the first thing why does it say he made the Sun making the Sun was making it visible if
there was a man standing on the earth for the first three days he wouldn't be able to see the Sun because it would be
covered with this nebula but now with the sunrays coming through and light coming through and life being restore to
the planet that nebula was removed and on the fourth day the stars and the moon and the Sun became visible so that's
where the like a pro like sense right let's go there quickly
cameraman's working tonight with a vegan Bruce you mentioned the difference
between human Tom and cosmic time the in the old days the people used to go to
800 years old 900 does that speak to the difference between cosmic and human Tom
or not all right thank you a good question there and that is we spoke of
cosmic time and and an earthly time does that mean that when the Bible speaks of
Methuselah who lived so many hundreds of years that is talking about cosmic time no it's talking about earthly time they
did live that long but they didn't age as quickly as what we age the reason why there was a
cataclysmic change that a cataclysmic change that took place on the earth after Noah's Flood you will find leading
up to Noah's Flood that the conditions were absolutely perfect people procreated people lived longer and the
result was it was only after Noah's Flood that the age started - the
mortality age started - in actual fact be whittled down but predating Noah
people live for hundreds and hundreds of years because part of God's plan is that
man should have lived forever on the splendors as long as he ate of the tree of life so there was a perfect
environment something happened with Noah's Flood if you have a look at the
earth the earth runs off its axis doesn't it it does now it is believed
that something knocked it off its axis could have been a meteorite that broke
through and the result is not the earth of its axis which actually caused life
to be more limited than what it was before Noah's Flood so I would say that's real it fits in love ok another
question are there any other questions all right I'm not going to the gym
the Bible uses God created yes and then you come and you say it's restoration
we call it the creation period the seven days of creation only because Genesis
chapter 1 verse 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth . between verse 1 and verse 2 you have
thousands and thousands of years and we speak about restoration because the
Bible tells us that God did not create the Earth's void he did not create it
formless and yet the Bible was without form says sorry the earth was without
form and void says the opening verses of Genesis that would suggest something
happened to cause the earth that God had created he definitely created it but
something had happened to cause it become void and formless and we say that
was the form of Lucifer that caused that now what we read as a continuation of
the narrative of creation because the first verse says in the beginning God created heaven the earth the rest of
what we read we assume is now creation but it's actually a restoration of what he had already created in the bygone era
not gonna be Kissin head Webster thank you folks we're going to get off for a
cup of coffee in key do you find it was a listen I had to use some technical phrase this year and possibly some of
you close one eye here oh yeah then I'm
gonna come to you mister come over yeah when I see him stand up and there's a difficult question I think what we can
take out of our little study this evening there's been a lot of scientific truth that gives us a better
understanding of creation and our and our sir so if we take the first chapter of
Genesis which we traditionally say was the is the chapter of creation it's made
very very clear if we do not separate restoration and creation as two separate
terms being used in various verses and it's pretty clear when we read Genesis
that the first verse of Genesis as has already been said on millions and
millions of years separated before God created man and we are theorizing a lot
of this in a sense where we are calling this fossils that are found today that
are not human beings scientists have tried to connect it to human beings to try and find that missing link but
they've never ever found it there is no human being that has ever been unearthed
and found to be older than 6,000 years so in our study this evening the truth
of laying out the what we as Christians need to know is the essence of that so
that if we are brought into a conversation with the world and people
who would like to cost a shadow up on Christianity we can clear it up by
saying very very very clearly that there are the three theories of the Old Earth
and the new earth the theory of the Old Earth is clearly spelled out with that
gap theory and by the time God creates man and and puts creatures upon this
earth we according to scientific finding today have never found anything that's
older than 6,000 years so therefore if we can just get that in our mind we will
know how to face the world and go right back to Genesis once more in explaining that there are certain verses there
where it speaks about God creating something out of nothing and also and
borrow if we do not distinguish between those two interpretation or the meaning
of that they we're not going to get to the essence of the theories okay the three theories run
parallel with each other is the whole earth the new earth and the third one
obviously is evolution and we are explaining the truth from the Scriptures
yeah that explains the truth of these theories and the clear one obviously is
the old earth and not an Euler theory according to Genesis one and has been
clearly pointed out but a lot of scientific explanations as well with it but I think the poor of it which is the
synopsis of what we try to achieve this evening is for us to understand as Christians just that basic truth we can
stand the ground of the truth of the Scriptures before people and in our conversation with our friends thank you
thank you thank you very much Paul is it
possible that Earth is right now today the Edomite was in a new position or a
different position yeah yes I think that one can in actual
fact present many hypotheses in terms of if it was part of the asteroid belt or
not one could in actual fact say that is quite possible however if one looks at
the narrative and the context of the passage it doesn't seem to suggest that
but one is open to that remember that we are living in this postmodern era where
there are so many different theories and we who believe in the Bible need to in extra fact have a defense for what we
believe in however if you don't buy into this particular pre-adamite theory
you're not going to be banished from the church we're not going to consider you to not be a good Christian if you
disagree with this it's fine i I don't agree with my wife on many things but we
live in harmony this order there is a system of cohabiting so on
the basis of that if you have a different viewpoint don't panic about and say like that person doesn't believe
in the pre-adamite well they don't believe in the bible and do that because we open to that but thank you very much
for the questions and it'll thank you for that brief statements that you
actually made in terms of the truth that we have to actually grapple with so
there are many many areas which can substantiate this but I'm sure you'll
agree that within an hour it's very difficult to try to take what is so old
and try to squeeze it in one hour earth time we're now going to have a blessing
and thank you very much as so many of you yet tonight I'm quite impressed with so many coming out in the Thursday night
I might be able to have Sunday evening services on Thursday nights now but
join us for tea coffee we got some biscuits as well in the home there
is turn to the Lord father we want to thank you for those who have
joined us
and those who have gathered yet tonight we also thank you for those who have live streamed and we trust that it will
be very informative that it will stimulate a discussion and also more
interest in getting into your word and coming up with some contextual arguments
that will be helpful we pray this in your precious name praying your blessing upon all those who have spent this
valuable time together amen god be with you thank you very much
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