Betty Brock wills to Evangeline Brown her seat on the Lobelia bus.
Jessie Carpenter wills to Herbert Berkley her ability to make A's in Chemistry.
Irene Carpenter wills to Aladora Morris her art of playing pranks and getting by with them.
Helen Carr wills her ability to get married before she gets old, to Wanda Pyles so that she can get her man.
To Lela Barecroft, Linda Clutter wills her cheerleading uniform.
James Coe wills his love for Math, especially Algebra, to Lewis Cooper.
Oather Cook wills to Mr. Byrd a package of cigarettes since he won't be around for him to "bum" them from.
Nannie Covey wills her ability to drive a Chevrolet truck to Mr. Byrd, since he is so fond of Pontiacs.
To Barton Hollandsworth, John Dilley wills his ability to skip English class and get by with it.
Paul Dunn wills to the Junior class treasurer, Anna Mae Pringle, his empty treasury to be refilled next year.
Marleen Fitzpatrick wills to Dorothy Dever and Anna Mae Pringle a package of dry snowballs so they won't get their pockets wet.
To Joyce Weatherholt, Carolyn Hill wills her ability to be a cheerleader.
Nancy Hollandsworth wills to Linda Barcroft, her height.
Kay Kimmins wills her quietness to "Jerry" Rose in hopes he will make use of it in Chorus.
To Mary Marple Kramer and Delores Arbogast, Charlotte Landis wills a nickel, so they can play the juke box in McNeill's restaurant on Saturday night.
Nancy May wills to Santa May her recipe for dating.
To Ben Hazlett, Ruth McNeill wills her patience with the mimeograph machine.
Reta Morrison wills to Lucy Kyle Curfley her feminine muscles.
Kenneth Ross wills to Roger Pritt, his love for all athletics.
To Harper Hill, Tom Ruckman wills his nickname, "Lover Boy".
Naomi Scott wills to Denny Poffenbarger a car so she won't have to walk to see Albert Morgan.
To Stanley Hall, Remus Wyatt wills his curly hair.
Othenia Sharp wills to Bobby Goodman a muffler, so he won't be heard all over the Mill Point bus.
Victoria Shields wills to Marie Shields her books since she won't be needing them any longer.
To Linda Starks, Berlene Shue wills a tire which she can give to Sidney Long so they won't have to come home on the rim.
Mary Eva Smith wills to Joyce Weatherholt a car so she can get to Marlinton more often.
Eileen Starks wills to Eleanora McKeever her even-temper.
To Eleanora McKeever, Mary Vaughan wills her love for tall men.
Alice Walker wills to Carolyn Hodges a car so that she may go to take her music lessons at Marlinton more regularly.
From the 1947 Class Wills
Lorraine Adkison wills her ability to anyone who is not bow-legged or knock-kneed.
Helen Armstrong wills her talking ability to Leo Buzzard in hopes he makes as good use of it as she did.
Gene Beale wills one pack of Camels to the person that can puff the hardest in smokeology.
Sue Brooks wills her tendency to say and do the first thing that comes into her mind to Buddy Meadows (not that he needs it).
Mary Lou Calhoun wills her horn to anyone who has the strength to blow it as long as Miss May wants.
Robert Carpenter wills his curly hair to Jean Burdette so she won't have to worry with her hair so much.
Wilma Carr wills her love for shorthand to anyone who has the courage to stay in the room and try to get it.
Frances Curry wills to her sister Lois nothing, of which she already has plenty.
Rosalie Chesnut bequeaths her long black eyelashes and rosy cheeks to anyone who finds mascara and rouge expensive.
Anna Lee Dean wills her ability concerning commercial studies to anyone who can stay with it to the end.
Charles Dilley wills his empty cider jugs to Tommy Gibson in hopes that he will fill them up and send them back.
Hazel Dilley bequeaths her dimples to anyone that can take them along with the teasing.
Shot Eades wills her bookkeeping book to Margaret Ellen Webb with the statement, "You'll Be Sorry".
I, Henry David Hively, will my stray book-reports to anyone who needs them worse than Jean Moore.
I, Lee Hively, do hereby will and bequeath to the future Seniors all of my moans and doldrums in order to keep up the Spirit of M. H. S.
I, Trudie Hively, will my love for basketball to Ephie Adkison, saying, "Good Luck."
I, Hazel Jackson, do hereby will my mild speech and manner to Margaret Anne Coyner, hoping she will do so and take it easy.
I, Herbert Johnson, "Will my Little Brown Jug" to Dink Moses, hoping he can make it to school on Monday morning.
I, Delma Kennedy, do hereby bequeath my blonde hair to Sue Moore who lost most of her hair over our class.
I, Ligon Kesler, will my recipe for homebrew to anyone who can drink it and live to tell about it.
Maxine Kirkpatrick do hereby will my position as Captain of the Girls' Baseball team to Catherine Rexrode, and I hope she enjoys it as much as I did.
I, Anna Lee Landis, will my flirtatious manner to the next happy-go-lucky Seniors.
Virginia Lantz bequeath my love for Miss Smith to Robert McLaughlin hoping he will make good use of it.
I, Nellie Malcomb, will my platform sole shoes to Nancy Underwood so she can see through the window of the door in Miss Moore's room.
I, Robert McLaughlin, do hereby bequeath my football uniform to anyone who will play like the rest of the McLaughlin's have played.
I, Agatha Miller, do hereby will my three seats in study hall to any lovelorn couple who needs them more than I do.
I, Betty Moore, bequeath and devise unto the "Big Three," Stryl, Raymond and Jimmy, my love--for lollipops and ice cream.
I, Jean Moore, bequeath my love for the Libbys Johnson so she won't be so shy around them.
I, Naomi Moore, do hereby will my ability to write shorthand to the Freshmen boys so that they can write something constructive on Miss Moore's walls.
I, Phyllis Joan Overholt, do hereby will my ticket-selling stall to Mr. Moore for fuel so he can keep it as hot around school as Dot Waugh.
I, Arthur Pescosolido, bequeath my knowledge to "Pig" Arbogast, because he really needs it.
I, Pauline Pescosolido, will my love for a Freshman to the girls of the Junior Class.
I, Florine Rickett, do hereby will my glasses to anyone who can afford windshield wipers to keep them clean.
I, Grace Rogers, do hereby will my love for "Dick" Workman to Jean Moore saying, "Take good care of him for me."
I, Eleanor Sharp will my six shorthand books to anyone who has time to write twenty pages every night as Mr. Davis would have them do.
I, Mary Frances Shinaberry, do hereby bequeath my Pepsodent smile to Jim Livesay in hopes he will use it.
I, Julian Shrader, do hereby will and bequeath my part in the Senior play to anyone who likes to hold hands. I don't!!
I, Helen Simmons will my red hair to Dot Waugh so she will have something to go with her temper.
I, Elton Underwood bequeath my seat in third period English to anyone who can get out the door faster than I do.
I, Nada Underwood will my eyes to the Chemistry class for experimental purposes.
I, Lewis Varney, do hereby will my books to John Showalter, knowing that he will use them as much as I do.
I, Garth Vanreenen, will my books to my brother Donald in hopes he will use them more than I did.
I, Dorothy Lee Waugh, bequeath my position in the band to anyone that can get a credit out of it.
I, Betty Wanless, will my love for good books to some Junior with the hopes that they enjoy them as much as I did.
I, Max White, do hereby bequeath my "quiet" nature to Harry Cutlip.
I, Joanne Whitt, bequeath my love for the Army to anyone who likes to write letters as well as I do.
I, Ivan Wilfong, do hereby will devise and bequeath my plan to any one who can pass the strict Smokeology entrance test.
I, Billy Joe Wilson, do hereby will my grades in bookkeeping to "Bud" Adkison to add on to his own. With the two together, he ought to pass.
I, Ivan Withers, to hereby will and bequeath my ability to type to anyone who would like to make an F.
From the 1964 Class Wills
Phillip Anderson wills his love for Hamilton Hill to the boys of Hillsboro High.
Brenda Kellison wills the mimeographing machine to the one that will be using it next year, and she hopes she doesn't get as "inky" as she did.
Kenneth J. Job wills a galaxy of thoughts, a pocketful of dreams, a bag full of nothingness, and a hatful of wayward winds to any person in the Junior Class who has everything.
Janice Bailey wills one slightly cracked telephone pole and one slightly bent garage door to anyone who wishes to practice on them as she has.
Mary Van Reenen wills her ability to whoever can use it; although she doesn't know what they could use it for.
Carla Gladwell wills her ability to get a good-looking boy from Hillsboro to Karen Colburn.
Dorothy Ann Price wills all the love and happiness that has been given her while attending Marlinton High School, to all students who attend Marlinton High School.
Helen Pennington wills her baton in hopes she may be able to use it next year.
Connie Wilfong and Pat Jorden wills to Sandra Cromer and Diana Robinson all the good times they've had in band in hopes that they can talk as much as they did without getting caught.
Suzanne Jett wills her big mouth to anyone who, having a sense of the macabre, wants to have the FUN of trying to get himself out of the embarrassing situations such a mouth as this will certainly get one into.
Wally Mullens and Vicki Sharp wills their corner at the Hot Seat to Ronnie Roy and Mary Lee Shafer in hopes that they will like it.
Carolyn Ann Rimel wills her majorette uniform to one of the incoming majorettes in hopes that she'll enjoy it as much as she has.
Martha Kay Dilley wills her ability to have 3 boys come to her house on one night to anyone who wishes to have a nervous breakdown.
Susan Yeager wills her principal's daughter to anyone who is willing to put up with the trials and tribulations of that position.
Shirley Dean wills her ability to bum chewing gum to Diana Robinson.
Nancy Evans wills her locker to Sally Rose so she can keep her books off the other lockers.
Butch Perry, being of warped mind wills his ability to sit in Mr. McNeel's classroom and bite his fingernails during his "EASY" tests.
Wayne Harper wills her ability to square dance to Bobby Michael, but she will keep her partner.
Wilbur Boggs wills to the teachers of Marlinton High School his sense of humor, and to Mrs. Menendez an apple a day.
Carolyn Dean wills to any junior her ability to put off fire crackers.
Harriet Waugh wills her red hair to Fuzzy King who has a temper to go along.
Chipper Williams wills his ability to thump people on the head with a class ring to Chuck Davis because he has been on the receiving end long enough.
Judy Bennett wills her locker on the balcony to Charlotte Beverage hoping she can get a certain freshman boy to locker with her.
Linda Wooddell wills her ability to get a boy from Hillsboro because she understands she is interested in a certain one.
Shirley Ann Gallaher wills her ability to side-swipe fire hydrants to any junior who has the courage to face his parents later.
Gloria Boggs wills her seat in typing to Inez Boggs and hopes she will make fewer errors than she did.
Mary Ruth Barlow wills to Connie Broce her ability to catch the right man.
Randall Shields wills his English book to the fire fighters.
Lois Ann Beverage wills her ability to take care of a husband, keep house, and go to school at the same time to Mary Lee Shafer.
Sharon Hedrick wills her majorette uniform to next year's majorette in hopes that it will fit her better than it did her.
Riger Irvine wills to the football team of next year the privilege of gazing admiringly at the trophies our team WON THIS year.
Gerry McElwee wills his intelligence to anyone who wants to spend 6 years in high school.
Jerry Buzzard, being of unsound mind leaves to every member of Marlinton High School the equipment to build a neon sign with my name on it in front of the high school so as to remember that great student that was here . . . me.
Sharol Miller wills his role on the 10th day of December in the year of 1963, to any junior at Marlinton High who has the desire to become a star, my face. She is quite sure you will be a hit, especially in Frankenstein movies.
Dwight Diller, being of strong mind, wills her ability to goof-off in band to Chuck Davis in hopes that he will feed Brownie regularly and keep Charles Farley out of trouble.
Jack Nelson wills his goatee to Michael McMann, for he loves them dearly.
Sam C. McCarty wills his driving ability to Coach Friel's Driver's Ed. group forever and ever.
Becky McCune wills her ability to be a senior at 16 to anyone who is willing to fight for his rights among the other seniors.
Cheryl McNeill wills her once blonde hair to all blondes with the hint that peroxide won't last forever.
Sandy Moyers wills the title of "new girl" to those who fell up and down the stairs looking at her.
Marsha Madison wills her shorthand speed to Carrie Hodge in hopes she will be able to take dictation from Chuck Davis.
Wayne Beverage wills his typewriter to anyone who can use it better than he.
From the "Senior Magazine wills.pdf"
These wills are not clearly associated with any specific year, but are included to demonstrate the range of content and style in these types of writings.
Jimmy Simmons leaves another student like him; Poole, another heater to sit on; Melinda, all his love and his muscular body; Kathy, another trip to Lewisburg; Cheryl, his best friend Josh; Lonnie, a good hair day; Burns, his ability to grow a beard; David, another camping trip like Slaty Fork; Mr. Wade, some good guardrails; Morgan D., another night at Tea Creek; Chuck, a hard hat; Scott, another night at Warena; Richard U., all his good times; Mark B., Rachel; Travis P., Chevrolet, a real truck; Johnnie, a life vest; David, a new license plate; Pam, another hug.
Allison Sparke leaves Mandy, a can of noodle soup with a straw and a happy life with Kenney; Cindy, a real man; Mindy, good credit; Eva, a shoe size; Jen, best wishes of happiness; Kristi, a lifetime of happiness with Mike; Rebecca, best wishes; Mike, her life, her love, and everything else she has to offer, and her family, a huge THANKS!; to everyone at PCHS, it's been a memorable four years.
Mike Summer leaves Pic, a shovel to clean out his locker; Corkey, a leash that's not so tight; Doug R., a girl that finally says "Yes"; Jamie M., some herbs to flavor his brownies; Zig, the goat cheese he has always "Juan"ted; Merle, a much bigger belt buckle; Seth, a Jeep that's not wrapped around an oak tree; Whitney, his heart.
Wayne Strayer, Jr. leaves Susan, more seats to be saved; Jason, money that he doesn't have; Matt & Dano, better times with Jennifer; and last but not least, all his love to his girl, Kim.
Corey Alkire leaves Zig, a better hair piece; Matt, another run to Green Bank; Donnie, memories of it being clean, cool, and one more night with K.H.; Boo, his old truck; Holly, a zipper; M., one more dip in the pool; Katie, a life full of HYPER thoughts; Mike S., a woman he can't handle; Doug, a woman he can handle; Whitney, a smaller whip; Bond, more pathetic years; Amanda B., another concert; Amanda S., more parties; Spooge, a lot more trouble; Jess, strawberries and whipcream; and to everybody else.
Chris Alonso says he is immortal.
Anita Arbogast leaves Dad and Mom, all the love she could possibly give and happiness forever; Amy, good luck in the future with your son Caleb and all her love; Caleb, all the happiness in the world and her love; Bub, her everlasting love in the world; Holly, all her friendship in the world; J. Taylor, thanks for everything and all her friendship; to all my other friends, good luck in life.
David Armstrong leaves Mr. Burns, another National title; Mrs. Burns, plenty of patience to deal with Mr. Burns; Morgan, a trip to Texas to find out if God really did bless it; Lonnie, a new nickname; Sam, all the memories of this year and all the past ones; Jimmy, a 67 Chevelle to paint yellow and make run; Charles, a record opportunity, now you have to learn to sing; Tonja, a puppy.
Vicki W. leaves her notebooks and a pair of stilts; Mr. Alderman, some cleaning equipment; Mrs. Stewart, a free consultation when she set up her business; Amanda, a store-bought diploma and engagement ring; Lindsay, the ability to get out of bed before 2 p.m.; David, an "upadair a pillow"; Justin, a helmet and a club to protect him from David; Mom & Dad, no more kids like her and lots of love; Ma Beverage, less grief; William, her heart.
Jessica Beverage leaves Jason, all her love and his own sporting goods store; Achar, a jive life with Travis; Bran, Japanese men from Florida; ER, a pair of boxing gloves; Ginger, Kristen, & Cheryl, wild, crazy parties with Chris, time, and Brad; Lora, bathroom surprises; Bone's Diner, and luck with Jason; Flag Corps, pigs/pegs; Cain, Kimmy, & Amanda, band camp (hypothetically speaking); Danny, another trip to the beach; Dave, good sense of humor; Seth, Merle, Chuck, & Morgan, a recording studio and tickets to see Garth Brooks; Paul, another worm; Schar, Bran, & ER, memories and friendship; Jeremy, a hard time; Mom & Dad, three-day weekends and Thanks.
David Blankenship leaves Coach Ziegler, a lifetime supply of soccer balls and a banana for every day of the year; Jeremy U., the complete collection of "The Highlander"; James, many pins and patches; Sam, a set of tools and a handbook to take things apart with; Jessica, good luck with the guy of her dreams; freshmen soccer players, a roll of duct tape to use when they are seniors; to the RENEGADES, plenty of gas and quarters; teachers and students, thanks for putting up with him and goodbye!
Johnnie Boggs leaves Jimmy H., Luke, Phillip, and Paul, more destruction; Chris C., a trip out of Stillwell; Bosley, a trip to Little River; Bosshog, a draghook; Propet, a new motor; Buzz, a pumpkin; M. Beverage, a Nissan; Greg G., a scope, Forestry class-singing lessons; Mr. Burns, a bit more; Mandy S., a bookbag carrier; Lora C., aspirin; Kristy W., pencil; Sharlie, Brandy, and Jess, another class like Stew's; Ginger, common sense; Elissa C., happiness; Kristen, a ride home; Kristy Kane, J. Michael's tailgate; J. Simmons, a razor; Smoking Joe, another lie.
Josh Bond leaves Boo, hair; Corey, patheticness; Bob, Prom 94 and a party at Whittaker; J.R., the doors, a party at Hillsboro, and Jerico Road; Jay, Earnest and Julio Gallo, silverchair; Mary and M&M!; Pic, smooth lines, good times, and the basics bro; Kenny, a ride to Elkins and another party at Blackhurst's; Donnie, another trip to Nationals, but, don't worry, IT'S CLEAN!; Jeremy, Cheat Mtn; Jen, a ring at graduation; Chris White, the "A" Frame and heart-shaped box; Jessica, his heart, his mind, and Van Damm's body.
Dege Burdette leaves Jimmy C., all her love, more good times together; Cindy G., a diploma and Kevin the Schwan's man; Melinda M., Jimmy Simmons and his muscular body; Aleisha V. and Amanda M., more good times at Durbin's pay phone and on Back Mountain; Scott M. and Christy S., more good times to Lewisburg; Chris C., "A LOT" of-you-know what; Mike A., Deanna; Jason G., a life; Brandy, her attitude; Mom, a rich man; Dad, another daughter like her; and her grandparents, her love and thanks for their care and support.
Sharon Burgess leaves her parents, a long life of happiness and a special thanks for everything; Jennifer, another walk on the mountain; Mandy, long talks with Hannah in Bethany; Gina, more JC Penney credit cards, good luck!; Seth, more lunches in the hall.
Missy Cain leaves Eva, an outhouse; Elaina and Jennifer, a bathroom stall; Cheryl, a ride to school; Mindy, friendship forever; Aaron C., a heater; to the rest, friendship; her brother, her bedroom; Dad, her diploma; Mom, her love; John, her love & life always; Grandma Opal, whom she misses very much, her blessings and love.
Jim Campbell leaves Dege, his love forever; Scott, more fun times in Roanoke; Matt, a trash can, not a car door; Chris, a reputation like his; Mike Hefner, more childhood memories; Kenney, fun times in Thurman's camper, "butterscotch bowl"; Dad, another great time at the beach together; Mom, another fight-ha ha; Mrs. Keller, 5 more students like him; Mrs. Beverage, thanks for all the help; Gary S., another trip to N.C.; Jason G., to be as mean as me-ha ha; Lonnie and Jason, thanks for everything they've done, love you!; Class of '96, party and have fun!
Morgan Dale leaves David A., a railroad tie to kick; Stuby, a brain; Renegades, gas and quarters; Merle, a NFR wool jacket; Seth, a decent woman; Lonnie and Sam, snowballs; Jeremy U., oil paint, brushes, and a ghostbuster; Cindy and Katrina, spaghetti and lemonade; Cindy, a hug; Baboon Woman, her odd nag, her own indoor arena, and her Snowy River tape; to all forgotten, tough luck.
Tommy Dickenson leaves Adam, an alternator and privacy on Buffalo; Phillip, a Toyota; Donnie, insurance; Evan, a chicken roast; James, some brakes; Mike M., a telephone pole; Johnnie B., another night at the tunnels; Scott, another? Tide hat; Danny, a tailgate; Chad, his own vehicle; Amanda, the right-away on a road; Elissa, another night on Buffalo and some sense; Tara, 150 dollars; Ronda, a boyfriend; Missy, a dozen roses; Angela, another step; Stacey, an automatic vehicle; Cindy, one chance; William, another Elcamino; Wade and Vance, all his days in detention.
Roshawn Donaldson-Hampton leaves her mother, Wanda, all the love and affection she deserves!; Billie, a phat split; Spencer, a year supply of blue hair dye and a pack of Camels; Jud, a belt and some KGB ; Aaron, a new hat; Pat C., a blow-up doll; Jason B., a million kisses for every smile; Ariana, a car to live in; J.R., a new attitude and clothes borrowed; Mr. Wade, a lifetime supply of Rogain; Keith, four shots and new hands; Mandy S., best wishes in whatever she does; everyone else he missed, good luck in the future.
David McCray leaves Susan, his heart; Chuck, his geometry homework; Mike, a lot of his palm tree leaves; Bob, Chad, & Alex, gas money for their trip to Vegas; Chris, gum; Joyce & Tonja, anything they want to get over him, which means the big red Dodge and a book of his problem-solving answers.
James McNeel leaves behind just one thing, his many thanks to all the people (teachers and students) he has grown to know over the last four years-you have meant so much to him, and his sanity. Peace and love to you all-and thank-you.
Sherry Mick leaves Amanda, a great relationship with Adam and a dust rag; Aleisha, a long and happy life with Mr. L.; Tim, one last party in Durbin and a Steve Earl tape; Mindy, a happy birthday; Angela, one last cruise in Elkins and an order of dinner rolls; Ronda, luck with men; Tara, a Cowboys jacket with that special guy in it; Scott L., an apron; Lisa, Stacy, and Stephanie, the status; Donnie E., a set of shoe strings to play with; Eric, a back seat; Jennifer L, Glenville; Mike, thanks for having patience and nerves; Mom and Dad, all his love and thanks for your support; Class of 1996, the best of luck in the future.
Mark leaves a matching paint job for his truck; Mark Beverage, quarters for the car wash; Ryan Yodak, a rope for his soap; Mike Beverage, answers to his Algebra II; Mrs. Keller, a Big Johnson shirt; Mr. Sheets, a pair of Chippewas; Zig, hair tonic and goat cheese; Mr. Thompson, his pencils; Adam Taylor, a pair of Taz boxers.
Philip Propet leaves Evan Bosley, another night at Bryan Gragg's house; Mark Buzzard, another Cowgirl; Mike Arbogast, a good car for the places to go; Aaron Childers, better luck next year in football; Davey Rexrode, good luck in the future; Chad Taylor, another night on Buffalo; Adam Taylor, privacy when needed; Tommy Dickenson, a good truck; Mr. Burns, another class like ours; Tara Rexrode, great luck in the future; Johnnie Boggs, an amphibious truck; Coach Barb, all the great luck with Warrior Football.
Joey Pyles leaves Benny, tickets to go see a Dallas Cowboy game; his little sister, his walkman and all his tapes; Mom and Dad, all the love in his heart; Mrs. Rexrode, his Michael Jordan basketball; Selena, his Rod Woodson shirt and his Scottie Pippen basketball; Katie, his basketball cards; Mr. Hall, a picture to remember him.
Tara Rexrode leaves Ronda, her best friend, another trip to Virginia Beach & Charleston, the State Fair, New Year's Eve, all the football games and all those Fridays; Morgan, another broomstick; Elissa, another ride to Shepherdstown & another trip to France and Spain; Lisa & Pam, more times after school; Tommy, more rocks in her truck seat; Deon, infinity plus infinity; to all the cheerleaders, more good times; Jennifer, a conscience; Dano, the girl of his dreams; Matt, life as a Marine.
Timothy Rexrode leaves Stephanie Nelson, his jeans and CD player; Lisa Cassell, a road map; Sherry Mick, a Steve Miller Band tape; Angela Warner, a pizza and nurse's suit; Bryan Pugh, a pop tart; Aaron Childers, another party at your house; David Rexrode, a new truck; Stacey Dickenson, the Snowshoe Man; to all his friends he didn't mention, don't think he doesn't care because he does; Mom, thanks for being there and he leaves all his love.
Benny Ryder leaves Joey, a basketball game with Michael Jordan; Brad, a 68 Camaro; Jeremy, five tickets to all Charlotte games; Mike, a real truck, "Chevy"; Sam T., bigger pockets to put his tools in; Jennifer, a race car and a rubber tree; Brandy, a convertible rabbit; Truman, brains to help him through school; Carol, a rich adj; Calvin, a Peterbilt with chrome; Trish, a Mauch I and a straight stretch; June T., a way to get rid of her problem kids; Crystal, a four-bedroom house, indoor pool, and all his love; Mom and Dad, all the laughs we've shared and times we've cried, love and thanks, and all those special things.
Sherry Ryder leaves Chad, her love and friendship, happiness, and the night woman; Bob, her love and friendship and a new car; Alex, her love and friendship, happiness, and sanity; Scottie, a memory; Herry, a good woman; Roro, happiness with men; Spencer, less energy and a manicure; Bucky and Andrea, each other; Mike, a louder voice; Mom and Dad, her love and no more teenage daughters; everyone, peace, love, happiness, and anchovies.
Jason Rolleston leaves Coach Sheets, an electric fence to surround the basketball court; Mrs. Flegel, hundreds of his papers; future soccer teams, lots of luck; basketball, the record for slams in a year; Mr. Wade, a straw and a membership in the hair club for men; Mrs. Howell, a college application; Mr. Rexrode, a beeper; Mrs. Vance, a computer that works; Ms. Blankenship, Valium; Mrs. McGee, a finished homework assignment and a finished application; Mr. Vance, Fisher Price "My First Walkie Talkie."
Chris Rush leaves Lonnie, a new car and the ability to drive it; Jamie, a windshield; Samuel, more trips to Kansas City; David, a hunting trip to Colorado; Jimmy, a real truck; Robin, lots of money and Mark; Morgan, more good times; D.J., more trips to Morgantown; Mom, thanks for all your love and encouragement, he'll love you always; to the rest of his family, thanks for all the memories and good times.
Christy Sharp leaves Wally K., Matt G., & P.J.B., New Years and special friendship; Lori & Brook, parking lots to get kicked out of; Dege, Jimmy, Scott, & Chris, wild night & red eye; William, Mike G., & Bobby T., sweet little ol' me; Mindy, K-Mart, fortune, & joy; Melinda, friends forever & love; Jamie Mc., the phrase "I liked it"; Missy, pickles & chocolate syrup; Parker, a map; Willie, memories and a life; Christine, ride on ice; Joy, many moons; Uncle Bones, lifetime of talks; family, Mom, Dad, & friends, thanks bunches, love you all!
The wills demonstrate a range of styles, from humorous to sentimental, and provide insight into the unique culture and experiences of each graduating class
. They reveal the relationships between students, their inside jokes, and their hopes for the future•
Eloise McNeel wills to Barbara Berkley her ability to make A's in Chemistry
Irene Carpenter wills to Almeda Morris her art of playing pranks and getting by with them
Helen Carr wills her ability to get married before she gets to Wanda Pyles so that she can get her man
Loella Bareford wills Linda Clutter her cheerleading uniform
James Coe wills his love for Math, especially Algebra, to Lewis Cooper
Oather Cook wills to Mr. Byrd a package of cigarettes since he won't be around for him to "bum" them from
Nannie Covey wills her ability to drive a Chevrolet truck to Mr, Byrd, since he is so fond of Pontiacs
Barton Hollandsworth, John Dilley wills his ability to skip English class and get by with it
Paul Dunn wills to the junior class treasurer, Anna Mae Pringle, his empty treasury to be refilled next year
Marteen Fitzpatrick wills to Dorothy Dever and Anna Mae Pringle a package of dry snowballs so they won't get their pockets wet
Joyce Weatherholt, Carolyn Hill wills her ability to be a cheerleader
Nancy Hollands worth wills to Linda Barcroft, her height
Kay Kimmins wills her quietness to "Jerry" Rose in hopes he will make use of it in chorus
Jo Mary Martin Kramer and Delores Arbogast, Charlotte Landis wills a nickel, so they can play the juke box in McNeill's restaurant on Saturday night
Nancy May wills to Santa May her recipe for dating
Bo Ray Hazlett, Ruth Messersmith wills his patience with the mimeograph machine
Reta Morrison wills to Lucy Fleck Curry her "feminine muscles"
Kenneth Scott wills to Roger Pritt, his love for all athletics
Harper Hill, Tommy Ruckman wills his nick-name, "Lover Boy"
Naomi Scott wills to Delmy Puffenberger a car so she won't have to walk to see Albert Morgan
Stanley Hall, Remus Arbogast wills his curly hair
Othenia Sharp wills to Bobby Goodman a muffler, so he won't be heard all over the Mill Point bus
Victoria Shields wills to Marie Shields her books since she won't be needing them any longer
Linda Starks, Berlene Shue wills a tire which she can give to Sidney Long so they won't have to come home on the rim
Mary Eva Smith wills to Joyce Weatherholt a car so she can get to Marlinton more often
Eileen Starks wills to Eleanora McKeever her even-temper
Eleanora McKeever, Mary Vaughan wills her love for tall men
Alice Walter wills to Carolyn Hodges a car so that she may go to take her music lessons at Marlinton more regularly
Marie Adkinson wills her "high flown" language to Catherine Pritt so she can talk her way out of messes
Mattie Beverage wills her number of male admirers to Uncle Sam as a relief for the manpower shortage
Ralph Boggs wills his bicycle to the scrap drive because that's all it's good for after the way he has treated it
Jean Bright wills her job riveting handles on pang whang to her sister, Betty, hoping she wins her title, "Rosey, the Riveter"
Sam Brill wills his perfect coordination of lips in his trumpet playing to George, a shell-any other use of the same will have to be attained the hard way
Mary Jean Buzzard wills her canvas, palette and brushes to the first Michael Angelo who comes along
Dotty Clutter wills her place as vocalist in Sam Brill's Orchestra to Penny Arbogast
Louise Curry wills the honor of being the most beautiful girl in M. H. S. to Marguerita, a sniffer hoping she will make the most of it
Junior Chestnut wills to John Johnson a good lawn mower so that the barber may save time under labor when John mows for his monthly shave
Iris Dean wills her pleasant smile and manner to Polly McDowell. We'll see if that helps any
Hubert Dean wills his slow walk to some of the swifter ones to make the halls safer
The Dilley Twins will their blonde hair to any blonde with the saying—Peroxide won't last forever
Eugene Dilley wills his excess fat for glycerine and hopes it will explode with a "bang"
Bill Fowler wills his ability to get by in a close shave to anyone who is attended by Lady Luck as he seems to be
Azalea Galford wills to John Johnson a book entitled "How to Keep the Girl Friend When College Boys Are Home"
Mabel Galford wills her red hair to any good looking blonde saying, "I don't want to set the world on fire"
Sterle Gibson wills his ten minute dates to John Johnson
Simpson Gragg wills his love for birds, especially the Buzzards to the boys of M. H. S
Russel Kyle Hannah wills his farm to Arnold Weiford with a note saying "No work, no pay"
Alice Hively wills her sense of humor to the Laughing Hyenas in Washington Zoo, now that's something to laugh at
Rebecca Jackson wills her effort to come up in the world to Max Kirkpatrick—don't give up
Minnie Kelly wills to Betty Jo Kramer her tricycle by which she may cover the distance between the club and Harry Sharp's in a much shorter time and save energy
Nellie Kesler wills her silence to Catherine Pritt because she knows "silence is golden"
Norma June Kellison wills her black eyes to George Schofield hoping they look better than his homemade one, he usually has
James Kirkpatrick wills his A. B. degree to Smokology to all those future students to Professor Moore
Benny Maline wills his powerful physique to years experience on the grid-iron to George Ardell
Bill Moore wills his last quarter on earth to Mr. Davis to buy typing paper for Janey to borrow next year
Howard Moore wills his ability to hold (that line) to any romantically inclined moon-light cruiser
Genevieve McKenney wills her engagement ring to the Salvage Drive, hoping it will be replaced by a wedding ring
Ocie McClure wills his civilian clothes to Henry Campbell saying, "I will be wearing Uncle Sam's soon"
Pauline McClure wills her Chemistry Manual to Mr. Richardson to be used as a key
Sara Mullens wills her old love letters to Joe Yanko for samples
Chester McLaughlin wills his popularity with all the students of M.H.S. to Peggy Smith
Shad McLaughlin wills his car to the Army Air Corps in hopes that they too can make it fly
Everette Nottingham wills to Miss Smith his patented recipe for Moonshine together with full instructions on use
Mary Frances Overholt wills her wise cracks to anyone who can add a little more and make them worth hearing
Nyta Parsons wills her vanity to anyone who enjoys looking at themselves as much as she does
Betty Piper wills her line, "Hello there you big hunk of man", to Betty Jo Kramer
Kathleen Rhea wills to Penny Arbogast her list of alibies so that she won't have any difficulty in explaining class absences
Gladys Rogers wills her high temper to Case Knife Company so there won't be a shortage of temper for knife blades
Margaret Smith wills her ability to get things done by hook or crook to next year's A. D. D.'s and Senior Class
Maude Smith wills her love for Julian Sharp to Uncle Sam for the duration
Barthel Townsend wills the key to his heart to Ramona Sharn saying, "Now that I've changed the lock, you can have the old key"
Hildreth Townsend wills her place as Senior Treasurer to the most honest person in the Junior Class
Maxine Thomas wills her fishing tackle to Betty Jo Kramer saying, "Catch a nice one like I did"
Cora VanReenan wills her charming bedside manner to Lola Jean Wagner saying, "Holding the patient's hand helps"
Everette Welder wills his flirtatious manner to the next tall, dark and handsome Romeo of M. H. S
Dotty Weiford wills her tendencies to say and do exactly what she thinks at all times to anyone who has the nerve to do it
Maxine Withers wills her manner of talking to the teachers of M. H. S. to anyone who thinks they can get by with it
Arch Wooddell wills his way of talking things with a smile to the next Senior President
Elzey Workman wills his love for Mae Lou Minnick to anyone who can foot the expenses
Grace Williams wills her strut to the majorettes
Philip Anderson will his love for Hamilton Hill to the boys of Hillsboro High
Brenda Kellison will the mimeographing machine to the one that will be using it next year, and I hope she doesn't get as "inky" as I did
Kenneth J. Job will a galaxy of thoughts, a pocketful of dreams, a bag full of nothingness, and a hatful of wayward winds to any person in the Junior Class who has everything
Janice Bailey will one slightly cracked telephone pole and one slightly bent garage door to anyone who wishes to practice on them as I have
Mary Van Reenen will my ability to whoever can use it; although I don't know what they could use it for
Carla Gladwell will my ability to get a good-looking boy from Hillsboro to Karen Colburn
Dorothy Ann Price will all the love and happiness that has been given me while attending Marlinton High School, to all students who attend Marlinton High School
Helen Pennington do hereby will to Virginia Miller my baton in hopes she may be able to use it next year
Connie Wilfong and Pat Jordan will to Sandra Cromer and Diana Robinson all the good times we've had in band in hopes that they can talk as much as we did without getting caught
Suzanne Jett will my big mouth to anyone who, having a sense of the macabre, wants to have the FUN of trying to get himself out of the embarrassing situations which a mouth such as this will certainly get one into
Wally Mullens and Vicki Sharp do hereby will our corner at the Hot Seat to Ronnie Roy and Mary Lee Shafer in hopes that they will like it
Carolyn Ann Rimel do hereby will my majorette uniform to one of the incoming majorettes in hopes that she'll enjoy it as much as I have
Martha Kay Dilley will my ability to have 3 boys come to my house on one night to anyone who wishes to have a nervous breakdown
Susan Yeager will my position as principal's daughter to anyone who is willing to put up with the trials and tribulations of that position
Shirley Dean do hereby will my ability to bum chewing gym to Diana Robinson
Nancy Evans do hereby will my locker to Sally Rose so she can keep her books off the other lockers
Butch Perry being of warped mind will my ability to sit in Mr. McNeel's classroom and bite my fingernails during his "EASY" tests
Wayne Harper will my ability to square dance to Bobby Michael, but I will keep my partner
Wilbur Boggs will to the teachers of Marlinton High School my sense of humor, and to Mrs. Menendez an apple a day
Carolyn Dean will to any junior my ability to put off fire crackers
Harriet Waugh do hereby will my red hair to Fuzzy King who has a temper to go along
Chipper Williams will my ability to thump people on the head with a class ring to Chuck Davis because he has been on the receiving end long enough
Judy Bennett will my locker on the balcony to Charlotte Beverage hoping she can get a certain freshman boy to locker with her
Linda Wooddell hereby will to Sandy Hinds my ability to get a boy from Hillsboro because I understand she is interested in a certain one
Shirley Ann Gallaher do hereby will my ability to side-swipe fire hydrants to any junior who has the courage to face his parents later
Gloria Boggs will my seat in typing to Inez Boggs and hope she will make fewer errors than I did
Mary Ruth Barlow will to Connie Broce my ability to catch the right man
Randall Shields will my English book to the fire fighters
Lois Ann Beverage will my ability to take care of a husband, keep house, and go to school at the same time to Mary Lee Shafer
Sharon Hedrick do hereby will my majorette uniform to next year's majorette in hopes that it will fit her better than it did me
Riger Irvine will to the football team of next year the privilege of gazing admiringly at the trophies our team won THIS year
Garry McElwee do hereby will my intelligence to anyone who wants to spend 6 years in high school
Jerry Buzzard being of unsound mind leave to every member of Marlinton High School the equipment to build a neon sign with my name on it in front of the high school so as to remember that great student that was here . . .me
Sharol Miller do hereby will on the 10th day of December in the year of 1963, to any junior at Marlinton High who has the desire to become a star, my face. I'm quite sure you will be a hit, especially in Frankenstein movies
Dwight Diller being of strong mind, do hereby will my ability to goof-off in band to Chuck Davis in hopes that he will feed Brownie regularly and keep Charles Farley out of trouble
Jack Nelson will my goatee to Michael McMann, for he loves them dearly
Sam C. Mccarty will my driving ability to Coach Friel's Driver's Ed. group forever and ever
Becky McCune will my ability to be a senior at 16 to anyone who is willing to fight for his rights among the other seniors
Cheryl McNeill do hereby will my once blonde hair to all blondes with the hint that peroxide won't last forever
Sandy Moyers will the title of "new girl" to those who fell up and down the stairs looking at me
Marsha Madison will my shorthand speed to Carrie Hodge in hopes she will be able to take dictation from Chuck Davis
Wayne Beverage do hereby will my typewriter to anyone who can use it better than I
Lorraine Adkison, do hereby will my slacks to anyone who is not bow-legged or knock-kneed
Helen Armstrong, will my talking ability to Leo Buzzard in hopes he makes as good use of it as I did
Gene Beale, will one pack of Camels to the person that can puff the hardest in Smokeology
Sue Brooks, do hereby will my tendency to say and do the first thing that comes into my mind to Buddy Meadows (not that he needs it)
Mary Lou Calhoun, will my horn to anyone who has the strength to blow it as long as Miss May wants
Robert Carpenter, will my curly hair to Jean Bardett so she won't have to worry with her hair so much
Wilma Carr, do hereby will my love for shorthand to anyone who has the courage to stay in the room and try to get it
Frances Curry, will to my sister Lois nothing, of which she already has plenty
Rosalie Chesnut, bequeath my long black eyelashes and rosy cheeks to anyone who finds mascara and rouge expensive
Anna Lee Dean, do hereby will everything concerning commercial studies to anyone who can stay with it to the end
Charles Dilley, will my empty cider jugs to Tommy Gibson in hopes that he will fill them up and send them back
Hazel Dilley, bequeath my dimples to anyone that can take them along with the teasing
I, Shoat Eades, do hereby will my Bookkeeping book to Margaret Ellen Webb with the statement, "You'll Be Sorry."
Bill Fowler will his ability to get by in a close shave to anyone who is attended by Lady Luck as he seems to be
I, Henry David Hively, will my stray book-reports to anyone who needs them worse than Jean Moore
I, Lee Hively, do hereby will and bequeath to the future Seniors all of my moods and demerits in order to keep up the Spirit of M. H. S
I, Trudie Hively, will my love for basketball to Ephie Adkison, saying, "Good Luck."
I, Hazel Jackson, do hereby will my mini speech and manner to Margaret Anne Coyner, hoping she will do so and take it easy
I, Herbert Johnson, "Will my Little Brown Jug" to Dinks Moses, hoping he can make it to school on Monday morning
I, Delma Kennedy, do hereby bequeath my blonde hair to Jane Moore who lost most of his hair over our class
I, Ligon Kesler, will my recipe for homebrew to anyone who can drink it and live to tell about it
I, Maxine Kirkpatrick, do hereby will my position as Captain of the Girl's Baseball team to Catherine Rexrode, and I hope she enjoys it as much as I did
I, Anna Lee Landis, will my flirtatious manner to the next happy-go-lucky Seniors
I, Virginia Lantz, bequeath my love for Miss Smith to Robert McLaughlin hoping he will make good use of it
I, Nellie Malcomb, will my platform sole shoes to Nancy Underwood so she can see through the window of the door in Miss Moore's room
I, Robert McLaughlin, do hereby bequeath my football uniform to anyone who will play like the rest of the McLaughlin's have played
I, Betty Moore, bequeath and devise unto the "Big Three", Styl, Raymond and Jimmy, my love for lollipops and ice cream
I, Agatha Miller, do hereby will my three seats in study hall to any lovelorn couple who needs them more than I do
I, Jean Moore, bequeath my love for the boys to Libby Johnson so she won't be so shy around them
I, Naomi Moore, do hereby will my ability to write shorthand to the Freshmen boys so that they can write something constructive on Miss Moore's walls
I, Phyllis Joan Overholt, do hereby will my ticket-selling stall to Mr. Moore for fuel so he can keep it as hot around school as Dot Waugh
I, Arthur Pescosolido, bequeath my knowledge to "Pig" Arbogast, because he really needs it
I, Pauline Pescosolido, will my love for a Freshman to the girls of the Junior Class
I, Florine Rickett, do hereby will my glasses to anyone who can afford windshield wipers to keep them clean
I, Grace Rogers, do hereby will my love for "Dick" Workman to Jean Moore saying, "Take good care of him for me."
I, Eleanor Sharp, will my six shorthand books to anyone who has time to write twenty pages every night as Mr. Davis would have them do
I, Mary Frances Shinaberry, do hereby bequeath my Peppsodent smile to Jim Livesay in hopes he will use it
I, Julian Shrader, do hereby will and bequeath my part in the Senior play to anyone who likes to hold hands. I don't!!
I, Helen Simmons, will my red hair to Dot Waugh so she will have something to go with her temper
I, Elton Underwood, bequeath my seat in third period English to anyone who can get out the door faster than I do
I, Nada Underwood, will my eyes to the Chemistry class for experimental purposes
I, Lewis Varney, do hereby will my books to John Showalter, knowing that he will use them as much as I do
I, Garth VanReenen, will my books to my brother Donald in hopes he will use them more than I did
I, Dorothy Lee Waugh, bequeath my position in the band to anyone that CAN get a credit out of it
I, Betty Wanless, will my love for good books to some Junior with the hopes that they enjoy them as much as I did
I, Max White, do hereby bequeath my "quiet" nature to Harry Cutlip
I, Joanne Whitt, bequeath my love for the Army to anyone who likes to write letters as well as I do
I, Ivan Wilfong, do hereby will devise and bequeath my plus A to anyone who can pass the strict Smokeology entrance test
I, Billy Joe Wilson, do hereby will my grades in bookkeeping to "Bud" Adkison to add on to his own. With the two together, he ought to pass
I, Ivan Withers, to hereby will and bequeath my ability to type to anyone who would like to make an F
I, Jimmy Simmons, leave Burns, another student like me; Poole, another heater to sit on; Melinda, all my love and my muscular body; Kathy, another trip to Lewisburg; Cheryl, my best friend Josh; Lonnie, a good hair day; Burns, my ability to grow a beard; David, another camping trip like Slaty Fork; Mr. Wade, some good guardrails; Morgan D., another night at Tea Creek; Chuck, a hard hat; Scott, another night at Warens; Richard U., all my good times; Mark B., Rachel; Travis P.; Chevrolet, a real truck; Johnnie, a life vest; David, new license plate; Pam, another hug
I, Mandy Snyder, leave Cowpattie, the summers in Huntington, Hoot-Owls, "Brown-eyed girls," schemes, and friendship forever; Katrina R., State Track meets, Snowshoe, arrogant ski instructors, and friendship; Seth R., trips to the fair and a woman that's good enough for him; Pic & Doug, kidnapped snowmen; Aaron V., a chocolate cake; Cheryl S., a game of "3-man"; Mr. Hall, a megaphone to throw; Mrs. Burns, someone to call her "Burnsle"; Jessie R., Liz C., & Beth, memories of Montreal
I, Allison Sparke, leave Mandy, a can of noodle soup with a straw and a happy life with Kenney; Cindy, a real man; Mindy, good credit; Eva, a shoe size; Jen, best wishes of happiness; Kristi, a lifetime of happiness with Mike; Rebecca, best wishes; Mike, my life, my love, and everything else I have to offer, I love you!; my family, a huge THANKS!; to everyone at PCHS, it's been a memorable four years, Thanks!
I, Mike Sumner, leave Pic, a shovel to clean out his locker; Corkey, a leash that's not so tight; Doug R., a girl that finally says "Yes"; Jamie W., some herbs to flavor his brownies; Zig, the goat cheese he has always "Juan"ted; Merle, a much bigger belt buckle; Seth, a Jeep that's not wrapped around an oak tree; Whitney, my heart
I, Wayne Strayer, Jr., leave Susan, more seats to be saved; Jason, money that I don't have; Matt & Dano, better times with Jennifer; and last but not least, all my love to my girl, Kim. I love You!!
I, Corey Alkire, leave Zig, a better hair piece; Matt, another run to Green Bank; Donnie, memories of it being clean, cool, and one more night with K.H.; Boo, my old truck; Holly, a zipper; M., one more dip in the pool; Katie, a life full of HYPER thoughts; Mike S., a woman he can't handle; Doug, a woman he can handle; Whitney, a smaller whip; Bond, more pathetic years; Amanda B., another concert, Amanda S., more parties; Spooge, a lot more trouble; Jess, strawberries and whipcream; and to everybody else . . I'm outta here!
I, Chris Alonso, am immortal
I, Anita Arbogast, Leave Dad and Mom, all the love I could possibly give and happiness forever. I love you!; Amy, good luck in the future with your son Caleb and all my love; Caleb, all the happiness in the world and my love; Bub, my everlasting love in the world. I love you always!; Holly, all my friendship in the world. Never forget all the fun times we had and the best of luck with Allen, and my love; J. Taylor, thanks for everything and all my friendship; to all my other friends, good luck in life
I, David Armstrong, leave Mr. Burns, another National title; Mrs. Burns, plenty of patience to deal with Mr. Burns; Morgan, a trip to Texas to find out if God really did bless it; Lonnie, a new nickname, I just need to figure out what an Australian corn dog is; Sam, all the memories of this year and all the past ones. We've had some fun; Jimmy, '67 Chevelle to paint yellow and make run; Charles, a record opportunity, now you have to learn to sing; Tonja, a puppy
Vicki W., my notebooks and a pair of stilts; Mr. Alderman, some cleaning equipment; Mrs. Stewart, a free consultation when I set up my business; Amanda, a store-bought diploma and engagement ring; Lindsay, the ability to get out of bed before 2 p.m.; David, an "upadair a pillow"; Justin, a helmet and a club to protect him from David; Mom & Dad, no more kids like me and lots of love; Ma Beverage, less grief; William, my heart
I, Jessica Beverage, leave Jason, all my love and his own sporting goods store; Schar, a jive life with Travis; Bran, Japanese men from Florida; ER, a pair of boxing gloves; Ginger, Kristen, & Cheryl, wild, crazy parties with Chris, time, and Brad; Lora, bathroom surprises; Bone's Diner, and luck with Jason; Flag Corps, pigs/pegs; Cain, Kimmy, & Amanda, band camp (hypothetically speaking); Danny, another trip to the beach; Dave, good sense of humor; Seth, Merle, Chuck, & Morgan, a recording studio and tickets to see Garth Brooks; Paul, another worm; Schar, Bran, & ER, memories and friendship; Jeremy, a hard time; Mom & Dad, three-day weekends and Thanks
I, David Blankenship, leave Coach Ziegler, a lifetime supply of soccer balls and a banana for every day of the year; Jeremy U., the complete collection of "The Highlander"; James, many pins and patches; Sam, a set of tools and a handbook to take things apart with; Jessica, good luck with the guy of her dreams; freshmen soccer players, a roll of duct tape to use when they are seniors; to the RENEGADES, plenty of gas and quarters; teachers and students, thanks for putting up with me and goodbye!
I, Johnnie Boggs, leave Jimmy H., Luke, Phillip, and Paul, more destruction; Chris C., a trip out of Stillwell; Bosley, a trip to Little River; Bosshog, a draghook; Propet, a new motor; Buzz, a pumpkin; M. Beverage, a Nissan; Greg G., a scope, Forestry class-singing lessons; Mr. Burns, a bitt more; Mandy S., a bookbag carrier; Lora C., aspirin; Kristy W., pencil; Sharlie, Brandy, and Jess, another class like Stew's; Ginger, common sense; Elissa C., happiness; Kristen, a ride home; Kristy Kane, J. Michael's tailgate; J. Simmons, a razor; Smoking Joe, another lie
I, Josh Bond, leave Boo, hair; Corey, palheticness; Bob, Prom 94 and a party at Whittaker; J.R., the doors, a party at Hillsboro, and Jerico Road; Jay, Ernest and Julio Gallo, silverchair; Mary and A.C.; Pic, M&M's; Billy, smooth lines, good times, and the basics bro.; Kenny, a ride to Elkins and another party at Blackhurst's; Donnie, another trip to Nationals, but, don't worry, IT'S CLEAN!; Jeremy, Cheat Mtn; Jen, a ring at graduation; Chris White, the "A" Frame and heart-shaped box; Jessica, my heart, my mind, and Van Damm's body
I, Dege Burdette, leave Jimmy C., all my love, more good times together; Cindy G., a diploma and Kevin the Schwan's man; Melinda M., Jimmy Simmons and his muscular body; Aleisha V. and Amanda M., more good times at Durbin's pay phone and on Back Mountain; Scott M. and Christy S., more good times to Lewisburg; Chris C., "A LOT" of-you-know what; Mike A., Deanna; Jason G., a life; Brandy, my attitude; Mom, a rich man; Dad, another daughter like me; my grandparents, my love and thanks for your care and support
I, Sharon Burgess, leave my parents, a long life of happiness and a special thanks for everything; Jennifer, another walk on the mountain; Mandy, long talks with Hannah in Bethany; Gina, more JC Penney credit cards, good luck!; Seth, more lunches in the hall
I, Missy Cain, leave Eva, an outhouse; Elaina and Jennifer, a bathroom stall; Cheryl, a ride to school; Mindy, friendship forever; Aaron C., a heater; to the rest, friendship; my brother, my bedroom; Dad, my diploma; Mom, my love; John, my love & life always; Grandma Opal, whom I miss very much, my blessings and love
I, Jim Campbell, leave Dege, my love forever; Scott, more fun times in Roanoke; Matt, a trash can, not a car door; Chris, a reputation like mine; Mike Hefner, more childhood memories; Kenney, fun times in Therman's camper, "butterscotch bowl"; Dad, another great time at the beach together; Mom, another fight-ha ha; Mrs. Keller, 5 more students like me; Mrs. Beverage, thanks for all the help; Gary S., another trip to N.C.; Jason G., to be as mean as me-ha ha; Lonnie and Jason, thanks for everything you've done, love you!; Class of '96, party and have fun!
I, Brandy Cassell, leave Scharlie, a bib, tow rope, a gate to keep the cows in; Jess, a life full of amoxicillan, a job, and happiness with Jason; Elissa, a leash for her dog; Dave, a jeans ad in GQ and a pair of shorts that actually fit; Josh, a personality; Jeremy, Slow down!; Alison, a tall goon; Johnnie, a life raft and three-course meal with bacon, bug juice, and pretzels; Zig, the wrath of the hydra; Katie, a pair of platform shoes; Ginger and Kristen, the milk business; Mom, Love and thanks!!
I, Elissa Corbett, leave Mr. Wade, 5 days of luxury; Don, Alice-n-Wonderland, driver's license, shaving cream; William, jail; Amanda, road all to herself; Adam, Ian; Ronda, Fatman; Tara, side herkey; Johnnie, dry truck; Booger, history class; Buzz, kiss; Tom, Dr. Pepper bottle; Phil, dancing lessons; Cowpattie, I doubt it; Schar, Berea; Brand, the man
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