The average annual rainfall in Marlinton is 47.26 inches. This is based on records from the Weather Bureau station located in Marlinton, which is situated at an elevation of 2,131 feet. S.L. Brown, Clerk of the County Court, has also kept records of rainfall at Marlinton since 1893.
Additional details about rainfall in Marlinton include:
- The rainfall is well distributed throughout the year, with the greatest amount falling during the spring and summer, when it is most needed for growing crops and pasture, and the least amount falling in the fall and winter.
- The average number of days with 0.01 inch or more of rain is 120.
- The monthly average precipitation in Marlinton, as recorded by S.L. Brown, is:
- January: 4.30 inches
- February: 3.45 inches
- March: 3.97 inches
- April: 4.74 inches
- May: 5.31 inches
- June: 4.90 inches
- July: 3.10 inches
- August: 3.11 inches
- September: 2.93 inches
- October: 3.88 inches
- November: data not provided
- December: data not provided
- The average number of rainy days per month varies. For example, in 1927, there were 10 rainy days in January and February, 11 rainy days in March and April, 14 rainy days in May, 12 in June, 6 in July, 7 in August, 10 in September, and 7 in October.
- There is a general trend that precipitation is greater west of the mountains, with the greatest precipitation occurring on the western side near the crests.
- However, the Weather Bureau data from Marlinton may not be representative of conditions in the plateau sections of the northeastern part of Pocahontas County. The Pickens station in Randolph County shows an average annual rainfall of more than 60 inches, and a snowfall of 100 inches, which is more indicative of conditions in northeastern Pocahontas County.
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