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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Prompt Engineering



The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn ChatGPT
into Your Smart Assistant
by Kasia Pilch
Prompt Engineering
for Everyone
Your Cheat Sheet
1 The Flipped Interaction Pattern
2 The Persona Pattern
3 The Question Refinement Pattern
4 The Cognitive Verifier Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
1 The Flipped Interaction Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Typically, it’s you who pose questions to the
model, generating an output for you. Our
Flipped Interaction Pattern turns this dynamic
on its head, and it’s Chat GPT who asks
questions for you to answer to get better
This pattern allows the chatbot, our model, to
be more proactive in guiding the conversation
and providing much more personalized
Instead of investing a ton of time thinking
about how to describe everything you need
and crafting a long, complicated prompt with
all the details you think the model might
need, this prompting pattern simplifies the
1 The Flipped Interaction Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Prompting pattern:
From now on, I would like you to ask me
questions to [do a specific task]. When you
have enough information to [do the task],
create [output you want].
Practical examples:
From now on, I would like you to ask me questions to
write a viral blog post for my lifestyle blog. When you
have enough information to write the blog post, create
the outline and all the blog post paragraphs (at least
I would like you to ask me questions to help me
pinpoint my car's performance issues. Ask me
questions until you have enough information to
identify the two most likely causes. Ask me one
question at a time. Ask me the first question.
2 The Persona Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
act as Persona X
provide outputs that Persona X would
imagine you're a Persona X
You’re going to pretend to be a Persona X
From now on, act as Persona x
In many cases, we would like our chatbot’s
output to take a certain point of view. So, the
main intent of this pattern is to give our AI
model a “persona” that helps it select what
types of output to generate and what details it
should focus on.
This pattern usually begins with the following
The first statement instructs the chatbot to act
as a specific persona and provide responses
like such a persona would. This persona can be
expressed in several ways, it could be a job
description, title, fictional character, or historical
figure. Just someone AI will know.
2 The Persona Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Practical examples:
Imagine you're a course planner. Your task is to
chat with me about my experiences in a
beginner's Photography Workshop. This helps you
understand my aims and align them with the
course's overall objectives. Once we've gathered
enough insights, we'll get to work on a draft course
outline. Let's start by exploring the first question.
Step into the role of a personal coach. Your
mission? Have a chat with me about my fitness
journey, like how I plan to conquer that morning
jog. This gives you insight into my goals and helps
tailor advice to my needs. Once we've got enough
details, it's time to map out a strategy. Let's begin
by tackling the first question.
Imagine you're a gardening consultant. Your task is
to have a friendly chat with me about my
gardening ambitions, say, cultivating a vibrant
vegetable patch. This helps you understand my
goals and design tips that suit my needs. Once
we've gathered enough insights, it's time to sketch
out a gardening plan. Let's get started by exploring
the first question.
3 The Question Refinement Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
The main goal of this pattern is to ensure
our chatbot always suggests potentially
better, more refined questions we could
ask instead of our initial, imperfect
question. Yes. AI can help us find the
information or context to achieve our
goals in fewer interactions than if we
employed the traditional "trial and error"
You give a basic question, and then, here
comes the magic – you ask the LLM for a
jazzed-up version that has all the nitty-
gritty specifics. The LLM's got your back. It
suggests a supercharged question with
all the relevant info you might've
3 The Question Refinement Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Prompting pattern:
From now on, when I ask a question, suggest a
better version of the question to use that
includes information specific to [our use case]
and ask me if I would like to use your question
Practical examples:
Commencing now, whenever I bring up a topic about
effective communication in leadership, provide me
with a more polished question that incorporates
elements of emotional intelligence and ask if I'd like to
go ahead with the refined question.
Starting today, whenever I inquire about healthy
cooking recipes, offer me a more refined question that
takes into account nutritional science principles and
check if I'd like to adopt the improved question.
4 The Cognitive Verifier Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Have you ever typed in a question so colossal, so big
that you felt like it's like attempting to eat the dinosaur
with a single fork? Meet the Cognitive Verifier Pattern –
our new clever approach to handling those giant
questions! This technique slices your huge question into
smaller, more manageable pieces, making it much easier
to digest.
Why should we use it? Well, you already know,
sometimes we toss out questions that are like trying to
catch a cloud – too big and fluffy for a straightforward
answer from Chat GPT.
How exactly does The Cognitive Verifier Pattern
work? Let's break it down with an example: Imagine you
pop a question to ChatGPT. Instead of just answering
straight away, ChatGPT might come back at you with
three or four more questions. Once you've tackled those,
like a champ, ChatGPT weaves your answers together
and presents you with a super-informed response to
your initial question. It's like assembling a puzzle – piece
by piece, the bigger picture comes into view.
4 The Cognitive Verifier Pattern
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Prompting pattern:
From now on, when you’re asked a question, remember
these steps. Create three more questions to dig deeper.
Three questions that will help you answer my question
more accurately. Then, combine the answers to those
extra questions and put them together to give a solid
answer to the main question.
Practical examples:
When you are asked to create a breakfast recipe, follow
these rules. Generate additional questions about the
ingredients I have in my house and the cooking equipment
that I own. Combine the answers to these questions to help
produce a breakfast recipe that I have the ingredients and
tools to make. What should I cook tomorrow after waking
When you're asked to create a workout routine, stick to
these guidelines. Come up with extra questions about the
exercise equipment I have available and my fitness goals.
Combine the answers to these questions to help create a
workout plan that aligns with my resources and objectives.
What's the ideal workout routine for me?
Extra: Complex power-prompts
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
We can also combine different patterns and
create a complex power prompt. We also can
tell ChatGPT to make the perfect prompt for
us. As you can easily guess, in this case, it will
also ask you questions, and when it is ready, it
will provide you with a prompt. Complex
power-prompts can sound like this:
Practical examples:
You are a prompt-generation robot. You need to gather
information about my goals, examples of the preferred
output, and other relevant context. The prompt should
include all of the necessary information that was provided to
you. Ask follow-up questions until you are confident you can
produce the perfect prompt.
You will start asking questions after I say "START".
Extra: Complex power-prompts
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
Practical examples:
Please forget all prior prompts. I want you to become my Personal
Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me build the most detailed
prompt for my current needs. You will then use this prompt.
Please follow this process:
1) Your first task will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I
will type in my answer, but we must improve it by going through the
next steps.
2) Based on my input, you will generate three sections
a) Revised prompt [provide your rewritten prompt: it should be very
clear, concise, and easily understood by you.]
b) Suggestions [provide suggestions on what details to include in the
prompt to improve it]
c) Questions [ask any relevant questions to get all the additional
information you need from me to improve the prompt].
3. We will continue this process with me providing additional
information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised
prompt section until it's perfect. I want you to RATE every prompt I
give you, or you produce.
Give a rating 1 to 5. Add comments on what you think could have been
improved about it. Do this for EVERY prompt. If your rating of the
prompt is a four or higher, ask me, “Would you like to run this prompt?”
If I say “Yes” run the last prompt you suggested.
If I say no, generate a better prompt.
It is extremely important to ensure you run a prompt when I say “Yes”.
Please continue this prompt until I say stop or you run the perfect
That’s it! I hope you are as excited
about these methods as I am.
The Smartest Prompting Patterns to Turn
ChatGPT into Your Smart AssistantPrompt Engineering for Everyone
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