Other information about doctors and medicine in the sources include:
- Tutt's Liver Pills were advertised as a cure for all liver ills, including sick headaches, indigestion, malaria, and constipation.
- Cascarets, a candy cathartic, were advertised as a cure for constipation and a way to regulate the liver [from conversation history].
- Dr. L. L. Little, a retired physician, died at age 61. He practiced in Huttonsville, Randolph, and Greenbank.
- Dr. J. H. Weymouth was a resident dentist in Beverly, W. Va., who would also visit Pocahontas County every spring and fall. He would practice in the courts of Pocahontas County. Dr. Weymouth would also practice in the Circuit Court of Pocahontas County.
- Dr. Geo. F. Hull is mentioned as a member of the House.
- Dr. Cunninham had been seriously ill but was reported to be better.
- Dr. N. R. Price was mentioned as attending physician to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Baxter in Campbelltown.
- Dr. I. H. Trimble is noted as being Mrs. John H. Sample's physician.
- Drs. Lockridge and Jordan were attending to Mr. Sam'l Curry, who was seriously ill with pneumonia. Dr. Jordan had not left his bedside for 15 days.
- A local man, Mr. Newmann, was found to be suffering from heart disease, as well as a urinary problem. The physician said that the condition was an organic disease and Mr. Newmann was unlikely to live long.
- J. B. Lockridge, M.D. offered his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country from Edray, W. Va.
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