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Monday, January 27, 2025

John Lederer was a 17th-century explorer


John Lederer was a 17th-century explorer who made three expeditions from Virginia into the western parts of the continent. His journeys, which began in March 1669 and ended in September 1670, took him west of Carolina and to other areas. Lederer's explorations were documented in his writings and discourse, which were translated from Latin by Sir William Talbot. Talbot also created a map of the territory Lederer traversed, copied from Lederer's own hand.

Key aspects of Lederer's travels and discoveries include:

  • General Geography: Lederer divided North America into three regions: the flats, the highlands, and the mountains. The flats (or Ahkynt in the Indian language) lie between the eastern coast and the falls of the great rivers. The highlands feature promontories of high trees called Tanx-P&motinck, also known as Aquatt by the Indians. To the northeast, the mountains rise higher, and at Sara, they become lower, allowing for easier passage. These mountains change their course and name, running due West and becoming the Sualy Mountains.

  • First Expedition: Lederer's first expedition began on March 9, 1669, starting from the head of the Pemaeoncock, also known as York River, and heading due west toward the Apalataean Mountains. He reached the Apalataei on March 17th, describing the air as thick and chill, and the water as blue with an allumish taste. He attempted to ride up the mountains but was unable to, so he left his horse and proceeded on foot. He returned by the same route he had taken.

  • Second Expedition: The second expedition started from the falls of the Powhatan, also known as James River, on May 20, 1670. Lederer and his group, including Major Harris and twenty Christian horsemen and five Indians, marched towards the Monakins. They encountered a pyramid of stones, which the local priests told them was the number of people in a colony drawn by lot from an overpopulated neighbor country. The colony was led by Monack, who they take their name from. The party was given directions to the mountains by an old man, who showed them two paths on the ground, one to the Mahocks and another to the Nahyssans. Lederer's English companions disregarded this advice and chose a due west course using their compass, which caused them to become lost.

    • Continuation of the Second Expedition: On June 5, Lederer parted from his company and continued his travels southwest with one Sasquesahanough Indian, Jackzetavon. He arrived at Sapon, a village of the Nahyssans, on June 9. He then traveled to Akenatzy, an island about fifty miles south by west. Lederer also encountered survivors from a group of fifty that had come from a great island to the northwest. On June 14, Lederer continued south-southwest. He noted seeing cakes of white salt, likely from salt pits due to the sea being too remote. He heard about a nation of bearded men to the southwest which he believed to be Spaniards.
  • Third Expedition: Lederer traveled to a place called Mantapeuck, which he crossed where it divides into two branches. He passed through the Savannas, encountering vast herds of red and fallow deer, and then reached the Promontories of the Apalataean Mountains. On August 26, he reached the mountains, where they left their horses with some Indians and proceeded on foot. The ascent was steep, the cold intense, and they were tired, so they decided to return without further discovery.

  • Observations on Native Americans: Lederer noted that the Indians use symbols for communication. They signify swiftness by a bird, wrath by a serpent, courage by a lion, and fidelity by a dog. They used a swan to symbolize the English because of their complexion and flight over the sea. They kept track of time and other things using strings or leather thongs tied in colored knots. Lederer also observed small wheels used for this purpose among the Oenocks, which reminded him of the Mexicans. Different nations had their own particular symbols. The Indians associated colors with concepts, such as white with peace, black with death, and red with war.

    • Lederer acknowledged the Indians' intelligence, noting they had great knowledge in physick, rhetoric, and governance, with some seniors delivering themselves with as much eloquence as men of civil education and literature.
  • Terrain and Wildlife: Lederer encountered wildcats and observed that the Indians consumed their flesh, despite it being ranked as dog's meat. He also noted an abundance of beaver and otter in every river, as well as grey foxes in the woods. The deer he saw were similar in taste to European deer.

  • Beliefs about the Land: Lederer believed that the idea that North America is only eight or ten days' journey from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean is an error. He noted that many birds come over the mountains from the Lake of Canada in the winter, which would not happen if there were suitable rivers on the other side of the mountains.

  • Passages through the Mountains: Lederer was informed by Indians of two breaches in the Apalataean mountains that provide passage to the western parts of the continent. One of these passages was called Zynodoa.

These travels and observations provide a valuable glimpse into the geography, native cultures, and wildlife of the areas Lederer explored in the 17th century.

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