Here is a list of educators identified in the provided sources. Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, as some sources only provide partial lists of teachers for certain years or schools.
Educators Listed in the Sources
From Newspaper Clippings:
- Back Allegheny School: Warren Linger, Rachel Cassel, Alice Blackhurst, J. D. Brown, Vaughn Geiger, Jessie McComb, J. D. Brown, Elpha Lester, Bobby Humphries, Mary McClaugh, Hallie Vansodale, Mary Hill, Lillian Fowler, Alice Friel, Mona Colaw, Eula V. Hill, Mary V. Hill (Wanless), Jeanne Hevener, Stella V. Sheets, Mrs. Lynn Kessler, Opal Ryder (Simpson), Wilma Beard, Bonnie Nichols
- Beaver Creek School: Elsie Adkison, Birdie McComb, Floyd Gillespie, Gladys Poling, Madge Moore, Ann Mary McLaughlin, Frank Totten, Kate Symes, L. S. Gainer, A. C. Hanford, Dewey Burr, Mary Tucker, Beryle Marshall, Guy Hansen, Mrs. Bambrick Moore, Edna Lee Gibson
- Bethel School: N. R. Fertig, Nola Sharp, John S. Moore, J. S. Williams, Roy Kellison, Georgia Marshall, Minnie Jarrett, Bessie Taylor, Dennis Perry, Ruth Cunningham, Mrs. Agatha Barlow, Flora Johnson, Evalyn Gingan, Beryl Marshall, Opal Ryder, W. A. Hively, Hunter Menefee
- Big Run School: Hazel Beverage, Lucile Sharp, Marjorie Bevan, Guenevere Jordan
- Cass Colored School: Hattie K. Holley, Mrs. Jessie Mitchell, Lillian Harris
- Cherry Grove School: Rachel Cassel, Brownie Trainer, R. A. Henderson, Lee C. Wooddell, Leona Pennybacker, Edgar Grogg, Wirt Isner, Leila Wooddell, Madge Weiford, Clara Sheets, Effie D. Moore, Mrs. W. R. Kelly, Monna Colaw, Charles Spencer, Minnie Parg, Virginia Lambert, Pauline Hughes, Mrs. Lynn Kesler, Garnet Beverage
- Clawson School: Maybell Grimes, Amy Moore, Nelle P. Siple, Roland P. Sharp
- Cloverlick School: W. A. Hively, Mammie LeRue, Sue Courtney, Jessie Davis, Mrs. Nola B. Murphy, B. F. Wooddell, Clara Palmer, Hallie Beverage, Ann Correll, Graham La Rue, Florence Howard, Evalyn Coyner, W. M. Buckley
- Hillsboro Colored (Seebert Lane, Pleasant Grove): Grant Taylor, Arthur Seams, Ed Banks, J. E. Bolding, Verdie McNeely, Jessie Mitchell
- Hillside School: Charles Accord, Lanty Ryder, Garfield Grimes, Margaret Barlow, Charles McLauhglin, Elsie Sheets, Noell Grimes, Mamie Galford, Nellie Sheets, Glenna Taylor, Ruby Correll, Gertrude Galford, Edna Price
- Hosterman School: Lilly Simmons, Samuel Beverage, Lou McLauglin
- Laurel Creek School: Clyde McCoy
- Locust Creek School: Helen Jackson
- May School:
- Mill Point School:
- Mount Pleasant School: Dicy Wooddell, Ezra Wooddell, Leta McLaughlin, Garnet Beverage
- Oak Grove School: Mary Warwick, T. A. Sydensticker, Ellis L. Miller, Allen Kinnikson, J. W. Beard, E. J. McNeel, M. J. McNeel, Sherman Beard, Claude Laughlin, Carl G. Beard, Joel P. Beard, Gray Hamrick, John Gray Beard, Carl P. May
- Oliver School: Mary Lee, Maxine Marshall, Mildred Cassady, Randall Cassady, Harlow Cassady, Neil Morrison, Preston Galford
- Pine Grove (Edray District) School: Davis Barlow, Grant Smith, Anna Pearl Buck
- Pine Grove (Green Bank District) School:
- Pyles Mountain School: Joe May, Alfred Deen, Jack Marlin, Ernest Burr, Lynn Kerr
- Seebert School: Junior Dilley, Paulie Wilmoth, Harold Gustafson
- Seneca Trail School: Robert Eades, Paul Sharp, W. A. Vandervort, Lee Cunningham, Florence Howard, Ord. Hanna, Smith Deason
- Siple School:
- Slatyfork School: Silas Sharp, "Gum" Matthews, "Shorty" Matthews, Ada Sharp, Floyd Sanford, Pauline Guyer, Violet Littlefield, Genevieve Sharp, Stella Conrad, Ruth Cunningham, Gaye Hannah
- Stillwell School: Ira Beverage, Aeryl Mitchell, Lucille Gibson, Elza Wooddell
- Sunrise School:
- Top Allegheny School: Junior Dilley, Paulie Wilmoth, Harold Gustafson
- Underwood School:
- Watoga School: Nancy Woods
- Wesley Chapel School: Albert Wilfong
- West Droop School: Neoma Wiley, Conrad Snedgar, Doris Adkins, Leland Barrett
- West Union School: Lucy Kellison, Norma Kellison
- Williams River School: Kenneth Mullens, James Hamrick
- Woodrow School: Dempsey, George, Bruce Galford, Milburn Galford, George Dempsey, Azalea Galford
From Other Sources:
- Nettie Morrells
- Nettie Morrison
- Colonel F. Tallman
- Amos Herold
- Dorothy Guy
- Mary Warwick
- William Steuart
- John Sprowl
- John Davis and Zebulon Dyer taught in Pendleton County.
This list represents a collaborative effort between the superintendent's office and the community to document the history of education in Pocahontas County. The inclusion of personal names, often alongside school names and years of service, humanizes the story of education in the county. It underscores the dedication of countless individuals who contributed to the education of generations of Pocahontas County residents.
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