Juniors Listed in Three Columns (1973-73)
The sources include a list of juniors but it is not organized into columns. Here is a list of the juniors in three columns, based on the sources:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Patsy Ann Adkinson | Kathleen Gladwell | Terry Nelms |
Rose Barnisky | Donna Marie Gragg | James Robin Nottingham |
Billie Beverage | Cynthia Ann Hall | Brenda Arliene Pate |
Alice Cutlip | Joe Hammons | Terry Payne |
Julie Curry | Randall Henry Heavner | Betty Pennington |
Nathalie Dolan | Dorothy G. Hickman | Claudia Lou Phillips |
Patty Friel | Charlene Frances Hogan | Larry Price |
Kyna Moore | Wayne Brown Jackson III | Wesley D. Price |
Vonnie Myers | Danny Jordan | Evelyn Louise Pritt |
Terry Payne | Bonnie Kesler | Robert Lincoln Pritt |
Linda Ray | Linda Sue Kesler | Deborah Jean Puffenbarger |
Melissa Rittenhouse | Allen Kramer | Sylvia Ann Pyles |
Thearse Rudd | Deborah Lee Lamon | Gerald Morgan Rexrode |
Sandy Scott | Rachel Lane | Mary Ann Rexrode |
Debbie Sharp | Arnold Kent Leach Jr. | Kathy Ann Richmond |
Linda Shue | Jerry William Mace | Annette Shiflet |
Candy Simmons | Rick Darrel Madron | Andy Sharp |
Patsy Triplett | Clarence Herbert McComb | Clare Emael Sharp, Jr. |
Terry Varney | Allen Wayne McKeever | Gary Wayne Sharp |
Barbara Wade | Sara Jane McLaughlin | Michael L. Sharp |
Connie Wooddell | Lloyd Douglas McMillion | Roger Sharp |
Sherry Wyatt | Jacob Cameron McNeel | Susie Lee Sharp |
Susie Scott | Nancy Ellen Meek | Donald Shifflet |
Jeff Barnett | Irene Carol Montgomery | Benita Shigreen Sharp |
Bill Bread | Richard Lee Moore | Jackie Ray Shifflet |
Robert Long | Rickie Charles Moore | Karen Elaine Simmons |
Larry Carpenter | Debra Elizabeth Mullenax | Sara Ann Simmons |
Randall Galford | Vonnie Myers | Diana Fay Smith |
Jacob McNeel | June Irene Starks | Francis Marion Summers |
Joe Kerr | Russel Taylor | Billy Sutton Beverage |
Kim Wilfong | William O. Taylor, Jr. | Alice F. Wilfong |
Eddie Vaugh | Virginia Wilfong Tincher | James F. Wooddell |
Hollis Ryder | Herbert Dale Tribblett | Patrick Elaine Workman |
Mark Beverage | Donna Louise Tyree | Theresa Wylie Zickefoose |
Randy Irvine | Ruth Elwin Tyson | |
Timmy Tribbett | Danny Ray Vandevender | |
Wayne Price | Sandra K. VanReenen | |
Harry McLaughlin | Vonnie Kay Viers | |
Ronnie Sheets | ||
Steve Sharp | ||
Roger Sharp | ||
Randy Sharp | ||
Larry Beverage | ||
Royal Shearer | ||
Ralph Waugh | ||
Allen McCarty | ||
Mathew Myers | ||
Jackie Cain | ||
Jimmy Ryder | ||
Kenneth Wilfong | ||
Keith Miller | ||
Price Harlow |
The list of juniors suggests that many of these students were involved in multiple extracurricular activities, just as the seniors were. There are some repetitions in the list, as some students are listed as members of more than one club, or as both a member and an officer. For example, Susie Scott is listed as a junior in both the Future Farmers of America and as a member of the Pep Club.
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