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Monday, December 23, 2024

Honorable discharge from the Army Air Forces.


Several personnel changes were announced in the sources:

  • Marcus B. Braswell of Washington, D.C., was appointed director of the Rural Rehabilitation program of the Farm Security Administration and will head the Southern States Cooperative, with headquarters in Richmond, Virginia.
  • R. E. O'Donnell was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He is a bombardier on a B-29 in the Marianas.
  • Ossar G. Dill, son of Mrs. E. O. Dill of Cass, West Virginia, was promoted to sergeant. He is stationed in Panama and serving as mate on a small tug.
  • Julian C. Sharp, son of Mrs. Creetus Sharp, received an honorable discharge from the Army Air Forces. He was an airplane crew chief overseas and returned to the U.S. on July 24 of this year.
  • Albert Barlow was the choice of the council for the city police job.
  • New Policeman The city council met in special session Monday night with Mayor Smith and the following councilmen present: Amos Wooddell, Carl Sheets, Craig Richardson and Cap Killingsworth.
  • The county superintendent is preparing a record for each school in the county. When completed, this will make up part of the permanent record system now being instituted by the Board of Education. The present record begins with 1910. When completed, it will show each teacher for the school until 1961.

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