The sources provide a glimpse into the social life and events of the town of Frost, highlighting various community gatherings, visits, and local news.
- Social gatherings and visits were common occurrences. Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp dined with Mr. and Mrs. Summers in Frost. Mr. Smith of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Sharp also spent time with the Sharps. Additionally, L. N. Gibson of Kansas visited Alice Sharp and his daughter, Mrs. Susie Bussard.
- There was a large crowd at the burial of John Andrew Moore. Friends paid their respects to his wife, Mrs. W. J. Pritchard, formerly of Frost.
- Miss Mamie Carpenter of Clover Lick spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mary Hoover.
- Several people from out of town visited friends and relatives in Frost. J. H. Schrader, J. Morgan Grim, and Mona Gale of Marlinton were all in Frost. A. A. Sharp and his wife returned from Jamestown Saturday.
- Some boys from Frost had a good time at a large show in Marlinton.
- Misses Margie Curry and Verna Kelley of Frost were visiting friends at Cloverlick.
- Miss Grace Moore of New Hope, who recently returned from Athens where she attended school, was in Frost for a day.
- Early Dilley and Miss Lula Bussard of Frost attended a lot sale in Marlinton and reported a nice time.
- Mr. T. O. Sydenstricker visited Frost on Sunday.
- C. F. Hull of Huntington was home on a visit to Frost.
The sources also mention a few businesses and community activities:
- Pritchard & Townsend were doing a good mercantile business in Frost.
- The Cove Hill school in Frost began on Monday with Miss Allie V. McMillion teaching.
- Road work had begun in Frost.
- Several farmers contracted with the Marlinton Meat Co. to dispose of their wool for the season.
Finally, the sources offer some information about health and illness in Frost:
- Mrs. Lida Hiner, who had been complaining, was much better.
- While working at Huntley & Son's camp near Frost, W. W. Knost sharp received a very painful cut in the foot.
- There were several cases of typhoid fever in Frost, with Dr. Cole attending physically.
Overall, the sources paint a picture of a small town with an active social scene and a sense of community. The news items provide a glimpse into the everyday lives of the people who lived in Frost, offering insights into their relationships, businesses, and concerns.
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