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Tuesday, September 17, 2024




System Instructions

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This is a table of standards, grades, and objectives for a curriculum. The standards are organized by subject area and grade level. The objectives are short descriptions of what students should be able to do by the end of the course.

For example, the first row of the table shows that students in grade 3 should be able to add numbers involving money. This is a standard under the subject area of "Number and Operations" The "STAVG2" column indicates the difficulty level of the standard, with higher numbers indicating more challenging objectives.

list symmetry

Here are the standards from the table that relate to symmetry:

  • MA.3.3.4: Identify Symmetry (Geometry)

This standard focuses on students being able to recognize and identify symmetrical shapes and objects.

explain symmetry

explain symmetry

Symmetry is a fundamental concept in geometry and art, describing a balanced and harmonious arrangement of parts. Here's a breakdown:

What is Symmetry?

Symmetry means that an object can be divided into two or more identical parts that are mirror images of each other. Imagine folding a piece of paper in half and cutting out a shape. When you unfold it, you'll have two identical halves. That's symmetry!

Types of Symmetry:

  • Line Symmetry (Bilateral Symmetry): An object has line symmetry if it can be folded along a line (called the line of symmetry) so that the two halves match perfectly. Think of a butterfly, a heart, or a human face.

  • Rotational Symmetry: An object has rotational symmetry if it can be rotated by a certain angle (less than 360 degrees) and still look the same. For example, a square has rotational symmetry because you can rotate it 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or 270 degrees and it will still look the same.

  • Point Symmetry: An object has point symmetry if it can be rotated 180 degrees around a point (called the center of symmetry) and still look the same. A star or a circle are examples of objects with point symmetry.

Examples of Symmetry in the Real World:

  • Nature: Many natural objects exhibit symmetry, such as snowflakes, flowers, and animals.

  • Architecture: Buildings often incorporate symmetrical elements for visual balance and appeal.

  • Art: Artists have used symmetry throughout history to create aesthetically pleasing and balanced compositions.

  • Everyday Objects: Many everyday objects, like cars, furniture, and clothing, often display symmetry.

Importance of Symmetry:

  • Visual Appeal: Symmetrical objects tend to be visually pleasing and harmonious.

  • Balance and Stability: Symmetry often contributes to balance and stability in structures and objects.

  • Understanding the World: Studying symmetry helps us understand the patterns and relationships in the world around us.

Fun Fact: The human body, although not perfectly symmetrical, exhibits a high degree of bilateral symmetry, which contributes to our sense of balance and coordination.

list each cso

Here is a list of all the CSOs from the provided table:

Mathematics (MA)

  • MA.3.1.1

  • MA.3.1.2

  • MA.3.1.3

  • MA.3.1.5

  • MA.3.1.10

  • MA.3.1.13

  • MA.3.1.14

  • MA.3.1.16

  • MA.3.2.1

  • MA.3.2.3

  • MA.3.2.4

  • MA.3.2.5

  • MA.3.3.1

  • MA.3.3.2

  • MA.3.3.4

  • MA.3.3.5

  • MA.3.3.8

  • MA.3.4.1

  • MA.3.4.4

  • MA.3.4.7

  • MA.3.4.8

  • MA.3.4.10

  • MA.3.5.3

  • MA.3.5.4

Reading (RLA)

  • RLA.3.1.1

  • RLA.3.1.2

  • RLA.3.1.3

  • RLA.3.1.4

  • RLA.3.1.5

  • RLA.3.1.6

  • RLA.3.1.7

  • RLA.3.1.11

  • RLA.3.2.3

  • RLA.3.2.7

  • RLA.3.2.8

  • RLA.3.2.9

  • RLA.3.2.10

  • RLA.3.2.11

  • RLA.3.2.12

Science (SC)

  • SC.3.1.1

  • SC.3.1.3

  • SC.3.2.1

  • SC.3.2.3

  • SC.3.2.4

  • SC.3.2.7

  • SC.3.2.8

  • SC.3.3.2

  • SC.3.3.3

  • SC.3.3.4

  • SC.3.4.1

  • SC.3.4.2

  • SC.3.4.3

  • SC.3.4.4

  • SC.3.4.6

  • SC.3.4.7

  • SC.3.4.10

  • SC.3.4.11

  • SC.3.4.12

  • SC.3.4.16

  • SC.3.4.18

  • SC.3.4.20

  • SC.3.4.23

  • SC.3.5.1

  • SC.3.5.2

  • SC.3.6.3

  • SC.3.6.4

Social Studies (SS)

  • SS.3.1.2

  • SS.3.1.3

  • SS.3.1.5

  • SS.3.1.6

  • SS.3.1.7

  • SS.3.2.3

  • SS.3.3.4

  • SS.3.3.7

  • SS.3.3.9

  • SS.3.4.1

  • SS.3.4.3

  • SS.3.4.5

  • SS.3.4.6

  • SS.3.4.7

  • SS.3.4.8

  • SS.3.5.1

  • SS.3.5.3

  • SS.3.5.4

  • SS.3.5.6

  • SS.3.5.9

This list includes all the CSOs (Common Core State Standards) found in the provided table.

list sort by stavg cso category stavg cso gr objective category stavg

Here are the CSOs sorted by STAVG, category, grade, and objective, along with the STAVG for each one:

Category: Algebra

  • STAVG: 85 MA.3.3.2 3 Identify 3D Shapes Geometry

  • STAVG: 85 MA.3.2.4 3 Identify Pattern/Rule Algebra

  • STAVG: 81 MA.3.2.5 3 Numerical Expressions Algebra

  • STAVG: 56 MA.3.2.4 3 Number Pattern Algebra

  • STAVG: 51 MA.3.2.4 3 Identify Pattern/Rule Algebra

Category: Data Analysis and Probability

  • STAVG: 75 MA.3.5.4 3 Analyze Graph Data Analysis and Probability

  • STAVG: 64 MA.3.5.3 3 Determine Probability Data Analysis and Probability

Category: Economics

  • STAVG: 90 SS.3.5.6 3 Pilgrims History

  • STAVG: 82 SS.3.3.9 3 Bar Graph Economics

  • STAVG: 81 SS.3.3.4 3 Economic Impact Of Trade Economics

  • STAVG: 77 SS.3.3.7 3 Product Flowchart Economics

  • STAVG: 72 SS.3.3.9 3 Goods And Services Economics

  • STAVG: 64 SS.3.3.4 3 Producer Economics

  • STAVG: 46 SS.3.3.3 3 Supply/Demand Economics

Category: Geography

  • STAVG: 95 SS.3.4.6 3 Land Use/Farming Geography

  • STAVG: 93 SS.3.4.2 3 Life Cycles/Metamorphosis Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 89 SS.3.4.8 3 Map Skills Geography

  • STAVG: 87 SS.3.4.5 3 Natural Resources Geography

  • STAVG: 85 SS.3.4.8 3 Time Line/Technology History

  • STAVG: 83 SS.3.4.1 3 Cardinal Directions Geography

  • STAVG: 77 SS.3.4.3 3 Landforms Geography

  • STAVG: 77 SS.3.4.3 3 Waterways Geography

  • STAVG: 67 SS.3.4.18 3 Order According To Scheme Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 67 SS.3.4.18 3 Movement Of Earth Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 60 SS.3.4.3 3 Adaptations Of Animals Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 48 SS.3.4.3 3 Landforms Geography

  • STAVG: 44 SS.3.4.3 3 Continents Geography

Category: Geometry

  • STAVG: 94 MA.3.3.1 3 Identify Symmetry Geometry

  • STAVG: 92 MA.3.3.1 3 Identify Polygons Geometry

  • STAVG: 85 MA.3.3.2 3 Identify 3D Shapes Geometry

  • STAVG: 69 MA.3.3.8 3 Point Location/Grid Geometry

  • STAVG: 54 MA.3.3.1 3 Identify Polygons Geometry

Category: History

  • STAVG: 96 SS.3.5.3 3 Interpreting Flowcharts History

  • STAVG: 95 SS.3.5.4 3 Land Use/Basic Needs History

  • STAVG: 90 SS.3.5.6 3 Pilgrims History

  • STAVG: 89 SS.3.5.3 3 Lifestyles In The 1700S History

  • STAVG: 83 SS.3.5.4 3 Analysis Of Artifacts History

  • STAVG: 82 SS.3.5.2 3 Solution To Problem Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 81 SS.3.5.4 3 Draw Conclusion/Time Line History

  • STAVG: 78 SS.3.5.3 3 Meeting Basic Needs History

  • STAVG: 66 SS.3.5.4 3 Draw Conclusion/Flow Chart Citizenship

  • STAVG: 60 SS.3.5.1 3 Holidays History

  • STAVG: 58 SS.3.5.3 3 Meeting Basic Needs History

  • STAVG: 53 SS.3.5.3 3 Interpreting Flowcharts History

  • STAVG: 27 SS.3.5.1 3 Goods And Services Economics

Category: Measurement

  • STAVG: 92 MA.3.1.13 3 Multiply/Whole Numbers Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 89 MA.3.1.14 3 Model Multiplication Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 88 MA.3.4.10 3 Interpret Temperature Measurement

  • STAVG: 74 MA.3.4.1 3 Measure Length Measurement

  • STAVG: 65 MA.3.4.8 3 Money Comprehension Measurement

  • STAVG: 53 MA.3.4.7 3 Elapsed Time/Clock Measurement

  • STAVG: 28 MA.3.4.4 3 Measurement Conversions Measurement

Category: Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 94 MA.3.1.3 3 Identify Place Value Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 92 MA.3.1.13 3 Multiply/Whole Numbers Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 89 MA.3.1.10 3 Addition/Whole Numbers Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 85 MA.3.2.3 3 Number Patterns Algebra

  • STAVG: 76 MA.3.1.10 3 Addition/Money Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 75 MA.3.1.1 3 Compare Numbers/10,000 Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 74 MA.3.1.5 3 Identify Fractions Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 73 MA.3.1.13 3 Division/Whole Numbers Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 68 MA.3.1.1 3 Compare Numbers/10,000 Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 68 MA.3.1.16 3 Word Problem/Addition Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 62 MA.3.1.10 3 Subtraction/Whole Numbers Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 60 MA.3.1.16 3 Word Problem/Subtraction Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 54 MA.3.1.3 3 Identify Place Value Number and Operations

  • STAVG: 45 MA.3.1.1 3 Describe Lines Geometry

  • STAVG: 45 MA.3.1.2 3 Read Decimals To Tenths Number and Operations

Category: Reading

  • STAVG: 85 RLA.3.1.2 3 Vocab-Synonym Reading

  • STAVG: 81 RLA.3.1.6 3 Graphic Interpretation Reading

  • STAVG: 76 RLA.3.1.1 3 Vocab-Context Reading

  • STAVG: 76 RLA.3.1.4 3 Comp-Story Elements Reading

  • STAVG: 75 RLA.3.1.4 3 Main Idea-Story Elements Reading

  • STAVG: 74 RLA.3.1.4 3 Comp-Main Idea Reading

  • STAVG: 74 RLA.3.1.4 3 Comp-Draw Conclusion Reading

  • STAVG: 73 RLA.3.1.3 3 Poem-Main Idea Reading

  • STAVG: 73 RLA.3.1.4 3 Sequencing Reading

  • STAVG: 68 RLA.3.2.8 3 Capitalize/Punctuate Writing

  • STAVG: 68 RLA.3.1.11 3 Author's Purpose Reading

  • STAVG: 67 RLA.3.1.3 3 Literary Text-Biography Reading

  • STAVG: 67 RLA.3.1.5 3 Literary Text-Idiom Reading

  • STAVG: 65 RLA.3.1.7 3 Meaning Clues-Predict Reading

  • STAVG: 64 RLA.3.1.11 3 Author's Purpose Reading

  • STAVG: 61 RLA.3.2.3 3 Supporting Sentences Writing

  • STAVG: 47 RLA.3.1.3 3 Genre-Play Reading

  • STAVG: 22 RLA.3.1.6 3 Literary Text Reading

  • STAVG: 43 RLA.3.1.5 3 Literary Text-Idiom Reading

Category: Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 96 SC.3.2.7 4 Interpret Data In Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 93 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpreting A Bar Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 86 SC.3.6.3 3 Conservation/Environment Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 84 SC.3.5.2 3 Testing Variables Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 81 SC.3.2.7 3 Verb Tense Writing

  • STAVG: 78 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpreting A Bar Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 71 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpret Data In Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 70 SC.3.2.4 3 Use Scientific Instruments Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 53 SC.3.4.11 3 Work To Move Objects Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 51 SC.3.2.1 3 Demonstrate Curiosity Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 47 SC.3.6.3 3 Conservation/Environment Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 42 SC.3.4.4 3 Sequence Food Chain Science as Inquiry

Category: Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 96 SC.3.6.4 3 Impacts Of Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 94 SC.3.3.2 3 Models As Representations Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 93 SC.3.4.2 3 Life Cycles/Metamorphosis Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 91 SS.3.3.9 3 Bar Graph Economics

  • STAVG: 86 SC.3.4.3 3 Adaptations Of Animals Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 84 SC.3.4.3 3 Adaptations Of Organisms Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 83 SC.3.5.4 3 Analysis Of Artifacts History

  • STAVG: 82 SC.3.4.12 3 Speed/Distance/Time Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 81 SC.3.5.1 3 Examples Of Technology Scientific Design and Application

  • STAVG: 78 SC.3.4.4 3 Sequencing Food Chains Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 70 SC.3.4.6 3 Phys. Props. Of Substances Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 67 SC.3.4.18 3 Movement Of Earth Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 67 SC.3.4.18 3 Order According To Scheme Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 61 SC.3.2.3 3 Supporting Sentences Writing

  • STAVG: 60 SC.3.4.3 3 Adaptations Of Animals Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 58 SC.3.1.1 3 Explanations/New Discovery History and the Nature of Science

  • STAVG: 55 SC.3.4.1 3 Functions Of Body Systems Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 54 SC.3.4.23 3 Earth's Interior Layers Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 53 SC.3.4.11 3 Work To Move Objects Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 51 SC.3.4.23 3 Erosion Of Materials Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 49 SC.3.4.20 3 Rocks And Minerals Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 42 SC.3.4.4 3 Sequence Food Chain Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 38 SC.3.4.10 3 Absorption Of Light Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 28 SC.3.3.4 3 Order According To Scheme Unifying Themes

Category: Science Subject Matter/Concepts - History and the Nature of Science

  • STAVG: 58 SC.3.1.1 3 Explanations/New Discovery History and the Nature of Science

Category: Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 96 SC.3.6.4 3 Impacts Of Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 93 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpreting A Bar Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 86 SC.3.6.3 3 Conservation/Environment Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 84 SC.3.5.2 3 Testing Variables Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 81 SC.3.2.7 3 Verb Tense Writing

  • STAVG: 78 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpreting A Bar Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 71 SC.3.2.7 3 Interpret Data In Graph Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 70 SC.3.2.4 3 Use Scientific Instruments Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 53 SC.3.4.11 3 Work To Move Objects Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 51 SC.3.2.1 3 Demonstrate Curiosity Science as Inquiry

  • STAVG: 47 SC.3.6.3 3 Conservation/Environment Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

  • STAVG: 42 SC.3.4.4 3 Sequence Food Chain Science as Inquiry

Category: Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 94 SC.3.3.2 3 Models As Representations Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 67 SC.3.4.18 3 Movement Of Earth Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 67 SC.3.4.18 3 Order According To Scheme Unifying Themes

  • STAVG: 28 SC.3.3.4 3 Order According To Scheme Unifying Themes

Category: Civics/Government

  • STAVG: 84 SS.3.5.2 3 Solution To Problem Science Subject Matter/Concepts

  • STAVG: 77 SS.3.4.3 3 Waterways Geography

  • STAVG: 39 SS.3.1.5 3 Responsibilities Of Gov'T. Civics/Government

Category: Writing

  • STAVG: 83 RLA.3.2.3 3 Topic Sentence Writing

  • STAVG: 81 RLA.3.2.7 3 Verb Tense Writing

  • STAVG: 81 RLA.3.1.6 3 Graphic Interpretation Reading

  • STAVG: 79 RLA.3.2.10 3 Sentence Completion Writing

  • STAVG: 70 RLA.3.2.10 3 Sentence Fragments Writing

  • STAVG: 69 RLA.3.2.12 3 Sentence Combining Writing

  • STAVG: 68 RLA.3.2.8 3 Capitalize/Punctuate Writing

  • STAVG: 67 RLA.3.2.9 3 Punctuation-Composition Writing

  • STAVG: 61 RLA.3.2.3 3 Supporting Sentences Writing

  • STAVG: 60 RLA.3.2.8 3 Written Composition Writing

  • STAVG: 58 RLA.3.2.9 3 Punctuation-Composition Writing

  • STAVG: 50 RLA.3.2.9 3 Punctuate-Apostrophes Writing

Category: Citizenship

  • STAVG: 89 SS.3.1.3 3 Map Symbols Citizenship

  • STAVG: 75 SS.3.1.2 3 Draw Conclusion/Bar Graph Citizenship

  • STAVG: 67 SS.3.1.2 3 Conclusion About Land Use Geography

  • STAVG: 66 SS.3.1.5 3 Draw Conclusion/Flow Chart Citizenship

  • STAVG: 61 SS.3.1.3 3 Comparison Of Holidays Citizenship

  • STAVG: 60 SS.3.1.2 3 Citizenship Web Citizenship

  • STAVG: 53 SS.3.1.6 3 Interpret Flow Chart Citizenship

  • STAVG: 39 SS.3.1.5 3 Responsibilities Of Gov'T. Civics/Government

This sorted list makes it easier to see the range of STAVGs across different subjects and objectives. It can help you understand which objectives are considered more challenging or less challenging and to prioritize instruction based on the level of difficulty.

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