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Friday, September 20, 2024

Caves in Pocahontas County

 Unique Cave Features in Pocahontas County

The sources provide descriptions of numerous caves in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, highlighting several unique features:

  • Large Entrances and Passages: Many caves in Pocahontas County are notable for their impressive size. For example, Bears' (Blue Hole) Cave boasts a "high, wide opening" measuring 40 feet wide and extending back 60 feet. Similarly, Overholt's Blowing Cave has a "large ledge of limestone" with an opening described as a "stream passage, 8 to 10 feet wide." These large entrances and passages contribute to the unique character of the caves in the region.

  • Water Features: Water plays a significant role in shaping the features of Pocahontas County caves. Many caves contain streams, waterfalls, and pools.

    • Swago Creek Cave, for instance, is described as having a "long, low water crawl" connecting with a "network of passages."
    • Mill Run Cave stands out for deriving its water source from the "Mills Poor Run."
    • Salman Hatchery Spring Cave boasts "a series of pools," culminating in a "lake with an average depth of 6 feet."
    • The Sinks of Gandy, a complex cave system, features a room "with several small domepits" that "fill and weather the ceiling" during wet periods. These diverse water features highlight the dynamic nature of cave formations and the role of water in shaping their unique characteristics.
  • Unusual Formations: The sources describe a variety of unusual formations found in Pocahontas County caves:

    • Overholt's Blowing Cave is notable for its "rimstone pools" and "stalagmites."
    • Pine Tree Cave contains "peculiar small pockets in the ceiling 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter."
    • Dry Creek Cave features a "large breakdown room" with walls composed of "huge blocks."
  • Geological Significance: Many of the caves are noted for their geological formations and features.

    • Poor Farm Cave is described as a "vertical shaft 65 feet deep."
    • Raspberry Cave is identified as a "small, high, dry cave 10 feet high" located within a "cliff 40 feet high." These descriptions provide insights into the geological processes that have shaped the caves over time.

The sources highlight the unique features of Pocahontas County caves, emphasizing their impressive size, diverse water features, unusual formations, and geological significance. These elements contribute to making these caves fascinating subjects of exploration and study.


Cave System FAQ

What is the typical size of a cave passage?

Passage sizes in caves vary considerably. Some passages are small and require crawling, while others are large enough to walk through comfortably. For example, the main passage of Cave Mountain Cave is 10 to 20 feet wide, while the passage in Mill Run Cave is only 3 to 6 feet wide.

What is the Greenbrier Series?

The Greenbrier Series refers to a group of caves located in the Greenbrier River Valley in West Virginia. These caves are known for their impressive size and intricate passageways.

What are the common geological formations found in caves?

Caves often feature a variety of fascinating geological formations. Stalagmites and stalactites are common, formed by the slow dripping of mineral-rich water. Other formations include flowstone, rimstone pools, cave coral, and gypsum crystals.

How are cave passages measured?

Cave passage dimensions are typically described by their width, height, and length. These measurements are useful for understanding the scale of the cave and the potential challenges of exploration.

What is a breakdown room in a cave?

A breakdown room is a large chamber in a cave formed by the collapse of the ceiling or walls. These rooms can be quite impressive in size and are often filled with boulders and other debris.

How are cave entrances typically formed?

Cave entrances are often created by the dissolving of limestone by acidic water. This process can create openings ranging from small crawlways to large vertical shafts.

What is the significance of water flow in cave development?

Water plays a crucial role in cave formation. The flow of water through cracks and fissures in limestone gradually dissolves the rock, creating passages and chambers over time.

What are some unique features found in the caves of Pocahontas County?

Pocahontas County caves are known for their diverse geological formations, including breakdown rooms, stream passages, and vertical shafts. Some caves in the region feature extensive networks of passageways, while others are smaller and less developed.



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