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Monday, September 9, 2024

Anatomy of a Large Language Prompt

Markup Codes: A Deeper Dive

Markup codes are the specific elements or tags used within a markup language to define the structure and formatting of text. These codes are typically enclosed within angle brackets (<>).

Common Markup Codes and Their Functions

Here's a breakdown of some frequently used markup codes in HTML and Markdown:


  • Heading tags:
    • <h1>: Heading 1 (most important)
    • <h2>: Heading 2
    • <h3>: Heading 3
    • ...
  • Paragraph: <p>
  • Image: <img> (requires src attribute for image source)
  • Link: <a> (requires href attribute for link destination)
  • List:
    • Ordered list: <ol> with <li> items
    • Unordered list: <ul> with <li> items
  • Table: <table> with <tr> rows, <th> header cells, and <td> data cells
  • Div: <div> (a generic container for grouping elements)
  • Span: <span> (an inline container for grouping elements)


  • Heading: # (single hash for Heading 1, double hash for Heading 2, etc.)
  • Paragraph: Just write a new line to start a new paragraph.
  • Bold: **bold text**
  • Italic: *italic text*
  • Link: [link text](link url)
  • Image: ![image alt text](image url)
  • List:
    • Ordered list: 1. Item 1
    • Unordered list: - Item 1


Many markup codes have attributes that provide additional information or customize their behavior. For example:

  • Image attributes:
    • src: Specifies the URL of the image.
    • alt: Provides alternative text for screen readers.
    • width and height: Set the dimensions of the image.
  • Link attributes:
    • href: Specifies the URL of the linked resource.
    • target: Opens the link in a new window or tab.


Markup codes can be nested within each other to create more complex structures. For example, you can nest a paragraph within a div:

  <p>This is a paragraph within a div.</p>

By understanding these markup codes and their attributes, you can effectively structure and format your content using various markup languages.


I'd be glad to provide a comprehensive list and explanation of the structure and format of content using various markup languages:

HTML (HyperText Markup Language):

  • Structure:
    • Document: <html> element defines the entire HTML document.
    • Head: <head> element contains metadata about the document, such as title, stylesheets, and scripts.
    • Body: <body> element contains the visible content of the webpage.
  • Format:
    • Headings: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.
    • Paragraphs: <p>
    • Lists: <ul> (unordered), <ol> (ordered), <li> (list items)
    • Links: <a> (with href attribute)
    • Images: <img> (with src attribute)
    • Tables: <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>
    • Forms: <form>, <input>, <textarea>, <select>, etc.
    • Divs and Spans: <div> and <span> for grouping elements.


  • Structure:
    • Headings: # (single hash for Heading 1, double hash for Heading 2, etc.)
    • Paragraphs: Just write a new line to start a new paragraph.
    • Lists:
      • Unordered: - Item 1
      • Ordered: 1. Item 1
    • Blockquotes: > Quote
    • Code blocks: ````` (three backticks)
    • Horizontal rules: ---
  • Format:
    • Bold: **bold text**
    • Italic: *italic text*
    • Links: [link text](link url)
    • Images: ![image alt text](image url)

XML (Extensible Markup Language):

  • Structure:
    • Root element: The main element that contains all other elements.
    • Child elements: Elements nested within other elements.
    • Attributes: Additional information associated with elements (e.g., id, class).
  • Format:
    • Custom tags: Define your own tags to represent data.
    • Hierarchical structure: Elements are organized in a tree-like structure.
    • Text content: Elements can contain text content.


  • Structure:
    • Document class: \documentclass{article} (or other types)
    • Document body: \begin{document} and \end{document}
    • Commands and environments: Use specific commands and environments for formatting and structure.
  • Format:
    • Text formatting: \textbf{}, \textit{}, \emph{}, etc.
    • Math equations: Use LaTeX's math mode for equations.
    • Figures and tables: Create figures and tables using specific environments.
    • Citations and references: Manage references using BibTeX or other citation managers.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):

  • Structure:
    • Key-value pairs: Represent data as objects with properties and their corresponding values.
    • Arrays: Store collections of values.
  • Format:
    • Curly braces: {} for objects.
    • Square brackets: [] for arrays.
    • Colon: : to separate keys and values.
    • Commas: , to separate elements within arrays or properties within objects.

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language):

  • Structure:
    • Indentation: Use indentation to define hierarchical structure.
    • Key-value pairs: Similar to JSON, but with a more readable syntax.
  • Format:
    • Hyphens: - for lists.
    • Colons: : to separate keys and values.
    • Indentation: Consistent indentation is crucial.

Remember that the choice of markup language depends on the specific requirements of your content. HTML is ideal for web pages, Markdown is suitable for simple text formatting, XML is used for data representation, LaTeX is for complex documents, and JSON/YAML are for data interchange.




Anatomy of a Large Language Prompt

A large language prompt is a text-based input that guides a language model to generate a specific output. It's essentially a set of instructions that the model uses to understand the desired task and generate a relevant response.

Here's a breakdown of the key components of a prompt:

1. Instruction:

  • Task specification: Clearly states the desired action or output.
  • Tone or style: Indicates the preferred tone (e.g., formal, informal, humorous) or style (e.g., persuasive, informative, creative).

2. Context or Background:

  • Relevant information: Provides context that helps the model understand the task better.
  • Examples or references: Offers examples or references that can guide the model's response.

3. Constraints or Limitations:

  • Word count or length: Specifies the desired length of the output.
  • Format or style: Indicates the preferred format (e.g., essay, poem, script) or style (e.g., academic, journalistic).
  • Specific requirements: Outlines any specific requirements or limitations (e.g., avoiding certain topics, using particular sources).

4. Seed or Starting Point:

  • Initial text: Provides a starting point for the model to continue generating text.
  • Tone or style: Sets the tone or style for the generated text.


Prompt: "Write a persuasive essay arguing that climate change is a pressing global issue. Use evidence from scientific studies and government reports to support your argument. The essay should be approximately 500 words long and written in a formal academic style."

  • Instruction: Write a persuasive essay arguing that climate change is a pressing global issue.
  • Context: Scientific studies and government reports.
  • Constraints: 500 words, formal academic style.
  • Seed: None.

By understanding the anatomy of a prompt, you can craft more effective and precise instructions for language models, leading to more accurate and relevant outputs.


Formatting Text Output: A Guide

Understanding the Basics

When formatting text output, you're essentially controlling its appearance. This can include:

  • Font: The type of typeface used (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica).
  • Font size: The size of the text.
  • Font weight: The boldness or thinness of the text (e.g., bold, regular, light).
  • Font style: The italics or non-italics of the text.
  • Alignment: The positioning of the text (e.g., left, right, center, justified).
  • Spacing: The amount of space between lines and words.
  • Color: The color of the text.
  • Background color: The color of the background behind the text.

Common Formatting Methods

  1. Markdown:

    • A lightweight markup language that uses plain text and simple syntax to format text.
    • Popular for writing documents, code, and emails.
    • Examples:
      • Bold: This is bold text
      • Italic: This is italic text
      • Heading: # This is a heading
  2. HTML:

    • The standard markup language for creating web pages.
    • Offers more granular control over formatting.
    • Examples:
      • Bold: <p><b>This is bold text</b></p>
      • Italic: <p><i>This is italic text</i></p>
      • Heading: <h1>This is a heading</h1>
  3. Rich Text Format (RTF):

    • A proprietary format that can preserve formatting across different applications.
    • Commonly used for word processing documents.
  4. Programming Languages and Libraries:

    • Many programming languages (Python, JavaScript, etc.) have libraries or built-in functions for formatting text.
    • For example, Python's print() function can be used with formatting strings (f-strings or format() method) to control output.

Specific Formatting Requirements

The best method for formatting text depends on your specific needs. Consider these factors:

  • Target platform: Where will the formatted text be displayed (e.g., web page, document, terminal)?
  • Level of control: How much control do you need over the formatting?
  • Complexity of the formatting: How complex are the formatting requirements?

Additional Tips

  • Consistency: Use consistent formatting throughout your text to improve readability.
  • Accessibility: Ensure your formatting is accessible to people with disabilities (e.g., using appropriate color contrasts, providing alternative text for images).
  • Maintainability: If you're using a programming language, choose a formatting method that is easy to maintain and update.

By understanding these concepts and techniques, you can effectively format text output to achieve the desired appearance and presentation.




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