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Tuesday, September 3, 2024



 "Well, now, back in the days of King Richard and King John, there were a whole lot of big woods in England. The most famous of 'em was Sherwood Forest, where the king often went a-huntin' deer. And in that there forest lived a bunch of daring fellas called outlaws.

They'd done somethin' against the law, see, and had to hide out in the woods to save their skins. So there they were, roamin' 'round among the trees, huntin' the king's deer, and robbin' rich travelers that came that way.

There were near a hundred of these outlaws, and their leader was a bold fellow named Robin Hood. They wore green suits, and carried bows and arrows; sometimes, they had long wooden lances and broadswords, which they knew how to handle well. Whenever they took somethin', they'd bring it to Robin Hood, their king, and he'd divide it up fair among 'em.

Robin never let his men hurt nobody but the rich folks who lived in big houses and didn't do no work. He was always kind to the poor and often sent 'em help. So the common people thought of him as their friend.

Long after he was gone, people still talked about his deeds. Some praised him, and some blamed him. He was a rough, lawless fella, but back then, people didn't think about right and wrong the same way we do now.

A whole lot of songs were made up about Robin Hood, and folks sang 'em in cottages and huts all over the land for hundreds of years.

Here's a little story from one of those songs:

Robin Hood was standin' one day under a green tree by the roadside. While he was listenin' to the birds singin', he saw a young man walkin' by. This young man was dressed in a fine red suit, and he seemed as happy as could be.

'I won't bother him,' Robin thought. 'He's probably on his way to his weddin'.'

The next day, Robin was standin' in the same place. He hadn't been there long when he saw the same young man comin' down the road. But this time, he didn't look so happy. He'd left his red coat at home, and he was sighin' and groanin' with every step.

'Ah, the sad day! The sad day!' he kept sayin' to himself.

Then Robin Hood stepped out from under the tree and said, 'Hey there, young man! You got any money to spare for my merry men and me?'

'I ain't got nothin' at all,' said the young man, 'except five shillings and a ring.'

'A gold ring?' Robin asked.

'Yeah,' said the young man. 'It's a gold ring. Here it is.'

'Ah, I see,' said Robin. 'It's a weddin' ring.'

'I've kept it for seven years,' said the young man. 'I was gonna give it to my bride on our weddin' day. But her father promised her to a rich old man she's never seen. Now my heart's broken.'

'What's your name?' Robin asked.

'My name's Allin-a-Dale,' said the young man.

'What'll you give me, in gold or somethin', if I help you win your bride back?' Robin asked.

'I ain't got no money,' Allin said, 'but I'll promise to be your servant.'

'How far is it to where the maiden lives?' Robin asked.

'It ain't far,' Allin said. 'But she's gettin' married today, and the church is five miles away.'

So Robin dressed up as a harper. In the afternoon, he stood in the doorway of the church.

'Who are you?' the bishop asked. 'And what are you doin' here?'

'I'm a bold harper,' Robin said, 'the best in the north country.'

'I'm glad you've come,' said the bishop kindly. 'I love the sound of the harp. Come in and play for us.'

'I will,' Robin said, 'but first I gotta see the bride and groom.'

Just then, an old man came in. He was dressed in rich clothes, but he was bent with age and feeble. By his side was a fair young girl. Her cheeks were pale, and her eyes were full of tears.

'This ain't right,' Robin said. 'Let the bride choose for herself.'

Then he blew his horn three times. Right away, twenty-four men, all dressed in green and carryin' long bows, came runnin' across the fields. And as they marched into the church, the leadin' man was Allin-a-Dale.

'Now who do you choose?' Robin asked the maiden.

'I choose Allin-a-Dale,' she said, blushin'.

'And Allin-a-Dale you shall have,' Robin said. 'Anyone who tries to take her from you will have to deal with me.'

And so, the fair maiden and Allin-a-Dale were married right there, and the rich old man went home in a big rage.

'And that's how the merry weddin' ended,' the song goes. 'The bride looked like a queen. And so they returned to the merry green wood, among the leaves so green.'"

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