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Monday, September 16, 2024


 1800s newspaper editor. Image 4 of 4

Timeline of Events

1891 (or Prior):

  • August 16, 1886: P. Skiles and Jannie B. Skiles make a Trust Deed to R. W. Baldwin. This event is only mentioned in passing regarding a later sale in 1891.
  • Prior to April 1891: John Warwick, Commissioner of School Lands for Pocahontas County, files a petition with the Circuit Court to sell lands for the benefit of the School Fund.
  • April Term, 1891: The Circuit Court issues a decree referring the petition by John Warwick to V. F. Moore, Commissioner in Chancery.
  • September 19, 1891: H. M. Lockridge executes a conveyance of 824 acres of land on Douthards Creek, Pocahontas County, to J. H. Lockridge.
  • November 21, 1891: H. M. Lockridge and wife execute a deed to Ernest N. Moore for about one-third of 240 acres of land on Knapp's Creek, Pocahontas County.
  • Prior to December 3, 1891: E. N. Moore executes a deed to J. B. Lockridge for an unspecified amount of land. The exact date of this deed is not given, but it is stated as being prior to December 3, 1891.
  • December 3, 1891: E. N. Moore makes a deed to J. B. Lockridge for an unspecified amount of land.


  • January 4, 1892:A suit is filed against H. M. Lockridge involving three negotiable notes.
  • A separate suit is filed by Guggenheimer & Co. against H. M. Lockridge, J. B. Lockridge, and others, aiming to collect a debt of $499.03, accumulated interest, and $7.82 in protest costs.
  • January 10, 1892: The First National Bank of Buena Vista confesses judgment against J. B. Lockridge for $1502.40.
  • February 1, 1892:A decree is issued in the Guggenheimer & Co. case, with depositions to be taken in the following weeks.
  • The drawing and distribution of lots in the new town of Marlinton, planned for an earlier date, is postponed until June 1st due to ongoing railroad negotiations.
  • February 6, 1892: Wm. D. Moore, as administrator, is scheduled to begin taking accounts in the case of Wm. D. Moore's Widow & Heirs.
  • February 20, 1892: V. F. Moore, Commissioner in Chancery, sets a hearing in Huntersville regarding the sale of lands for the benefit of the School Fund. The case involves B. K. Armstrong, Benjamin Arbogast, Mrs. Jannie B. Skiles, May Bruffey, Thomas Hubbard, James Bidwell, and heirs of several deceased individuals.
  • February 27, 1892: Depositions are scheduled to be taken in Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, in the case of Guggenheimer & Co. vs. H. M. Lockridge et al.
  • March 4, 1892: Depositions in the Guggenheimer & Co. case are scheduled to be taken in Buena Vista, Rockbridge County, Virginia.
  • March 12, 1892: Depositions in the Guggenheimer & Co. case are scheduled to be taken in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • March 21, 1892: Depositions in the Guggenheimer & Co. case are scheduled to be taken in Huntersville, Pocahontas County.


  • March 1, 1893: L. M. McClintic, Special Commissioner, is appointed to oversee the sale of a 50-acre tract of land on Greenbrier River, belonging to P. Skiles and Jannie B. Skiles.
  • April 5, 1893: Lands belonging to Millie McGlaughlin, situated on Elk River, are to be rented out for one year, with the stipulation that no sheep are to be kept on the property.


  • Prior to July 1894: The County Court makes an allowance of between $22,000 and $23,000 to Mr. Manly. The exact nature of this allowance is unclear.


  • February 13: James H. Rulings of Parsons applies for a patent on a rat trap.
  • May 28: James H. Rulings receives a patent for his rat trap and exhibits it. He also receives a patent for an oil/sprinkling/spray can.
  • June 21, 1895: The Circuit Court of Pocahontas County, in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. John Cloonan, et al., refers the matter to Commissioner Samuel B. Scott to investigate a 1500-acre tract of land on Williams' River, alleged to be forfeited.
  • June 28, 1895: Testimony is heard in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. Luce (full name not given) and others, regarding a robbery that took place on January 4, 1894.
  • July 19, 1895: Commissioner S. B. Scott, Jr. issues a notice to John Cloonan, John Hamer, John J. Jones' Heirs, and any unknown claimants to a 1500-acre tract of land on Williams' River, announcing his investigation into the land's forfeiture status. He sets August 31, 1895, as the date for interested parties to appear at his office in Marlinton.
  • July 20, 1895: P. Golden's store in Marlinton announces a one-month sale starting on this date.

Cast of Characters

Note: This list focuses on the principle individuals and excludes those only mentioned in passing or as heirs.

Arbogast, Benjamin: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Armstrong, B. K.: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Barlow, Amos: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Barlow, Henry: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Barlow, Josiaih (deceased): Individuals indebted to his estate are asked to settle their accounts.

Bidwell, James: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Brown, N. J.: Resident of Mill Point who was robbed of over $545.00.

Bruffey, May: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Burner, John E.: Defendant in the case of S. W. Kelly v. John E. Burner, an unlawful entry and detainer case.

Clark, Alvin: Involved in a land transaction with Wm. O. McCoy.

Cleek, John Andrew: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Cloonan, John: Defendant in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. John Cloonan, et al., concerning the potential forfeiture of 1500 acres of land.

Craig, Geo. E. Jr.: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Crowle, Asher D.: Sold the Virginia Hotel to Charles C. Sebreefer.

Crummett, G. P.: Merchant in Renick selling saddles, bridles, and harnesses.

Dilley, A. L.: Plaintiff in the case of A. L. Dilley vs. Clayton Dilley.

Dilley, Andrew: Involved in a land transaction with Wm. H. Dilley.

Dilley, Clayton: Defendant in the case of A. L. Dilley vs. Clayton Dilley.

Dilley, Wm. H.: Involved in a land transaction with Andrew Dilley.

Doyle, James H.: Partner in the firm of Loury & Doyle; defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Gay, Levi:

  • Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.
  • Partner with John Peters in a brick-making enterprise.

Geiger, Godfrey: Involved in a land transaction with R. S. Turk.

Gibbs, James E. A.: Pocahontas Times correspondent.

Gibson, Wm.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Golden, P.: Proprietor of a general merchandise store in Marlinton.

Gum, M. T.: Involved in a bill of sale with Sidney J. Gum.

Haines, Dr.: The creator of "Haines' Golden Specific," a purported cure for alcoholism. (Not directly named, but his product is frequently advertised)

Hamer, John: Defendant in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. John Cloonan, et al., concerning the potential forfeiture of 1500 acres of land.

Hannah, John B.: Alters a deed originally made to his son, John E. Hannah.

Hannah, John E.: Recipient of a deed from his father, John B. Hannah, the conditions of which were later changed.

Hardy, J. M.: Partner in the firm J. M. Hardy & Son; defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Hawkins, J. P.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Henry, Joel O.: Involved in land transactions with Patrick Henry and James T. Sutton.

Henry, Patrick: Involved in a land transaction with Joel O. Henry.

Holt, S. W.: Plaintiff in the case of S. W. Holt, which resulted in a decree of sale. Also a merchant in Marlinton who adopted the cash system.

Hubbard, Thomas: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Jelenko & Bro.: Plaintiffs in the case of Jelenko & Bro. vs. John S. Moore.

Jones, John J. (deceased): His heirs are defendants in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. John Cloonan, et al., concerning the potential forfeiture of 1500 acres of land.

Kelly, S. W.: Plaintiff in the case of S. W. Kelly v. John E. Burner, an unlawful entry and detainer case.

Kendall Co., B. J.: Publisher of "A Treatise on the /.'on* and his . -toe-e." (exact nature of this publication is unclear).

Killingsworth, Wm. J.: Involved in a land transaction with G. M. Kee and wife.

Lacy, Geo. N.: Involved in a land transaction with C. L. Austin.

Lam, C. D.: Married Miss Eliza Moore.

Lockridge, A. B.: Their creditors' debts are mentioned in relation to lawsuits against H. M. Lockridge and J. B. Lockridge.

Lockridge, H. M.: Defendant in multiple lawsuits, including cases related to debt collection and fraudulent conveyance of land.

Lockridge, J. B.: Defendant in multiple lawsuits, including cases related to debt collection and fraudulent conveyance of land.

Loury, J. C. Jr.: Partner in the firm of Loury & Doyle; defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Manly (no first name given): Owed approximately $32,000 by the county.

Mann, M. C.: Candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates.

McClintic, L. M.:

  • Special Commissioner in land transactions.
  • Pocahontas County Prosecuting Attorney.

McClure, Benj. F.: Involved in a land transaction with Michael G. McClure.

McClure, Michael G.: Involved in a land transaction with Benj. F. McClure.

McCoy, Wm. O.: Involved in a land transaction with Alvin Clark and others.

McGlaughlin, Andrew M.: Deposition to be taken in Lewisburg in the Guggenheimer & Co. case.

McGlaughlin, Millie: Owner of land on Elk River that was available for rent.

McNeel, Geo. S.: Involved in a land transaction with Wm. O. McCoy.

McNeill, John Adam: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Moore, Elizabeth M.: Acquired fifty acres of land in Green Bank District from a sale overseen by L. M. McClintic, Special Commissioner.

Moore, Eliza: Daughter of Ham Moore; married C. D. Lam.

Moore, Ernest N.: Grantor in several land deeds.

Moore, Ham: Resident near Mt. Grove; father of Eliza Moore.

Moore, Jno. S.: Defendant in the case of Jelenko & Bro. v John S. Moore.

Moore, Prof. J. P.: Candidate for the House of Delegates from Greenbank District.

Moore, V. F.: Commissioner in Chancery for Pocahontas County Circuit Court.

Moore, Wm. D.: Deceased; his estate is involved in a lawsuit with his widow and heirs.

Moore, Withrow: Resident of Buckeye; announced his candidacy for Sheriff.

O'Connell, D.: Plaintiff in the case of D. O'Connell v. Cumberland Lumber Co.

Overholt, W. H.: Involved in a land transaction with J. B. Walton.

Patterson, J. H.: Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pocahontas County.

Peters, John: Partner with Levi Gay in a brick-making enterprise.

Piles, John: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Price, A.: Attorney representing the State of West Virginia in the case against Luce and others.

Rucker, George T.: Deposition to be taken in Buena Vista in the Guggenheimer & Co. case.

Rucker, H. S.: Attorney representing Guggenheimer & Co.; deposition to be taken in Huntersville.

Rulings, James H.: Inventor from Parsons who received patents for a rat trap and an oil/sprinkling/spray can.

Sebreefer, Charles C.: Purchased the Virginia Hotel from Asher D. Crowle.

Seebert, C. T.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Seebert, Mary J.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Seebert, Mary R.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Seebert, Martha S.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Skiles, Jannie B.: Grantor in a Trust Deed and involved in a later land sale.

Skiles, P.: Grantor in a Trust Deed and involved in a later land sale.

Smith, Henry K.: Potential claimant in the sale of land for the School Fund, February 1892.

Smith, Mary: Witness in the case of the State of West Virginia vs. Luce and others.

Sutton, James T.: Involved in a land transaction with Joel O. Henry.

Sydenstricker, O. P.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Thomas, Susan E.: Defendant in a lawsuit where depositions are to be taken in Marlinton.

Turk, R. S.: Involved in a land transaction with Godfrey Geiger.

Walton, J. B.: Involved in a land transaction with W. H. Overholt.

Warwick, Emma N.: Defendant in the Guggenheimer & Co. lawsuit.

Warwick, John: Commissioner of School Lands for Pocahontas County.

Witz, (no first name given): Deposition to be taken in Baltimore in the Guggenheimer & Co. case.

Woods, Sam'l B.: Mayor of Charlottesville and Commissioner of the University of Virginia.

Yeager, Brown M.: General agent for the Pocahontas Development Co. in Marlinton.

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