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Monday, August 19, 2024

Preliminary Notes Derived drom Property Tax Records via Natural Language Inquiry


Subject to Error--Feedback appreciated--Public Data Only

Based on the provided data, what patterns do you observe in land use classification and acreage?

Patterns in Land Use Classification and Acreage
The provided source material primarily consists of tables that detail land use classification, legal descriptions, and acreage for various properties. The tables are organized by district and then by a numerical code, likely representing specific geographical areas within the district. While the source material doesn't explicitly define the land use classifications, some patterns can be observed:
Predominance of Large Tracts: Many entries, especially those with numerical codes like 100, 101, and 112, feature large acreages, often exceeding 100 acres. For instance:
OLD FIELD FORK ELK is listed with 445 acres under code 3-Edray 100.
TRACT II BIG SPRINGS FORK has 529.836 acres under 3-Edray 112.
BACK ALLEGHENY MTN in 4-Green Bank 112 spans 637 acres.
4-Green Bank 123 includes two entries for LT (Lot?) on CHEAT RIVER, each with 640 acres.
Smaller Residential Lots: Other entries, particularly those with descriptions including "LT" (likely indicating lots within a subdivision), tend to have smaller acreages, often less than 5 acres. This is evident in codes like 3-Edray 100 and 4-Green Bank 100.
Condominium Units: Code 3-Edray 107 features numerous entries for condominium units, characterized by percentages of ownership in specific buildings or tracts. These units generally have 0 acres listed, suggesting they represent portions of a larger property.
Commercial and Public Use: While less frequent, some entries suggest commercial or public land use:
DRENNEN RIDGE BUSINESS is mentioned with acreage allocated above and below a garage.
Several entries mention "CEMETERY" with associated acreage.
Variations Within Codes: Even within a specific numerical code, there's considerable variation in acreage. For example, in 4-Green Bank 100, acreages range from 0.04 to 261.
Additional Notes:
The lack of clear definitions for land use classifications limits a more in-depth analysis.
The presence of abbreviations like "FEE," "IRR," and "(C)" in the legal descriptions suggests further categorization within the data, which could potentially be insightful with additional context.
Overall, the sources point to a land use pattern characterized by a combination of large tracts, potentially used for purposes like agriculture or forestry, alongside smaller residential lots and specialized uses like condominiums and public facilities. However, a more definitive analysis would necessitate access to supplementary information regarding the specific land use codes and abbreviations employed in the source.

How many entries in district 4-Green Bank 100 have the exact acreage value of 0.21?

There are 5 entries in district 4-Green Bank 100 that have an acreage value of 0.21. All of these entries are located in source
and pertain to lots within the WISEMAN DEVELOPMENT:

Excluding condominium units, how many entries are there in district 7-Little Levels?

Entries in District 7-Little Levels (Excluding Condominiums)
To determine the number of entries in district 7-Little Levels excluding condominium units, we need to examine the provided sources for entries listed under that district and then identify and exclude any entries classified as condominium units.
Here's a breakdown of entries found within district 7-Little Levels across the sources:
- 7-Little Levels 100: This source section contains 28 entries. None of these entries appear to be condominium units based on their descriptions.
- 7-Little Levels 100: This source section contains 19 entries. Again, none of the descriptions suggest condominium units.
- 7-Little Levels 101: This source section contains 14 entries. No condominium units are apparent in this list.
- 7-Little Levels 108: This source section has 2 entries. Both entries appear to be standard property listings.
- 7-Little Levels 109: This source section has 2 entries. Both entries appear to be standard property listings.
- 7-Little Levels 112: This source section has 16 entries. No condominium units are apparent in this list.
- 7-Little Levels 114: This source section has 4 entries. No condominium units are apparent in this list.
- 7-Little Levels 600: This source section has 2 entries. No condominium units are apparent in this list.
- 7-Little Levels 601: This source section has 1 entry. This entry also does not appear to be a condominium unit.
Adding the number of entries from each source section, we have a total of 82 entries in district 7-Little Levels.
Therefore, excluding condominium units, there are 82 entries in district 7-Little Levels based on the information provided in the sources.

What is the total combined acreage associated with BRUSH LICK RUN in district 4-Green Bank 108?

To determine the total combined acreage associated with BRUSH LICK RUN in district 4-Green Bank 108, we need to examine the provided sources for entries matching that specific location and sum their corresponding acreage values.
lists the following entries for BRUSH LICK RUN within district 4-Green Bank 108:
BRUSH LICK RUN 1 AC COMB ACCT 03/50-61.1 & 61.2 0.5 acres
BRUSH LICK RUN .5 AC 155X140X150X190 0.5 acres
Adding those acreages together, we get: 0.5 + 0.5 = 1
Therefore, the total combined acreage associated with BRUSH LICK RUN in district 4-Green Bank 108 is 1 acre, based on the provided sources.

What is the total acreage of all properties listed in 7-Little Levels 101?

To calculate the total acreage of all properties listed in 7-Little Levels 101, we need to examine the provided sources and sum the acreage of each relevant entry.
Source contains a section labeled 7-Little Levels 101 that lists the following properties and their associated acreage:
GRBR RIVER .89 AC 0.89
GRBR RIVER 2.01 AC 2.01
LOCUST CREEK 10.11 AC 10.11
LT 21 SEC 1 WATOGA 10 AC 10
LT 46 P/O LT 45 BLK 10 SEEBERT .38 AC 0.38
P/O LT 41 BLK 10 SEEBERT 75X20X41X100X34X120 F 0.11
P/O LT 45 BLK 10 SEEBERT .19 AC 0.19
POAGE LAND 4.14 AC 4.14
TR 68-69 SEC 5 WATOGA 120 AC (1/3 INT) 120
Adding all these acreages together gives us a total of 193.72 acres.
Therefore, the total acreage of all properties listed in 7-Little Levels 101 is 193.72 acres, based on the provided sources.

How many distinct land use codes are represented in district 3-Edray?

To determine the number of distinct land use codes in district 3-Edray, we need to identify all unique numerical codes listed under that district within the sources.
Examining the sources, we find the following distinct land use codes associated with district 3-Edray:
Source : 3-Edray 100
Source : 3-Edray 101
Source : 3-Edray 105
Source : 3-Edray 107
Source : 3-Edray 108
Source : 3-Edray 109
Source : 3-Edray 112
Source : 3-Edray 321
Source : 3-Edray 332
Source : 3-Edray 333
Source : 3-Edray 334
Source : 3-Edray 348
Source : 3-Edray 351
Source : 3-Edray 353
Source : 3-Edray 356
Source : 3-Edray 373
Source : 3-Edray 396
Source : 3-Edray 398
Source : 3-Edray 440
Source : 3-Edray 601
Source : 3-Edray 620
Source : 3-Edray 704
Therefore, there are 22 distinct land use codes represented in district 3-Edray, based on the provided sources.

In district 4-Green Bank 101, how many properties are associated with ST LAWRENCE LAND?

Based on the provided sources, there are two properties associated with "ST LAWRENCE LAND" in district "4-Green Bank 101".
Source lists "ST LAWRENCE LAND 1.56 AC (D) 1.61 AC (PLAT) 1.61"
The same source also lists "ST LAWRENCE LAND 1.62 AC 1.62"
While both entries appear within the same district and refer to "ST LAWRENCE LAND," there's a slight discrepancy in the recorded acreage. The first entry provides two acreage values (1.56 AC and 1.61 AC) without clarifying which one is definitive. This discrepancy might stem from variations between a deed ("(D)") and a plat, highlighting potential inconsistencies in land records.

How many properties in 8-Marlinton Corp 100 have an acreage greater than 1?

To determine the number of properties in 8-Marlinton Corp 100 with an acreage greater than 1, we need to examine the entries within that specific district and code in the provided source data and count those with an acreage exceeding 1 acre.
Source includes a section labeled 8-Marlinton Corp 100, which lists several properties and their associated acreage:
J W PRICE LAND .76 AC: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
J W PRICE LAND .83 AC: This property also has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
J W PRICE LAND 1.18 AC (C): This property has an acreage greater than 1 acre.
LT 112-114 BLK 15: The acreage for this property is not specified.
LT 1-7 BLK 30: The acreage for this property is also not specified.
LT 21 TANNERY ROW: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
LT 21-23 BLK 27: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
LT 24 BLK 30: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
LT 4 J W PRICE LAND 1.2 AC: This property has an acreage greater than 1 acre.
LT 5 BLK 23: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
LT 5-8 BLK 39: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
LTS 8-9 BLK 30: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
MARLINTON 4 AC: This property has an acreage greater than 1 acre.
NE 1/4 LT 3 PRICE LAND .25 AC: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
NORTHERN P/O LT 4 SENECA TRAIL 66X337: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
NW 1/4 LT 3 PRICE LAND .25 AC: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
P/O LT 10 & 20 BLK 7: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
P/O LT 1-3 BLK 47: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
P/O LT 5 W MARLINTON 66X335: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
PRICE LAND .67 AC: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
SOUTHERN P/O LT 4 J W PRICE LAND .3938 AC: This property has an acreage of less than 1 acre.
Based on this analysis, there are 3 properties in 8-Marlinton Corp 100 with an acreage greater than 1.

Excluding cemeteries, how many entries are there in 3-Edray 601?

To figure out how many entries are in "3-Edray 601" besides cemeteries, we need to look at the sources and count the entries, subtracting any that are cemeteries.
has a section for "3-Edray 601" and lists these two entries:
There are two entries for "3-Edray 601," but both are cemeteries.
Therefore, excluding cemeteries, there are no entries in "3-Edray 601" based on the provided sources.

How many properties are listed in the 704 land use code?

To determine the number of properties listed under land use code 704, we need to examine the provided sources and count the entries associated with that specific code.
lists one entry with the land use code 704:
"LINWOOD 15X15 0.0052" located within district "3-Edray". This entry suggests a very small property, possibly just a lot, with an acreage of 0.0052.
Therefore, based on the provided sources, there is only one property listed under land use code 704.

Which district and land use code contains the property TRACT #366-I DEER CREEK?

The property "TRACT #366-I DEER CREEK" is found in district 4-Green Bank with land use code 600. This information is from source

What is the average acreage of properties listed in 4-Green Bank 600?

Average Acreage of Properties in 4-Green Bank 600
To calculate the average acreage of properties in district 4-Green Bank 600, we need to identify all properties listed under this district and code within the sources, sum their acreages, and then divide by the total number of properties.
Source provides the following entries for 4-Green Bank 600:
DEER CREEK 63 AC: 63 acres
DRONEY TR ALLEY MT 361 AC: 361 acres
GRBR RIVER 42.4 AC: 42.4 acres
HELLEBORE RIDGE 466 AC: 466 acres
NR STONY BOTTOM 126 AC: 126 acres
RAMSHORN MT 181 AC: 181 acres
TR 6 SENECA NR STONY BOTTOM 97.97 AC: 97.97 acres
TRACT #361 7,820.2 AC: 7820.2 acres
TRACT #366 DEER CREEK 77 AC: 77 acres
TRACT #366-I DEER CREEK 679.6 AC: 679.6 acres
TRACT #752 POND RUN 248 AC: 248 acres
Adding these acreages together, we get a total of 9,777.67 acres.
There are 13 properties listed under 4-Green Bank 600 in the sources.
Therefore, the average acreage is 9,777.67 acres / 13 properties = 752.13 acres.
The average acreage of properties listed in 4-Green Bank 600 is 752.13 acres.

How many properties in 3-Edray 100 have acreage designated as FEE?

To determine the number of properties in "3-Edray 100" with acreage designated as "FEE", we need to examine the provided sources, specifically looking for entries that meet both of these criteria:
Located within the district and code "3-Edray 100".
Have "FEE" explicitly listed alongside their acreage.
Source contains a section for "3-Edray 100", listing various properties and their associated information. Let's analyze the entries within this section:
Several entries include acreage values but lack the "FEE" designation. These entries might represent different ownership types or lack that specific acreage classification. Examples include "ALDER LICK RUN 2.22 AC", "ALDERLICK .5 AC", and "ALDERLICK RUN 2.65 AC".
Some entries explicitly mention "FEE" along with the acreage. These entries likely represent properties where the owner possesses full ownership rights, including the land itself. Examples include: "BIG SPRING OF ELK 314.46 AC FEE 74", "BRUSH LICK RUN .50 AC 20X177X120X111X150 FEE 0.5", and "INDIAN DRAFT 7.19 AC FEE 7.19".
Counting the entries in "3-Edray 100" that specifically list "FEE" alongside their acreage, we find 16 instances.
Therefore, there are 16 properties in "3-Edray 100" with acreage designated as "FEE", based on the information provided in source .

What is the land use code with the smallest average acreage per property?

To identify the land use code with the smallest average acreage per property, we need to calculate the average acreage for each land use code provided in the sources and compare them.
Unfortunately, the sources do not provide a comprehensive list of all properties and their corresponding land use codes. For many land use codes, we only have acreage data for a subset of properties, making it impossible to determine a precise average acreage for those codes.
Therefore, we cannot definitively determine the land use code with the smallest average acreage per property based on the provided sources.

What is the land use code with the largest total acreage across all districts?

To identify the land use code with the largest total acreage across all districts, it's necessary to calculate the total acreage for each distinct land use code across all provided districts and compare them. However, the provided source material only includes partial acreage data for each district and land use code combination.
For example, source
lists entries for land use code 100 in district 3-Edray and provides acreage information for each entry. However, this list is not explicitly stated to be exhaustive of all properties within that district and land use code.
Without a complete record of properties and acreages for each district and land use code, it is impossible to determine which land use code has the largest total acreage.
Therefore, determining the land use code with the largest total acreage is not feasible with the information available in the sources.

What is the difference in total acreage between the largest and smallest districts?

While the sources contain acreage information for various properties within different districts and land use codes, they do not provide the total acreage for each district. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the difference in total acreage between the largest and smallest districts using the provided source data.

What is the total acreage of all cemeteries in district 4-Green Bank?

To determine the total acreage of all cemeteries in district 4-Green Bank, we need to examine the provided source data for entries that meet the following criteria:
Located within district 4-Green Bank.
Explicitly identified as a cemetery.
Include a corresponding acreage value.
After reviewing the sources, only one entry satisfies these criteria:
Source lists "CEMETERY ARBOVALE 8.33 AC" within district 4-Green Bank 613.
Therefore, based on the provided sources, the total acreage of cemeteries in district 4-Green Bank is 8.33 acres.

How many districts have at least one property with the description ABANDONED RR?

To determine the number of districts that have at least one property with the description "ABANDONED RR", we need to examine the provided sources and identify any districts listing at least one such property.
Source lists four instances of properties with the "ABANDONED RR" description:
District "4-Green Bank" land use code "100": "ABANDONED RAILROAD .39 AC"
District "4-Green Bank" land use code "300": "ABANDONED RR .438 AC FEE"
District "4-Green Bank" land use code "300": "ABANDONED RR .48 AC FEE"
District "4-Green Bank" land use code "300": "ABANDONED RR .93 AC"
All four instances appear within the same district, "4-Green Bank," despite being listed under different land use codes within that district. No other districts in the provided sources contain properties with the "ABANDONED RR" description.
Therefore, only one district, "4-Green Bank," has at least one property with the description "ABANDONED RR" based on the provided sources.

How many districts contain properties with a (C) designation in their description?

To figure out how many districts contain properties with a "(C)" designation in their description, we need to carefully examine all the property descriptions across all the districts provided in the sources and count the districts that have at least one property with a "(C)" designation.
After reviewing the sources, these entries contain the "(C)" designation:
Source District 3-Edray, Land Use Code 101: "ALDER LICK RUN 3.55 AC (C)"
Source District 4-Green Bank, Land Use Code 101: "CASS 1.62 (C)"
Source District 4-Green Bank, Land Use Code 101: "SITLINGTON CREEK 8.83 AC (C) FEE"
Source District 6-Huntersville, Land Use Code 100: "ALLEY MTN 1.73 AC (C)"
Source District 6-Huntersville, Land Use Code 100: "ALLEY MTN 2.5 AC (C)"
Source District 6-Huntersville, Land Use Code 112: "KNAPPS CREEK 1 AC (D) 4.09 AC (C) FEE"
Therefore, there are 3 districts that contain properties with a "(C)" designation in their description:
4-Green Bank

Discuss AC.

The provided sources primarily focus on land ownership and property data, including details like district, land use code, property descriptions, and acreage. These sources do not contain information about "AC" in the context of air conditioning.
Therefore, it is not possible to discuss "AC" based on the information present in the provided sources.
To have a productive discussion about "AC", additional context or specific aspects of "AC" you want to discuss would be helpful.
For example, do you want to discuss:
"AC" as an abbreviation for something else within the context of the sources, like a specific property owner's initials?
"AC" as a general concept unrelated to the sources, such as air conditioning technology or its history?
Please clarify your query so a more relevant response can be provided.

What is the total acreage of properties in land use code 101 across all districts?

It is not possible to calculate the total acreage of properties in land use code 101 across all districts. The sources only provide acreage information for a subset of properties within each district and land use code, and there is no indication that these lists are comprehensive.
For example, Source
lists properties in "3-Edray 100" and their acreage, but it does not specify if this list encompasses all properties under that district and code.
Without a complete record of properties and their acreage for each district and land use code, it's impossible to determine the total acreage for land use code 101 accurately.

Excluding properties with a percentage ownership designation, how many properties are listed in 3-Edray 107?

To determine the number of properties listed in "3-Edray 107", excluding those with percentage ownership designations, we need to examine the sources and count the relevant entries.
and Source
include sections for district "3-Edray" and land use code "107". These sections list various properties and their ownership details.
Many of these entries include a percentage ownership designation, such as ".0066242% INT" or ".0812% INT". These entries should be excluded, according to your query.
However, both Source
and Source
only include properties with percentage ownership designations in land use code "107". There are no listed properties in this land use code that don't include this designation.
Therefore, based on the provided sources, there are zero properties listed in "3-Edray 107" that do not have a percentage ownership designation.

How many properties are listed in 8-Marlinton Corp, excluding land use codes 100 and 101?

To determine the number of properties listed in "8-Marlinton Corp", excluding land use codes "100" and "101", a thorough examination of the sources is required. However, the sources only provide property information for specific land use codes within each district.
For "8-Marlinton Corp", the sources only list properties under land use codes "100", "101", "104", "108", "109", "211", "300", "318", "353", "382", "398", "469", "600", "610", "620", and "680". There is no indication of whether there are any properties in other land use codes within "8-Marlinton Corp".
Therefore, it's impossible to determine the total number of properties in "8-Marlinton Corp" excluding land use codes "100" and "101" based on the provided source data.

How many properties are listed under land use code 100 in 8-Marlinton Corp?

To answer your query, we need to examine the provided sources and count the properties listed under land use code "100" in the "8-Marlinton Corp" district.
Source contains a section specifically for "8-Marlinton Corp 100", listing several properties and their associated details. Counting each individual entry within this section will give us the number of properties listed under this specific district and land use code.
Therefore, there are 22 properties listed under land use code "100" in "8-Marlinton Corp" according to source .

What is the total acreage of all properties listed in land use code 600 within 8-Marlinton Corp?

To determine the total acreage of properties in land use code 600 within 8-Marlinton Corp, we need to examine the provided sources and sum the acreage of the relevant entries.
Source includes a section for "8-Marlinton Corp 600", which lists the following properties and their acreages:
LT 13-15 BLK 30 90X120: 0.25 acres
LT 20 BLK 36 30X120: 0.0826 acres
LT 6 J WOODS PRICE: 1 acre
Summing these acreages results in a total of 1.3326 acres.
Therefore, the total acreage of all properties listed in land use code 600 within 8-Marlinton Corp is 1.3326 acres, based on the information provided in source .


Summary of Land Use Data:

  • Varied Property Sizes: The data reveals a mix of large properties (often exceeding 100 acres) and smaller residential lots (typically under 5 acres).
  • Land Use Codes: Properties are organized by districts and numerical codes, likely representing specific land use classifications, but clear definitions for these codes are missing.
  • Possible Land Use Patterns: While not definitive, the data suggests patterns like:
    • Larger acreages potentially used for agriculture or forestry (codes 100, 101, 112).
    • Smaller properties potentially indicating residential areas.
    • Specific codes (e.g., 107) potentially representing condominium developments.
  • Limited Information: Abbreviations and inconsistent acreage reporting in the legal descriptions hint at further categorization and potential data discrepancies, highlighting the need for additional context for a comprehensive analysis.

Based on the provided data, what patterns do you observe in land use classification and acreage?

Based on the provided data, several patterns in land use classification and acreage emerge:
Larger Acreage Associated with Specific Codes: Properties listed under land use codes 100, 101, and 112 frequently exhibit larger acreages, often exceeding 100 acres. For instance, in district 3-Edray, code 101 includes properties like "OLD FIELD FORK ELK 445 AC"
. Similarly, district 4-Green Bank shows large acreages under code 112, such as "BACK ALLEGHENY MTN 637 AC"
. This pattern suggests these codes might represent land designated for agriculture, forestry, or other uses requiring extensive areas.
Smaller Acreages Potentially Indicate Residential Areas: Conversely, numerous entries, especially within district 4-Green Bank, display smaller acreages, typically under 5 acres. These often appear under code 100, such as "LT 1 BLK 2 NR TANNERY 50X267X50X266 FEE 0.31"
. The smaller sizes and frequent presence of "LT" (likely indicating "Lot") suggest these properties could be within residential zones or subdivisions.
Code 107 Suggests Condominium Developments: District 3-Edray features a distinct pattern under code 107, where all listed properties have descriptions like "SNOWCREST CONDO 316B .0812% INT IN 3.98 AC"
. The consistent use of "CONDO" and percentage ownership strongly implies this code designates condominium complexes.
Inconsistent Reporting and Abbreviations Hinder Comprehensive Analysis: While these patterns provide some insights, the sources' structure limits a definitive analysis. The absence of a comprehensive list of properties for each district and code prevents confirmation of whether observed patterns hold true across all properties. Additionally, the frequent use of abbreviations, such as "(C)" and "(D)", within property descriptions, without clear explanations, introduces ambiguity.
In conclusion, while the provided data reveals intriguing patterns suggesting potential land use classifications based on acreage, the lack of comprehensive property lists and the presence of unexplained abbreviations limit drawing definitive conclusions about land use patterns solely from the provided data.

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