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Thursday, June 20, 2024

The pros and cons of mowing your lawn in the middle of summer



  • Keeps your lawn tidy: Regular mowing maintains a neat and aesthetically pleasing appearance for your yard.
  • Discourages weeds: Mowing prevents weeds from going to seed, helping to control their spread.
  • Promotes even growth: Regular mowing encourages the grass to grow more evenly and densely.


  • Heat stress: Mowing during the hottest part of the day can stress the grass, especially during droughts. This can lead to browning and make it more susceptible to disease.
  • Strains on resources: Grass needs more water during hot weather. Frequent mowing can further stress the lawn and increase its water needs.
  • Reduced beneficial insects: Many beneficial insects, like pollinators, use flowering weeds for food and habitat. Mowing during flowering season can disrupt their populations.

Tips for Midsummer Mowing:

  • Mow in the cooler evening hours: This reduces heat stress on the grass.
  • Raise the mower blade height: Taller grass shades the soil, helping it retain moisture.
  • Leave grass clippings on the lawn: Clippings decompose, returning nutrients to the soil and reducing the need for fertilizer.
  • Water deeply and infrequently: Encourage the grass to develop deep roots by watering deeply once or twice a week, rather than shallow sprinklings every day.

Alternatives to Frequent Mowing:

  • Let some areas grow taller: Consider letting a portion of your lawn grow taller to provide habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects. You can mow paths through these areas.
  • Embrace clover lawns: Clover is a low-maintenance alternative that requires less mowing and watering. It fixes nitrogen in the soil, benefiting the surrounding grass.

By following these tips, you can mow your lawn in midsummer while minimizing the negative impacts.

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