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Friday, June 21, 2024

Sermon Outline Template

 create a formatted sermon outline
Sermon Outline Template

Title: (Insert your title here)

Introduction (5 minutes)

    Attention Grabber: Start with a thought-provoking question, a relevant story, or a surprising statistic to capture the audience's attention.

    Theme Introduction: Briefly introduce the main theme or message you want to convey in the sermon.
    Scripture Introduction: Briefly introduce the scripture passage(s) that will be the foundation of your message.

Body (20-25 minutes)

    Main Point 1 (5-7 minutes):
        State your first main point clearly.
        Briefly explain the significance of this point.
        Support your point with scripture reference and explanation.
        Consider using an illustration, story, or analogy to connect with the audience.

    Main Point 2 (5-7 minutes):
        Follow the same structure as Main Point 1.

    (Optional) Main Point 3 (5-7 minutes):
        Include this if you have a third key point to support your theme.
        Follow the same structure as Main Point 1 & 2.

Application (5 minutes)

    Bridge the gap between the message and the audience's lives.
    Explain how the main points can be applied to everyday situations.
    Briefly offer practical steps or challenges for the audience to consider.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

    Summarize the key takeaways of the sermon.
    End with a memorable statement that reinforces your theme.
    Include a call to action, encouraging the audience to live out the message.

Additional Tips

    Tailor the outline to your specific message and audience.
    Use clear and concise language.
    Leave room for flexibility during delivery.
    Practice your delivery beforehand to ensure smooth flow and timing.

Note: This is a general template.

 You can adjust the time allocation for each section based on your content and delivery style.


Use the bible reference of John 2: 16 KJV to create a sermon
Show drafts
Title: More Than a Marketplace: Reclaiming the Temple Within

Introduction (5 minutes)

    Attention Grabber: Have you ever felt like your life has become a cluttered marketplace? Filled with distractions, worries, and things vying for your attention?

    Theme Introduction: Today, we explore a powerful story from John's gospel where Jesus cleanses the temple. This event goes beyond a physical act; it reveals a deeper message about reclaiming the sacred space within ourselves.
    Scripture Introduction: We will focus on John 2:16 (KJV) which tells us, "And he said unto them, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise."

Body (20-25 minutes)

    Main Point 1 (5-7 minutes): The Corrupted Temple
        Explain the context of the temple as a place of worship and sacrifice.
        Discuss how the merchants turning it into a marketplace disrespected God's purpose.
        Relate this to our own lives. How do we sometimes allow distractions and worldly desires to turn our hearts away from God?
        Use examples like materialism, excessive busyness, or prioritizing entertainment over spiritual practices.

    Main Point 2 (5-7 minutes): Jesus' Cleansing Action

        Explain Jesus' authority and righteous anger in driving out the merchants.

        Discuss this as a symbolic act of cleansing the temple and restoring its true purpose.

        Connect this to the power of prayer and seeking God's help to remove negativity and distractions from our lives.

    (Optional) Main Point 3 (5-7 minutes): Building the Temple Within

        Briefly discuss the concept of our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

        Highlight the importance of nurturing our inner temple through prayer, meditation, and acts of service.

Application (5 minutes)

    How can we identify the "merchants" in our own lives that distract us from God?

    Challenge the audience to reflect on their priorities and how to create space for spiritual growth.

    Offer practical steps like setting aside time for prayer, engaging in scripture study, and simplifying their lives.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

    Summarize the importance of guarding the sacred space within ourselves.

    Remind the audience that true fulfillment comes from aligning our hearts with God's will.

    Call to Action: Encourage the congregation to actively work on reclaiming their inner temples through prayer, reflection, and a renewed focus on their faith.

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