By R. C. Tucker, Assistant Geologist.
The following is an alphabetic list of the place names
shown on Maps I and II accompanying this Report in the
Atlas. All names occurring in Pocahontas County are listed
as also those in the immediate region of the adjoining coun-
ties, but those located several miles from the Pocahontas
boundary are not indexed, since several of these will be
eliminated on Map II by the cross-sections printed thereon.
In the case of streams, the distance (air-line) given from the
town named is to the mouth and not the point on the map
where the name is printed. Where the month of a stream
is not in Pocahontas County, the point where it crosses the
county line is given. The elevations of the towns and the
highest points on the mountains are shown in parentheses
following the place name. A plus (-{-) sign indicates that
the elevation is higher than the figure shown but less than
one contour interval (50 feet). A plus-minus (±) sign indi-
cates that the elevation has been interpolated from the topo-
graphic contours and may be in error a few feet either way.
The list will no doubt prove of value to those unfamiliar with
Pocahontas County and will facilitate the ready finding of
the points named in the text and appendix showing levels
immediately preceding :
Abe Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 5.3 miles northeast
of Thornwood P. O.).
Allegheny Mountain (4587') eastern boundary, along Bath and
Highland Counties, Virginia).
Allegheny Run (of Greenbrier River, at Hosterman, 5.1 miles
northeast of Cass).
Allegheny School (3649') (in Virginia, at head of Buffalo Fork of
Little River of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 5.0 miles southeast of
Thornwood, P. O.).
Anthony Creek (southeast corner of county, 2.5 miles west of
Greenbrier County corner with Bath Co., Va., at Hightop).
Arbovale (2727') (on Hospital Run of Deer Creek, 1.5 miles
northeast of Green Bank).
Asbury Knob (3304') (4.0 miles northeast of Dunmore, 1.4 miles
south of Green Bank).
August (2165') (on Greenbrier River, opposite Lewis Lick Run,
3.0 miles northeast of Marlinton).
Back Allegheny Mountain (4842') (west of Greenbrier River, 3.0
miles west of Cass, and northward 15 miles).
Back Draft (of Rosen Run, 4.9 miles northeast of Dunmore, 0.S
mile southeast of Green Bank).
Bald Knob (4400'-f) (3.4 miles northwest of Buckeye).
Bald Knob (fire tower, 4842'; triangulation point, 4808') (on Back
Allegheny Mountain, 3.5 miles north of Cass).
Bannock Shoals Run (of Williams River, 2.4 miles southeast of
Webster County line).
Barclay Run (of Knapp Creek, 0.7 mile northwest of Minnehaha
Barlow Top (4600') (knob on Black Mountain, 7.0 miles west of
Bartow (2782') (on West Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.3 miles east
of Durbin).
Bath County (Virginia, south of Highland County, to Greenbrier
County line).
Bayard Knob (4155') (on Randolph County line, 12.0 miles north-
east of Durbin).
Bear Mountain (4467') (on Allegheny Mountain, 8.2 miles north-
east of Green Bank, on Virginia line).
Bear Run (of North Pork of Cherry River, 0.3 mile west of Green-
brier County line).
Beard (2010') (2.3 miles north of Greenbrier County line, on
Greenbrier River).
Bearpen Hollow (of Sutton Run of North Fork of Deer Creek, 4.1
miles east of Green Bank).
Beartree Run (of Thorny Creek, 0.9 mile up, 1.4 miles east of
Bearwallow Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 3.5 miles
northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Beaver Creek (of Greenbrier River, at Violet, 9% miles north of
Greenbrier County line).
Beaver Creek (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 1 mile north of
Pocahontas County line, 5.2 miles west of Nottingham P. O.).
Beaver Creek School (2428') (4.0 miles southeast of Violet, on
Beaver Creek).
Beaver Lick Mountain (3662', White Rocks) (southeastern part of
county, 8.0 miles west of Virginia line, 7.0 miles east of Greenbrier
Beaverdam Run (of Williams River, 11.2 miles southeast of Web-
ster County line).
Beaverdam School (3540'±) (5.0 miles west of Marlinton, on
Beaverdam Run).
Beech Flat Knob (4700' + ) (in Randolph County, west of Shavers
Fork of Cheat River, 2.7 miles north of Spruce).
Beech Mountain (4050' + ) (northeast corner of county 11.0 miles
northeast of Durbin).
Beechy Run (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 2.5 miles up).
Bennett Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 12.0 miles north-
east of Durbin).
Bethel School (2750'±) (4.0 miles southwest of Frost, 4.4 miles
east of Clawson).
Beulah Church (2350'±) (at mouth of Boggs Run of Robbins Run,
4.0 miles southwest of Lobelia, in Greenbrier County).
Big Ridge (3407') (east of head of Gum Branch of Sitlington Creek,
3.0 miles northeast of Dunmore).
Big Ridge (3000'-3250') (north of Beartree Run, 5.0 miles north-
east of Marlinton).
Big Ridge (3200' + ) (west of Knapp Creek and Mt. Vernon Church,
5.0 miles northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Big Run (of Buffalo Fork of Little River of East Fork of Green-
brier River, 3.2 miles southeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Big Run (of Elk River, 2.0 miles south of Randolph County line,
2.1 miles north of Slaty Fork).
Big Run (of Greenbrier River, 1.4 miles northeast of Clover Liok).
Big Run (town) (2249') (on Greenbrier River, 7.5 miles northeast
of Marlinton).
Big Sandy Run (of Cochran Creek, 1 mile southwest of Rimel).
Big Spring Fork (of Elk River, at Slaty Fork).
Big Spruce Knob (4695') (6.6 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Birch log Run (of Cranberry River, 0.8 mile northeast of Webster
County line, 10.2 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Bird Run (of Knapp Creek, 1.6 miles east of Frost, 10.7 miles
northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Black Mountain (4625') (west of head of Williams River).
Black Mountain Run (of Williams River, 9.0 miles southeast of
Webster County line, 7.5 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Black Run (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 5.2 miles east of Green
Black Run (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 1.0 mile south of
Black Run (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 1.5 miles north of
Blackhole Run (of Elk River, 0.5 mile south of Randolph County
line, 5.1 miles west of Mace).
Blister Swamp (3637') (head of East Fork of Greenbrier River,
12.7 miles northeast of Durbin).
Blue Knob (4426') (3.2 miles northeast of Lobelia, head of Bruffey
Blue Lick Run (of Stamping Creek, 2.1 miles northwest of Mill
Blue Lick School (2550'±) (on Stamping Creek, 3.0 miles north-
west of Mill Point).
Boggs Run (of Robbins Run, 4.2 miles southwest of Lobelia).
Boggs Run School (2707') (on Boggs Run, 3.0 miles southwest of
Bowman Ridge (3387') (west of Greenbrier River, 2.5 miles south-
west of Nottingham P. O.).
Boyer (2700'±) (on Deer Creek, 4.0 miles north of Arbovale).
Boyer Station (Nottingham P. O.) (2662') (on Greenbrier River,
2.5 miles southwest of Durbin).
Brady School (2700'±) (on Dry Fork of Elk River, 3.9 miles west
of Mace).
Braucher (2880'±) (on West Fork of Greenbrier River, 3.8 miles
north of Durbin).
Briery Knob (4518') (3.0 miles northwest of Lobelia, on Yew
Browns Creek (of Knapp Creek, 4.5 miles southeast of Marlinton,
north of Huntersville).
Browns Creek School (2315'±) (on Browns Creek of Knapp
Creek, 2.5 miles northeast of Huntersville).
Browns Mountain (3245', The Horse Ridge) (east of Browns
Creek and west of Knapp Creek, 2.5 miles north of Minnehaha
Brownsburg (2621') (2.2 miles northwest of August, 3.0 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Bruffey Creek (of Hills Creek, 0.5 mile east of Lobelia).
Brush Camp Low Place (4250' — ) (head of Big Run of Elk River,
2.5 miles southwest of Randolph corner on Elk River, 2.8 miles north-
west of Slaty Fork).
Brush Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, 2.8 miles northeast of
Brush Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.7 mile south of Nottingham
P. O.).
Brush Run School (2850'±) (on Brush Run of Greenbrier River.
0.8 mile north of Boyer, 3.2 miles southeast of Nottingham P. O.).
Brushy Flat School (2560'±) (on Sideling Run, 1.5 miles north-
west of August).
Brushy Mountain (3671') (range east of Beaver Lick Mountain,
north end, 2.0 miles southwest of Minnehaha Springs).
Buck Knob (4250'-)-) (between Yew and Gauley Mountains, 4.5
miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Buck Mountain (3118') (2.0 miles west of Marlinton).
Buck Run (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 0.4 mile north of
Buck Run (of Swago Creek, 0.9 mile north of Buckeye).
Buck Run School (2380'±) (1.3 miles up Buck Run of Swago
Creek, 1% miles southwest of Marlinton).
Buckeye (2106') (on Greenbrier River, 3.5 miles southwest of
Buckley Mountain (3383') (west of Cummins Creek, 2 miles west
of Huntersville).
Buffalo Fork (of Little River of East Fork of Greenbrier River,
1.3 miles southeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Buffalo Ridge (4400' + ) (north of North Fork of Deer Creek, 4.5
miles northeast of Green Bank).
Buffalo Ridge School (4310'±) (on Buffalo Ridge, 4.6 miles north-
east of Green Bank).
Buffalo Run (of Deer Creek, 1.9 miles north of Arbovale).
Burner (2917') on West Fork of Greenbrier River, at mouth of
Little River, 5.0 miles north of Durbin).
Burner Mountain (4300'-}-) (between East and West Forks of
Greenbrier River, southeast of Little River, northeast of Durbin to
Blister Swamp region).
Burner Settlement (on Burner Mountain, 3.5 miles northeast of
Burning Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 6.1 miles north-
east of Thornwood P. O.).
Burning School (3875'±) (on Burning Run, 7.1 miles northeast of
Thornwood P. O.).
Burnsides (2026') (5.0 miles north of Greenbrier County line on
Greenbrier River, 1 mile west of Kennison).
Burr (3000'±) (% mile north of Greenbrier County line on Beaver
Lick Mountain, 11.3 miles south of Marlinton).
Burr School (2603') (near head of Laurel Run of Greenbrier River,
in Burr Valley, 5.5 miles east of Denmar).
Burr Valley (near head of Laurel Run of Greenbrier River, 5.0
miles east of Denmar).
Buzzard Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 1.7 miles southeast of Hunters-
ville, 1.0 mile northwest of Minnehaha Springs).
Buzzard Ridge (4295') (north of Old Field Fork of Elk River, 7.0
miles west of Stony Bottom).
Caesar Mountain (3300'-)-) (2 miles northeast of Lobelia).
Caesar Mountain School (2994') (2 miles northeast of Lobelia,
near sink of Cave Run).
Camp Hollow (of Douthat Creek of Knapp Creek, 0.5 mile south
of Minnehaha Springs).
Campbell Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 4.2 miles north-
east of Thornwood P. O.).
Campbelltown (2150') (on Stony Creek, 0.5 mile up, and 1.3 miles
north of Marlinton).
Cashcamp Run (of North Fork of Cranberry River, 1.5 miles up).
Cass (B. M. 2452'; 2441') (on Greenbrier River, 11.5 miles south-
west of Durbin, and 15.3 miles northeast of Marlinton).
Cave Run (of Bruffey Creek, % mile northeast of Lobelia).
Charles Creek (of Cranberry River, 5.1 miles southeast of Web-
ster County line, 5.1 miles north of Lobelia).
Charley Ridge (3100' + ) (west of Gum Branch of Sitlington Creek.
1.8 miles northeast of Dunmore).
Cheat Mountain (4839', Thorny Flat) (west of Shavers Fork, 4.5
miles northwest of Cass).
Cherry Grove School (3101') (1.3 miles west of Nottingham P. O.).
Cherry River (See North and South Forks).
Chestnut Flats (3581') (2.1 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Chestnut Levels (3678') (on Bath County, Va., line, 12.0 miles
east of Marlinton).
Chestnut Ridge (4000'-4400') (south of Galfred Run, 6.00 miles
east of Dunmore).
Chicken House Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.4 mile south of
Watoga, 8.1 miles north of Greenbrier County line).
Circle Mountain School (2807') (2.3 miles northwest of Minnehaha
Springs, on Miller Ridge).
Clawson (2183') (on Greenbrier River, 4.7 miles northeast of
Cloverfield Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 4.8 miles northeast of
Minnehaha Springs).
Clover Lick (town) (2289') (on Greenbrier River, 10.3 miles north-
east of Marlinton, at mouth of Cloverlick Creek).
Cloverlick Creek (of Greenbrier River, at Clover Lick, 2.2 miles
south of Stony Bottom).
Cloverlick Mountain (4280') (south of Cloverlick Creek, 3.8 miles
west of Clover Lick, 7.5 miles northeast of Marlinton).
Clubhouse Run (of Little River of West Fork of Greenbrier River,
7.3 miles northeast of Durbin, 2.9 miles southeast of May).
Coal Run (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 5.5 miles up).
Cochran Creek (of Laurel Creek of Knapp Creek, 0.2 mile west of
Rimel, 3.2 miles southeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Colaw Knob (4218') (on Poca Ridge, 4.8 miles northeast of Thorn-
wood P. O., 1.3 miles northwest of Pendleton-Highland County corner).
Cold Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.4 mile south of Cass).
Cold Run School (2775'±) (1.1 miles up Cold Run, 1.3 miles west
of Cass).
Cooper Run (of Rosen Run, 1^4 miles southeast of Green Bank).
County Line Branch (of Williams River, at Webster County line,
8.4 miles southeast of Slaty Fork).
Cove Hill School (2650'±) (on Sugarcamp Run, 0.9 mile north of
Cranberry Glades (3400') (on Cranberry River, 5.0 miles south-
east of Webster County line, 9.5 miles west of Marlinton).
Cranberry Mountain (4300'-(-) (between Cranberry River and
Stamping Creek, 4.5 miles northwest of Mill Point).
Cranberry River (west end of county, 15.0 miles northwest of
Crooked Fork (of Old Field Fork of Elk River, 7.0 miles north of
Crooked Fork School (3090'±) (on Old Field Fork of Elk River,
7.0 miles north of Marlinton, opposite mouth of Crooked Fork).
Cub Ridge (3900'-4200') (head of North Fork of Gauley River,
3.0 miles west of Slaty Fork).
Cummins Creek (of Knapp Creek, north of Huntersville, 4.6 miles
southeast of Marlinton).
Cummins Creek School (2519') (near head of Cummins Creek, 3.0
miles southwest of Huntersville).
Cup Run (of Big Spring Fork of Elk River, 6.3 ir.iles northwest of
Cup Run (of Greenbrier River, 2.1 miles northeast of Cass).
Day Mountain (4250' + ) (3.6 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Day Run (of Williams River, 6.8 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 7.8 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Dean Hollow (of Hills Creek, 1 mile northwest of Lobelia).
Deer Creek (of Greenbrier River, 0.5 mile south of Cass).
Deer Creek (town) (2416') (on Greenbrier River, 1 mile south of
Deever Run (of Greenbrier River, 1.9 miles northeast of Cass).
Denmar (2023') (on Greenbrier River, 3.0 miles north of Greenbrier
County line. 12 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Devils Garden (2900'+) (on Douthat Creek, 4.0 miles southwest
of Minnehaha Springs).
Dilleys Mill (2575'±) (on Thorny Creek, 4.5 miles up, and 8.0
miles northeast of Marlinton).
Dogway (3101') (on Dogway Fork of Cranberry River, 1.4 miles
from mouth, in Webster County i.
Dogway Fork (of Cranberry River. 1.3 miles west of Webster
County line).
Douglas Fork lot Dry Fork of Elk River. 3.4 miles west of Mace).
Douthat Creek (of Laurel Creek of Knapp Creek, 1.2 miles south
of Minnehaha Springs).
Douthat Creek School i2440'±) (on Douthat Creek, 2.5 miles
southwest of Minnehaha Springs).
Downy Run (of Williams River, 11.4 miles southeast of Webster
County line. 5.7 miles west of Marlinton).
Droop Mountain (3580') (1.7 miles west of Spice Run — Locust P.
O., west of Greenbrier River, 3.7 miles west of Denmar).
Droop Mountain Battlefield Park (3050'±) (at Spice, on Droop
Mountain. 2.5 miles west of Mill Run).
Dry Creek (of Stony Creek, 2.0 miles north of Marlinton).
Dry Creek (of Swago Creek, 1 mile north of Buckeye).
Dry Creek School (2200' + ) (on Dry Creek of Swago Creek, 1.1
miles north of Buckeye).
Dry Fork (of Elk River, 5.0 miles northwest of Mace, and 4.0
miles north of Slaty Fork).
Dry Run (of Anthony Creek, mouth in Greenbrier County 0.5 mile
south of Pocahontas line).
Duncan Run (of Deer Creek, 1.1 miles north of Arbovale).
Dunmore (2463') (on Sitlington Creek, 2.5 miles east of Sitlington).
Durbin (B. M. 2730: 2721') at junction of East and West Forks
of Greenbrier River, 11.5 miles northeast of Cass).
Duysard Ridge (3340') (west side of Greenbrier River, 4.0 miles
northeast of Cass).
Eagles Camp (3300') (on North Fork of Cherry River, 0.3 mile
east of Greenbrier County line, 5.3 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Eagles School <2700'±) (on Hills Creek, 2.1 miles northwest of
East Fork (of Glady Fork, north of Randolph County line, 2.2
miles northeast of Wildell).
East Fork (of Greenbrier River) (at Durbin).
Edray (2409') (on Indian Draft of Stony Creek, 3.5 miles north of
Edray District (northwest part of county).
Elbow Run (of Williams River, 3.5 miles northeast of Three Forks
of Williams).
Elk Creek (of Greenbrier River, 0.5 mile north of Nottingham
P. O.).
Elk Mountain (4250' + ) (on Virginia line, 7.5 miles northeast of
Thorn wood P. O.).
Elk Mountain School (3865'±) (in Virginia, 7.2 miles northeast of
Thornwood P. O.).
Elk River (crosses county line 5 miles northwest of Mace, and
4 miles north of Slaty Fork).
Elklick Run (of Clubhouse Run of Little River of West Fork of
Greenbrier River, 7.5 miles northeast of Durbin).
Elklick Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.2 mile southwest of Stony
Elklick Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 9.0 miles north
of Durbin).
Elleber Ridge (4602') (spur of Allegheny Mountain, at head of a
southeast branch of North Fork of Deer Creek, 6.0 miles east of Green
Elleber Run (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 7.0 miles northeast
of Green Bank).
Evic Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 4.3 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Fairview School (2725'±) (0.6 mile west of Harter, 5.6 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Fallen Timber Run (of Anthony Creek, in Greenbrier County,
2.0 miles southwest of Pocahontas line).
Fallen Timber Run (of North Fork of Cherry River. 1.6 miles
southwest of Webster-Greenbrier County corner).
Falls of Hills Creek (on Hills Creek, 3.7 miles northwest of Lo-
Fill Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.5 miles north of
Fill Run School (3225'±) (on Fill Run, 1 mile west of mouth, 2.4
miles northwest of Durbin).
First Fork (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 4.3 miles southwest
of Durbin).
Fitzwater Branch (of Robbins Run, 0.1 mile north of southwest
Greenbrier-Pocahontas corner, 4.0 miles southwest of Lobelia).
Fivemile Hollow (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 1.8 miles
northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Flat Ridge (4200' + ) (spur of Gauley Mountain, 1.5 miles south-
west of Slaty Fork).
Fork Mountain (4218') (northeast of Buffalo Fork, 1.7 miles east
of Thornwood P. O.).
Fox Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 10.3 miles north of
Frank (2736') (on East Fork of Greenbrier River, 1 mile east of
Frank Mountain (3907') (west of Little River of East Fork of
Greenbrier River, 5.8 miles east of Nottingham P. O.).
Friel Run (of Laurel Creek of Williams River, 6.8 miles northwest
of Marlinton).
Frost (2589') (on Knapp Creek, 9.6 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Frosty Gap (4000' + ) (at head of Dogway Fork of Cranberry
River, 2.0 miles southeast of Webster-Greenbrier-Pocahontas County
corner, 6.0 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Galford Run (of Williams River, 6.6 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 8 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Galfred Ridge (3238') (west side of Greenbrier River, 3.2 miles
northeast of Cass).
Galfred Run (of Sitlington Creek, 5.0 miles northeast of Dun-
Gandy Creek (northeast corner of county, in Randolph County,
8.0 miles southeast of Wildell).
Gate Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 5.2 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Gauley Mountain (4710', Spruce Knob), (west of Elk River, 2.0
miles west of Slaty Fork, about 12 miles long).
Gauley River (at Three Forks of Gauley, 6.0 miles west of Slaty
Gay Knob (4545') (6.5 miles north of Marlinton, 5.7 miles west of
Clover Lick).
Gertrude (2990'±) (on West Fork of Greenbrier River, at mouth
of Gertrude Run, 9.0 miles north of Durbin).
Gertrude Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 8.9 miles north
of Durbin).
Gibson Knob (4415') (7.6 miles southwest of Cass, southeast end
of Slaty Ridge, 5.7 miles northwest of Clover Lick).
Glade Run (of Cloverlick Creek, at Clover Lick, 10.3 miles north-
east of Marlinton).
Grassy Knob (3910') (on Little Ridge, 4.2 miles southeast of
Thornwood P. O.).
Grassy Ridge School (3100'±) (in Burner Settlement, 3.3 miles
northeast of Durbin).
Grassy Run (of Poca Run of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.5
miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Green Bank (P. O.) (2640'rfc) (on North Fork of Deer Creek, 5.0
miles northeast of Cass).
Greenbank District (northeastern part of county).
Greenbrier River (formed by junction of East and West Forks
at Durbin, flowing southwestward through central part of county,
crossing Greenbrier County line 0.6 mile south of Spice Run — Locust
P. O.).
Green Hill School (2475'zh) (on Stony Creek, 1.6 miles up, 2.0
miles north of Marlinton).
Griffin Run (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 7.0 miles northeast
of Green Bank).
Grimes School (2460'±) (on Tilda Fork of Stamping Creek, 1.5
miles northwest of Mill Point).
Grindstone Knob (3200'+) (on Browns Mountain, 4.6 miles north-
east of Minnehaha Springs).
Guinn Ridge (4000'-4500') (at head of Galfred Run of Sitlington
Creek, between forks, 7.0 miles east of Dunmore).
Gum Branch (of Sitlington Creek, 0.8 mile east of Dunmore).
Gum Cabin Hollow (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 1.1. miles
northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Gum Spring School (2690'±) (on Gum Branch of Sitlington Creek,
2.4 miles northeast of Dunmore).
Guy Run (of Knapp Creek, 5.2 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Halfway Run (of Greenbrier River, at Knapp, 2.6 miles northeast
of Marlinton).
Hamilton Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 3.9 miles northeast of Minne-
haha Springs).
Hamilton Hollow (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 3.2 miles east
of Green Bank).
Hamilton Lick Run (of Anthony Creek, 1.3 miles northeast of
Greenbrier County line, 4.2 miles southwest of Rimel).
Hannah School (2S45'±) (on Old Field Fork of Elk River, 8.7
miles west of Stony Bottom).
Harter (2211') (on Greenbrier River, 5.0 miles northeast of Mar-
linton ).
Hateful Run (of Williams River. l.S miles southeast of Webster
County line, 8.2 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Hawohen Hollow (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 3.S miles east
of Durbin).
Hefner School (2675'±) (on Overholt Run of Swago Creek, 2.4
miles northwest of Buckeye).
Hell for Certain Branch (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 4.0
miles up, 12.5 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Hevener Church (3025'±) (2.3 miles southwest of Nottingham
P. O. near head of Allegheny Run).
High Rock (4450') (on Black Mountain, 4.1 miles northwest of
Highland County (Virginia, north of Bath County, to Pendleton
Hightop (3645') (0.4 mile north of southeast Pocahontas-Green-
brier corner, on Virginia line).
Hills Creek (sinks northwest of Droop Mountain, 1.3 miles south-
east of Lobelia).
Hillsboro (2302') (2.0 miles west of Seebert, 2.0 miles north of
Hillside School (2550') (on Gum Branch of Sitlington Creek, 1.4
miles southeast of Dunmore).
H inkle Run (of Little River of West Fork of Greenbrier River,
9.0 miles northeast of Durbin).
Hock Knob (3950' + ) (2.0 miles southwest of Lobelia).
Hoover School (3207') (1.5 miles west of Durbin).
Hopkins (3683') (Randolph County, 6.5 miles west of Durbin, on
Shavers Fork of Cheat River).
Hospital Run (of Deer Creek, 0.9 mile northwest of Arbovale).
Hosterman (2582') (on Greenbrier River, 6.2 miles northeast of
Huntersville (2266') (on Knapp Creek, at mouths of Browns and
Cummins Creeks, 5.0 miles southeast of Marlinton).
Huntersville District (southeastern part of county).
Hunting Run (of North Fork of Cranberry River, 1.2 miles up).
Improvement Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, 4.7 miles southwest
of Marlinton).
Indian Draft (of Stony Creek, 1.2 miles north of Marlinton).
Irvin Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 3.7 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Island Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, 1 mile northeast of Ken-
Jacox (2627') (3.0 miles south of Lobelia, 5.2 miles west of Den-
Jacox Knob (4046') (2.3 miles southwest of Lobelia).
Jakes Run (of Sitlington Creek, 2.8 miles east of Dunmore).
Jericho Flat (2500' + ) (opposite Marlinton, west of Greenbrier
Johns Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 1.4 miles east of
Kee Flats (2450'-2500') (west of Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles south-
west of Marlinton).
Kee Hollow (of Greenbrier River, opposite south end of Marlin-
Kennison (2036') (5.3 miles northeast of Greenbrier County line,
on Greenbrier River, 9.5 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Kennison Mountain (3750'+) (southwest corner of county, 3 miles
southwest of Lobelia).
Kennison Mountain (4450' + ) (west of Cranberry Glades, 11 miles
west of Marlinton).
Kerr School (2800'±) (on Saulsbury Run of Deer Creek, 3.2 miles
northeast of Arbovale).
Kins Creek (of Williams River, 2.1 miles southeast of WTebster
County line, 8.2 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Kline Hollow (of Douthat Creek, 2.1 miles southwest of Minne-
haha Springs).
Knapp (2155') (on Greenbrier River, at mouth of Halfway Run,
2.5 miles northeast of Marlinton).
Knapp Creek (of Greenbrier River, south end of Marlinton).
Lambs Run (of Duncan Run of Deer Creek, 1.7 miles northeast of
Laurel Creek (of Knapp Creek, Rimel region, mouth at Minnehaha
Laurel Creek (of Williams River, 5.6 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 8.3 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Laurel Run (of Anthony Creek, 0.4 mile north of Greenbrier County
Laurel Run (of Brush Run of Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles east of
Nottingham P. O.).
Laurel Run (of Cochran Creek, 2.6 miles southwest of Rimel).
Laurel Run (of Elk River, at Slaty Fork, 4.0 miles south of Ran-
dolph County line).
Laurel Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.5 mile north of Denmar, 3.5
miles north of Greenbrier County line).
Laurel Run (of Greenbrier River, opposite Harter).
Laurel Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.4 mile north of Clover Lick).
Laurel Run (of Hills Creek, 2.3 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Laurelly Branch (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 3.1 miles up,
13 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Leatherbark Run (of Greenbrier River, at north edge of Cass).
Left Fork (of North Fork of Cranberry River, 3.0 miles up, 9 miles
north of Lobelia).
Left Prong (of Galfred Run of Sitlington Creek, 6.0 miles east of
Lewis Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, opposite August, 3.0 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Lick Creek (of Tea Creek, 6.7 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Lick Run (of Poca Run of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.9
miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Linwood (2942') (on Big Spring Fork of Elk River, 7.0 miles north-
west of Cass).
Little Beech Mountain (3500' + ) (north end of county, 2.5 miles
northeast of Wildell).
Little Beechy Run (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 1.6 miles
up, 11.3 miles northwest of Woodrow).
Little Branch (of Cranberry River, 4.9 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 10.5 miles west of Marlinton).
Little Laurel Creek (of Williams River, 5.4 miles southeast of
Webster County line, 9 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Little Levels (2300' + ) (Hillsboro region, 3 miles, northeast-south-
Little Levels District (southwestern part of county).
Little Mountain (3425') (east side of Greenbrier River, from Cass
to Nottingham P. O.).
Little Mountain (3100') (north of Rainbow Run of Browns Creek,
4.6 miles north of Minnehaha Springs).
Little Mountain (3450' + ) (2.5 miles north of Hillsboro, south of
Stamping Creek).
Little Red Run (of Cranberry River, 3.7 miles southeast of Web-
ster County line, 11.3 northwest of Marlinton).
Little Ridge (4530') (spur of Allegheny Mountain, between Tacker
Fork and Sutton Run of North Fork of Deer Creek, 5.0 miles east of
Green Bank).
Little River (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, at Thorn wood
P. O., 5.0 miles east of Durbin).
Little River (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 5.1 miles north
of Durbin).
Little Spruce Knob (4260') (1.1 miles north of Big Spruce Knob,
7.2 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Little Spruce Ridge (3550' + ) (east of Little River of East Fork
of Greenbrier River, 3.0 miles southeast of Thornwood P. O.).
LitUle Thorny Creek (of Thorny Creek, 2.6 miles southeast of Big
Run, 1.3 miles northeast of Dilleys Mill).
Lobelia (2505') (on Hills Creek, 4.5 miles northwest of Mill Run,
12% miles southwest of Marlinton).
Lockridge Mountain (3175') (1.5 miles east of Minnehaha Springs).
Lockridge Run (of Laurel Creek of Knapp Creep, 3.0 miles east
of Minnehaha Springs).
Locust (1998') (1.8 miles north of Greenbrier County line, on
Greenbrier River, 13.6 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Locust Creek (of Greenbrier River, mouth at Locust, 1.7 miles
north of Greenbrier County line).
Locust Creek Church (2100'±) (1.6 miles up Locust Creek, 2.0
miles west of Denmar).
Locust Creek School (20S5'±) (2.6 miles up Locust Creek, 1.6
miles west of Mill Run).
Locust Knob (4310') (1.5 miles southeast of Big Spruce Knob, 5.1
miles northwest of Marlinton).
Locust P. O. (Spice Run) (1987') (0.5 mile north of Greenbrier
County line, on Greenbrier River, 14.5 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Long Run (of Poca Run of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.3
miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Lost Bottom Run (of Cochran Creek, 2.0 miles southwest of Rimel).
Lost Run (of Cranberry River, 3.0 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 11.8 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Lower Bannock Shoals Run (of Williams River, 0.7 mile southeast
of Webster County line, 8.2 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Lower Mountain (3033') (east of Moore Run of Sitlington Creek,
0.7 mile northeast of Dunmore).
Lucy Draft (of Knapp Creek, 1.7 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Lynn Divide (3965') (northern part of county on Randolph County
line, 2.5 miles east of Wildell).
Lynn Knob (4015') (on Middle Mountain, 9.8 miles northeast of
Durbin, 3.5 miles northeast of May).
McClintock Run (of Middle Fork of Williams River, 5.8 miles up,
11.7 miles northwest of Marlinton).
McClintock Run (of Swago Creek, 0.9 mile up, from Buckeye).
McLaughlin Church (2871'±) (on Cold Run of Greenbrier River,
1.3 miles west of Cass).
McLaughlin Hollow (of Moore Run of Knapp Creek, 7.8 miles
northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
McLaughlin School (2490'±) (on Thomas Creek, 2.0 miles south-
east of Sitlington).
McLaughlin Springs (2360'±) (on Dry Creek of Stony Creek, %
mile southwest of Edray).
Mace (3464') (at Randolph-Pocahontas County corner at Edray-
Greenbank District line, 7.5 miles northwest of Cass).
Mace Knob (4705') (on Cheat Mountain, 6.3 miles northeast of
Mace School (3260' ±) (on head of Dry Fork of Elk River, 0.9
mile southeast of Mace).
Mad Sheep 14256') (Virginia, high point on Allegheny Mountain,
9.6 miles northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Mad Sheep Ridge (3250'-3500') (north of Moore Run of Knapp
Creek, 10 miles northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Mad Tom (4050' + ) (on Virginia line, S.8 miles northeast of Minne-
haha Springs).
Maple Grove School (2343') (0.3 mile west of Greenbrier River,
1.2 miles northwest of Spice Run — Locust P. O.).
Marble F?un (southeast of Little Mountain, sinks 1.7 miles north-
east of Hillsboro, 1.4 miles west of Mill Point).
Marlin Mountain (3422') (between Greenbrier River and Knapp
and Browns Creeks, east of Marlinton).
Marlin Run (of Knapp Creek, 0.5 mile east of mouth, eastern
part of Marlinton).
Marlinton (county-seat) (2123') (14.5 miles north of Greenbrier
County line, at mouth of Knapp Creek. 15.3 miles southwest of Cass).
Marys Chapel (2950') (on Old Field Fork of Elk River, 7.6 miles
west of Stony Bottom).
Mash Run (of Knapp Creek, 6.2 miles northeast of Minnehaha
May (2960') (on West Fork of Greenbrier River, 7.7 miles north
of Durbin).
May Chapel (2255') (in Greenbrier County, 0.2 mile north of
Trainer, on Anthony Creek, 2 miles southwest of Pocahontas County
Meadow Creek Mountain (3600' + ) (southeast corner of county,
southwest of Hightop. in Greenbrier County i.
Michael Mountain (3652', fire tower) (2.0 miles northwest of Frost,
5.0 miles southeast of Clover Lick).
Middle Fork (of Gauley River, 5.2 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Middle Fork (of Williams River, 1.4 miles east of Three Forks
of Williams).
Middle Mountain (4415') (between Dry and Big Spring Forks of
Elk River, 3.0 miles southwest of Mace).
Middle Mountain (4015') (north of Little River of West Fork of
Greenbrier River, 8 miles northeast of Durbin. 2 miles east of May).
Middle Mountain (3750'-4500') (south of North Fork of Gauley
River. 4.0 miles west of Slaty Fork).
Middle Mountain (3559') (southeastern part of county, northwest
of Anthony Creek and east of North Fork of Anthony Creek and east
of Douthat Creek, north end 1.4 miles west of Rimel).
Mikes Knob (4243') (0.4 mile southwest of Webster-Greenbrier
County corner, in Greenbrier County, 7.4 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Mikes Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 10.8 miles north of
Mill Creek (of Old Field Fork of Elk River. S.4 miles west of
Stony Bottom).
Mill Point (2217') (1.3 miles up Stamping Creek, from Greenbrier
River, 2 miles northeast of Hillsboro).
Mill Run (of Big Spring Fork of Elk River, 8.0 miles northwest of
Mill Run (of Greenbrier River, south of Kennison, 5.1 miles north
of Greenbrier County line).
Mill Run (of Knapp Creek, 6.7 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Mill Run (of Leatherbark Run. 0.9 mile north of Cass).
Mill Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, at May, 7.7 miles
north of Durbin).
Mill Run (of Williams River, 1.7 miles northeast of Three Forks
of Williams).
Mill Run (town) (2029') 4.5 miles north of Greenbrier County
line, on Greenbrier River, 10. S miles southwest of Marlinton).
Miller Ridge (3200' + ) (east of Browns Creek and west of Browns
Mountain, 3.0 miles northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Millstone Creek (2.0 miles northeast of Lobelia, sinks 1.8 miles
northwest of Mill Run).
Millstone Run (of Riley Run of Deer Creek, 0.S mile northeast
of Arbovale).
Mingo (2639') (on Tygart River, 3.0 miles northwest of Mace, in
Randolph County).
Mingo Knob (4150' + ) (Randolph County, 3.5 miles northwest of
Mingo Run (of Tygart River, at Upper Mingo, Randolph County,
2.7 miles northwest of Mace).
Minnehaha Springs (2330') (on Knapp Creek, at mouth of Laurel
Creek, 2.6 miles southeast of Huntersville).
Moffett Knob (4170') (7.7 miles north of Marlinton, 5.6 miles west
of Clover Lick).
Monday Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, 2.2 miles south of Mar-
Monongahela National Forest (northeastern portion of county.
east of West Fork of Greenbrier River and north of East Fork of
Greenbrier River).
Moore Run (of Knapp Creek, 7.5 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Moore Run (of Sitlington Creek, 2.6 miles east of Sitlington).
Moore School (2430') (on Knapp Creek, 6.0 miles northeast of
Minnehaha Springs).
Moses Spring Run (of Greenbrier River, opposite Raywood, 2.0
miles south of Cass).
ML Carmel Church (2368') (on Knapp Creek, 3.4 miles northeast
of Minnehaha Springs).
Mt. Hope Church (2629') (on Shock Run of Sitlington Creek, 2.2
miles southeast of Dunmore).
Mt. Lebanon Church (2750'±) (0.9 mile south of Lobelia, on Rush
Mt. Pleasant School (2537') (on Indian Draft of Stony Creek, 4.0
miles north of Marlinton).
Mt. Pleasant School (2650'±) (on Shock Run of Sitlington Creek,
2.4 miles southeast of Dunmore).
Mt. Tabor School (2900'±) (on Browns Mountain, 4.9 miles north-
east of Minnehaha Springs, 4.5 miles northeast of Huntersville).
Mt. Vernon Church (2499') (on Knapp Creek, S.4 miles northeast
of Minnehaha Springs).
ML Zion Church (3105'±) (1.2 miles south of Spice, on Droop
Mt. Zion School (3000'+) (5.5 miles east of Clawson, 5.2 miles
southeast of Clover Lick).
Mountain Lick Creek (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, 1.4 miles
north of Durbin).
Mountain Lick Run (of Williams River, 10.6 miles southeast
of Webster County line, 5.7 miles west of Marlinton).
Mulberry Run (of Saulsbury Run of Deer Creek, 5.3 miles north-
east of Arbovale i.
Mullenax Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River 5.3 miles north-
east of Thornwood P. O.).
Narrow Branch (of Anthony Creek, mouth in Greenbrier County,
1 mile south of Pocahontas line, 1.1 miles northeast of Trainer).
Nazarene Church (3210') (on Laurel Creek of Williams River, 5.2
miles northwest of Marlinton).
New Pleasant Valley School (2955'±) (on Old Field Fork of Elk
River, 7.1 miles west of Stony Bottom).
Newman Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 6.4 miles northeast of Minne-
haha Springs).
Newroad Run I of Thorny Creek, 0.4 mile up, 0.9 mile east of
Nicholas Run (of Cochran Creek, 1.2 miles southwest of Rimel).
Nida (2565') (on Greenbrier River, 5.2 miles northeast of Cass).
Nigh Gap Run (of Oldham Run of Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles
north of Greenbrier County line, 0.6 miles east of Locust).
North Fork (of Anthony Creek, 6.5 miles west of Virginia State
line at Hightop).
North Fork (of Cherry River, 2.3 miles south of Webster-Green-
brier County corner, 5.6 miles northwest of Lobelia).
North Fork (of Cranberry River, 1.9 miles east of Webster County
line, 9 miles north of Lobelia).
North Fork (of Deer Creek, 0.5 mile up, 0.6 mile southwest of
Green Bank ).
North Fork (of Gauley River, 4.2 miles west of Slaty Fork).
North Fork School (2550'±) (on North Fork of Anthony Creek,
2.0 miles northeast of Greenbrier County line).
North Fork School (2900'±) (on North Fork of Deer Creek, 2.8
miles east of Green Bank).
Nottingham P. O. (Boyer Station) (2662') (on Greenbrier River,
2.5 miles southwest of Durbin).
Oak Grove School (2677') (2.2 miles southwest of Spice, 0.7 mile
northeast of Jacox, in southwestern part of county).
Oak Grove School (2800'±) (on Rosen Run of North Fork of Deer
Creek, 4.4 miles northeast of Dunmore, 1.7 miles southeast of Green
Oak Hill School (3010') (on divide between Millstone and Trimble
Runs, 3.0 miles northeast of Green Bank, 1.8 miles east of Arbovale).
Old Field Fork (of Elk River, at Slaty Fork, 11.7 miles west of
Old House Knob (3250' + ) (west of Greenbrier River, 5.9 miles
northeast of Cass, 0.6 mile west of Hosterman).
Old House Run (of Little River of East Fork of Greenbrier River,
2.5 miles south of Thornwood P. O.).
Oldham Run (of Greenbrier River, 1.6 miles north of Greenbrier
County line, 0.5 mile east of Locust).
Olive (2785') (mouth of Mountain Lick Creek of West Fork of
Greenbrier River, 1.4 miles north of Durbin ».
Oliver School (2856') (head of a north branch of Leatherbark Run
of Greenbrier River, 1.7 miles north of Cass).
Onoto (2450'±) (former location of post-office, 2351') (on Dry
Creek of Stony Creek, 3.4 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Overholt Run (of Swago Creek, 1.8 miles northwest of Buckeye).
Paddy Knob (4494') (on Allegheny Mountain, on Virginia State
line, 0.4 mile southwest of Highland-Bath County corner).
Panther Run (of North Fork of Gauley River, 4.0 miles west of
Slaty Fork).
Perry Run (of Oldham Run, 2.7 miles northeast of Greenbrier
County line on Greenbrier River, 0.6 mile southeast of Denmar).
Peters Mountain (3295') (between Sitlington and Deer Creeks, 1.8
miles southeast of Cass).
Pigeon Run (of Stony Creek, 4.S miles northwest of Marlinton).
Pine Grove School (2740'zt) (on branch of Duncan Run of Deer
Creek, 1.3 miles northeast of Arbovale).
Pine Grove School (2500') (on Stony Creek, at Onoto).
Pine Grove School (2260'±) (in Greenbrier County, on Anthony
Creek, 0.5 mile north of Trainer).
Pleasant Grove School (2288') (1 mile northeast of Hillsboro).
Pleasant Ridge School (2460'±) (on Brush Lick Run of Greenbrier
River, 0.7 mile northwest of August).
Pleasant Valley (2950'-3000') (near head of Old Field Fork of
Elk River, 7.0 miles west of Stony Bottom).
Poages Chapel (2767') (on divide between Laurel Run and Clover-
lick Creek, 1.5 miles northwest of Big Run).
Poca Ridge (4000' + ) (east of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 4.0
miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Poca Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.3 miles northeast
of Thornwood P. O.).
Point Mountain (4102') (1 mile west of Falls of Hills Creek, south
of North Fork of Cherry River).
Pond Ridge (3066') (between Laurel and Oldham Runs of Green-
brier River, east of Denmar).
Possum Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 1.5 miles southeast of Hunters-
ville, and 1.2 miles northwest of Minnehaha Springs).
Price Run (of Greenbrier River, west of Marlinton).
Props Run (of Elk River, 3.6 miles south of Randolph County
line, 0.5 mile north of Slaty Fork).
Pyle Mountain (3211') (west of Beaver Creek, 4.0 miles east of
Rainbow Run (of Browns Creek, 4.6 miles north of Minnehaha
Springs, and 3.5 miles northeast of Huntersville).
Raintown (2650') (near head of Stamping Creek, 3.3 miles north-
west of Mill Point).
Rambottom Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 0.7 mile north-
east of Thornwood P. O.).
Ramshorn (4450') (spur of Allegheny Mountain, 8.0 miles north-
east of Dunmore).
Ray wood (2380') (on Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles south of Cass).
Red Lick Mountain (4690') (6.5 miles northwest of Marlinton, west
of head of Old Field Fork of Elk River).
Red Run (of Cranberry River, 4.6 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 10.6 miles west of Marlinton).
Red Run (of Right Fork of Tea Creek, 10.5 miles northwest of
Marlinton, 4.8 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Renicks Valley (2455') (1 mile south of county line in Greenbrier
County, 3.8 miles west of Spice Run — Locust P. O.).
Reservoir Hollow (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, at Thorn-
wood P. O.).
Rich Patch Hollow (of Thomas Creek, 3.3 miles southeast of
Clover Lick).
Rider Gap (2500' + ) (on Allegheny Mountain, 0.5 mile east of
Rimel, on Virginia State line).
Rider Run (of Cochran Creek, 0.7 mile from mouth, 0.8 mile south-
west of Rimel).
Right Fork (of Leatherwood Creek of Elk River, 2.7 miles north-
west of Slaty Fork).
Right Fork (of Tea Creek of Williams River, 5.4 miles southwest
of Slaty Fork).
Riley Run (of Deer Creek, 1.0 mile northwest of Arbovale).
Rimel (243S') (at mouth of Cochran Creek, on Laurel Creek, near
Virginia State line, 10y2 miles southeast of Marlinton).
Rimel School (245()'±) (0.9 mile southwest of mouth of Cochran
Creek, 1 mile southwest of Rimel).
Riverside School (21S0') (0.4 mile northwest of Watoga, on west
side of Greenbrier River).
Robbins Run (at southwestern corner of county, 4.0 miles south-
west of Lobelia).
Rock Run (of Greenbrier River, 1 mile east of Kennison, 5% miles
north of Greenbrier County line).
Rocklick Run (of Williams River, in Webster County, 0.6 mile
west of Pocahontas County line, 9 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Rocky Knob (4446') (on Yew Mountains, 3.6 miles northwest of
Rocky Run (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 2.0 miles north of
Rodgers Mountain (3895') (2.0 miles west of Buckeye).
Rosen Run (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 4.4 miles northeast of
Dunmore, 0.5 mile southwest of Green Bank).
Rough Knob (3925') (1.4 miles southeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Round Knob (3980') (west of Hinkle Run of Little River of West
Fork of Greenbrier River, 8.0 miles northeast of Durbin).
Round Mountain (3200' + ) (1.5 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Ruckman Run (of Knapp Creek, 2.7 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Ruckman School (2289') (on Stevens Hole Run of Greenbrier
River, 1.4 miles northwest of Violet).
Rush Run (south of Lobelia, sinks 0.9 mile northeast of Oak Grove
Sandy Ridge (3565') (east of Greenbrier River, 1.3 miles south-
east of Durbin).
Saulsbury Run (of Deer Creek, 2.9 miles north of Arbovale).
Saulsbury Run School (2875'±) (4.7 miles northeast of Arbovale).
Second Fork (of Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 5.0 miles west of
Nottingham P. O.).
Second Run (of Thorny Creek, 0.8 mile up, 1.3 miles east of Au-
See All (3222') (high knob 6.6 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Springs, and 6.3 miles northeast of Huntersville).
Seebert (2050') (on Greenbrier River, 6.8 miles northeast of Green-
brier County line, 8.0 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Sevenmile Run (of Anthony Creek, 1.3 miles northeast of Green-
brier County line.
Sharp Hollow (of Moore Run of Knapp Creek, 8.2 miles northeast
of Minnehaha Springs).
Sharp Knob (4535') (on Gauley Mountain, 2.0 miles west of Slaty
Fork, near head of Props Run).
Sharp Run (of Stony Creek, 0.7 mile up, 1.3 miles north of Mar-
Shavers Fork (of Cheat River, 6.5 miles southwest of Durbin).
Shavers Mountain (4445') (west side of Greenbrier River, at Ran-
dolph County line, northwestern corner of county, south to junction
with Back Allegheny Mountain).
Shingleblock Run (of Saulsbury Run of Deer Creek, 4.9 miles
northeast of Arbovale).
Shock Run (of Sitlington Creek, 1.7 miles southeast of Dunmore).
Shumate Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 6.9 miles northeast of Minne-
haha Springs).
Sideling Run (of Brush Lick Run of Greenbrier River, 2.3 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Simmons Run (of East Fork of Greenbrier River, 7.0 miles north-
east of Thorn wood P. O.).
Sitlington (2363') (on Greenbrier River, at mouth of Sitlington
Creek, 2.7 miles south of Cass).
Sitlington Creek (of Greenbrier River, 2.6 miles south of Cass).
Slabcamp Branch (of Williams River, 1.1 miles west of Webster
County line, 9.4 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Slabcamp Ridge (4050' + ) (between Big Run and North Fork of
Gauley River, 4.5 miles west of Slaty Fork).
Slabcamp Run (of Little River of East Fork of Greenbrier River
3.2 miles south of Thornwood P. O.).
Slate Lick Knob (3350' + ) (north of Knapp Creek, 1.6 miles north-
east of Frost, 10.8 miles northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
Slaty Fork (of Old Field Fork of Elk River, 11.3 miles west of
Slaty Fork (town) (2671') (on Elk River, at junction of Big Spring
and Old Field Forks, 4.0 miles south of Randolph County line, 13.5
miles north of Marlinton).
Slaty Ridge (3750'-4415') (north of Slaty Fork of Elk River, 8.0
miles west of Cass).
Slavin Hollow (of Deer Creek, 1.4 miles west of Arbovale).
Smoke Camp Knob (4218') (on Fork Mountain, 1.8 miles east of
Thornwood P. O.).
Snorting Lick Run (of West Fork of Greenbrier River, at Wildell,
12.0 miles north of Durbin).
Snyder Knob (4612') (Randolph County, 1.4 miles west of Hop-
South Fork (of Cherry River, 5.4 miles south of Webster-Green-
brier County corner, 4.0 miles northwest of Lobelia).
South Fork (of Gauley River, at Three Forks of Gauley, 6.0 miles
west of Slaty Fork).
South Fork Mountain (4050' + ) (on Randolph-Pocahontas County
line, 1.4 miles northeast of Webster-Randolph corner, 5.5 miles south-
west of Slaty Fork).
Span Oak Run (of Little River of West Fork of Greenbrier
River, 6.3 miles northeast of Durbin).
Spencer School (3900'±) (on Frank Mountain, 1.9 miles north of
Top of Allegheny, 3.8 miles southeast of Bartow).
Spice (3050'±) (on Droop Mountain, 2.6 miles west of Mill Run).
Spice Run (of Knapp Creek, 1.7 miles southeast of Marlinton).
Spice Run (of Greenbrier River, southern boundary of county for
4 miles, east of Greenbrier River).
Spice Run (Locust P. O.), (1987') 0.5 mile north of Greenbrier
County line, on Greenbrier River, 14.5 miles southwest of Marlinton).
Spruce (3853') (on Shavers Fork of Cheat River, 5.0 miles north-
west of Cass).
Spruce Flats (3475'±) (3.0 miles west of Marlinton).
Spruce Flats School (3475±') (on Spruce Flats, 3.0 miles west of
Spruce Knob (4710') (7.7 miles northwest of Marlinton, 6.6 miles
south of Slaty Fork).
Spruce Lick Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 2.4 miles northeast of Min-
nehaha Springs).
Spruce Mountain (4335') (north of Hills Creek, 3.0 miles northwest
of Lobelia).
Spruce Ridge (3820') (south of Buffalo Fork of Little River of
East Fork of Greenbrier River, 2.3 miles southeast of Thornwood
P. O.).
Spruce Run (of Hills Creek, 3.1 miles northwest of Lobelia).
Stamping Creek (of Greenbrier River, 0.7 mile north of Seebert).
Stark School (3750'±) (on East Fork of Greenbrier River, 1 mile
south of Blister Swamp, 12.1 miles northeast of Durbin).
Staie Forest Game and Fish Reserve (south of Sitlington, on
Thomas, Michael, and Thorny Creek Mountains).
Staunton and Parkersburg Pike (from Huttonsville, Randolph
County, southeast to Cheat Bridge, Durbin, and Top of Allegheny).
Stevens Hole Run (of Greenbrier River, 1 mile southwest of
Stillhouse Run (of Greenbrier River, 0.6 mile south of mouth of
Knapp Creek, 1 mile south of Marlinton).
Stillwell (2126') (on Greenbrier River and Stillhouse Run, 1.0 mile
south of Marlinton).
Stony Bottom (2329') (on Greenbrier River, 3.5 miles southwest of
Stony Creek (of Greenbrier River, 1 mile north of Marlinton).
Stony Creek Mountain (3500' + ) (1-3 miles west of Marlinton, west
of Stony Creek).
Stony Run (of Sitlington Creek, 3.7 miles east of Dunmore).
Straight Creek (of Gauley River, 1 mile northwest of Webster-
Randolph-Pocahontas County corner, 8.7 miles west of Slaty Fork).
Straight Creek Mountain (3800' + ) (south of Gauley River, at
Three Forks of Gauley).
Sugar Creek (of Williams River, 3.7 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 8.0 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Sugar Creek Mountain (4550'+) (south of Williams River, between
Kins and Sugar Creeks, 3.0 miles southeast of Webster County line,
9 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Sugar Hall Run (of Anthony Creek, 1.6 miles northeast of Green-
brier County line, 4.0 miles southwest of Rimel).
Sugar Run (of Galfred Run of Sitlington Creek, 4.8 miles north-
east of Dunmore).
Sugarcamp Run (of Knapp Creek, 0.8 mile west of Frost).
Sugartree Bench Mountain (4276') (on western Greenbrier-Poca-
hontas County line, 4.0 miles west of Lobelia).
Summit School (4354') (on Allegheny Mountain, at Virginia State
line, 8.0 miles northeast of Green Bank).
Sunday Lick Run (of Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles south of Mar-
Sunrise School (3107') (0.5 mile southwest of Spice, on Droop
Sunset School (2365'±) (on Knapp Creek, 3.1 miles northeast of
Minnehaha Springs).
Sutton Run (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 3.8 miles east of Green
Swago Creek (of Greenbrier River, at Buckeye, 3.5 miles south-
west of Marlinton).
Swago Mountain (4430') (3.3 miles northwest of Buckeye).
Sweet Lick Run (of Laurel Run of Greenbrier River, 2.7 miles
east of Clover Lick).
Tacker Fork (of North Fork of Deer Creek, 4.6 miles east of Green
Tallman Ridge (3167') (west side of Greenbrier River, 1 mile
north of Cass).
Tallow Knob (4035') (7.0 miles west of Cass).
Tamarack Ridge (4400'+) (on Allegheny Mountain, at Virginia
State line. 7.0 miles northeast of Arbovale, 1.8 miles east of Top of
Tea Creek (of Williams River, 3.2 miles southeast of Webster
County line, 8.0 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Tea Creek Mountain (4650' + ) (2.0 miles northwest of Spruce
Knob, 5.7 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
The Burning (south of Burning Run of East Fork of Greenbrier
River, 5.5 miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
The Dock (2718') (on head of North Fork of Anthony Creek, 5.0
miles southwest of Minnehaha Springs).
The Horse Ridge (3245') (north end of Browns Mountain, 5.0 miles
northeast of Minnehaha Springs).
The Pigs Ear (3850' + ) (on East Fork of Greenbrier River, 8.0
miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Thomas Creek (of Sitlington Creek, 1 mile east of Sitlington).
Thomas Mountain (3362') (west of Thomas Creek, 2.0 miles north-
east of Clover Lick).
Thornwood P. O. (Winterburn Station) (2871') (on East Fork of
Greenbrier River, at mouth of Little River, 5.0 miles east of Durbin).
Thorny Branch (of Sitlington Creek, 1.9 miles southeast of Dun-
Thorny Creek (of Greenbrier River, 3.6 miles northeast of Mar-
Thorny Creek (town) (2175') (on Greenbrier River, 3.7 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Thorny Creek Mountain (3458') (between Thorny Creek and
Greenbrier River 7 to 11 miles northeast of Marlinton).
Thorny Creek School (2647') (on Thorny Creek, 3.0 miles east of
Big Run, and 2.0 miles northeast of Dilleys Mill).
Thorny Flat (4839') (junction of Cheat and Back Allegheny
Mountains, 4.0 miles west of Cass).
Three Forks of Gauley (2858') (0.1 mile west of Webster-Randolph
County line, 1.6 miles north of Webster-Randolph-Pocahontas County
corner, 6.0 miles west of Slaty Fork).
Three Forks of Williams (2354') (in Webster County, 1.4 miles
west of Pocahontas County line, 14.5 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Tilda Fork (of Stamping Creek, 2.7 miles from mouth, and 1.5
miles northwest of Mill Point).
Toolbox Hollow (of Big Run of Buffalo Fork of Little River of
East Fork of Greenbrier River, 3.4 miles southeast of Thornwood
P. O.).
Top of Allegheny (4199') (on Buffalo Ridge of Allegheny Moun-
tain, 5.5 miles northeast of Arbovale).
Trainer (2240'±) (in Greenbrier County, on Anthony Creek, 2.0
miles southwest of Pocahontas County line, 7.4 miles southwest of
Trainer School (2345') (on Anthony Creek, 0.4 mile north of
Greenbrier County line, 5.0 miles southwest of Rimel).
Trimble Run (of Duncan Run of Deer Creek, 1.6 miles northeast
of Arbovale).
Trinity Church (2300'±) (on Stamping Creek 1.3 miles northwest
of Mill Point).
Trout Run (of Greenbrier River, 4.9 miles northeast of Cass).
Trump Run (of Locust Creek of Greenbrier River, mouth at Lo-
Tumbling Rock Run (of Cranberry River, 1.2 miles northeast of
Webster County line, 14 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Turkey Mountain (4300'+) (at Webster-Randolph-Pocahontas
County line, 6.7 miles southwest of Slaty Fork).
Twin Branches (2509') (on Williams River, 3.1 miles northeast of
Three Forks of Williams, in Webster County).
Two Lick Run (of Cochran Creek, 1.8 miles southwest of Rimel).
Tygart River (7.3 miles northwest of Cass, near Mace).
Upper Mingo (2691') (in Randolph County, on Tygart River, 2.8
miles northwest of Mace).
Upper Mountain (3100'+) (east of Moore Run of Sitlington Creek,
1.8 miles northeast of Dunmore).
Valley Draft (of Knapp Creek, 6.7 miles northeast of Minnehaha
Valley Mountain (3845') (north of head of Dry Fork of Elk River,
2.0 miles west of Mace).
Viney Mountain (3736') (between Millstone and Bruffey Creeks,
2.5 miles northeast of Lobelia).
Violet (2084') (on Greenbrier River, 0.9 mile northeast of Watoga).
Walderman Run (of Poca Run of East Fork of Greenbrier River,
3.5 miles northeast of Thornwood P. O.).
Wanless (2988') (on Wanless Run of Greenbrier River, 3.0 miles
north of Cass).
Wanless Run (of Greenbrier River, 3.5 miles northeast of Cass).
Wanless Station (2511' — ) (on Greenbrier River, at mouth of Wan-
less Run, 3.5 miles northeast of Cass).
Ward Knob (4507') (in Randolph County, 6.5 miles west of Not-
tingham P. O.).
Warwick (2603') (on Indian Draft of Stony Creek, 4.3 miles
northeast of Marlinton).
Watering Pond Knob (4587') (on Allegheny Mountain, 7.2 miles
northeast of Green Bank).
Watoga (2080') (on Greenbrier River, 2.0 miles northeast of
Watoga State Park (south of Watoga, on east side of Greenbrier
River, on Chicken House and Island Lick Runs, east of Pyle Moun-
Wesley Chapel (2763') (on Sitlington Creek, 3.6 miles northeast of
West Droop School (3061') (2.8 miles south of Spice and 3.3 miles
west of Beard, on Droop Mountain).
West Fork (of Greenbrier River), (at Durbin, north to Randolph
County line).
West Union Church (2650'±) (on Stony Creek, 3.8 miles up, 4.0
miles northwest of Marlinton).
West Union School (2675' + ) (on branch of Stony Creek, 3.6 miles
northwest of Marlinton).
Westminster Church (2375'±) (on Knapp Creek, 3.7 miles north-
east of Minnehaha Springs).
White Church (3216') (on Laurel Creek of Williams River, 5.7
miles northwest of Marlinton).
White Rocks (3662') (on Beaver Lick Mountain, 7.0 miles east of
Widemouth Run (of Cochran Creek, 2.1 miles southwest of Rimel).
Wildcat Hollow (of Knapp Creek, 5.8 miles northeast of Minne-
haha Springs).
Wildcat Run (of Anthony Creek, 0.5 mile north of Greenbrier
County line).
Wildell (3056') (on West Fork of Greenbrier River, 12.0 miles
north of Durbin).
Williams River (crosses county line 1.6 miles southwest of Web-
ster-Randolph-Pocahontas County corner, southwestern part of county,
at County Line Branch, 8.4 miles southwest of Siaty Fork).
Winterburn Station (Thornwood P. O.) (2871') (on East Fork of
Greenbrier River, at mouth of Little River, 5.0 miles east of Durbin).
Wolfpen Ridge (3050' + ) (0.8 mile west of Edray, 3.7 miles north
of Marlinton).
Woodrow (3202') (on divide between Stony and Laurel Creeks,
5.2 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Woodrow School (3210'±) (on Laurel Creek of Williams River,
5.3 miles northwest of Marlinton).
Woods Run (of Greenbrier River, at Stony Bottom).
Yew Mountains (4600' + ) (western Edray District, 10 to 12 miles
northwest of Marlinton).
Yewglade School (3125') (on Big Spring Fork of Elk River, 6.3
miles west of Cass).
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