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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Prompt Framework

create a framework for a prompt

Here's a framework you can use to build effective prompts for various purposes:

1. Context (Optional):

    Briefly set the scene or provide background information relevant to the task.
    This is useful for creative writing prompts or prompts requiring specific settings.

2. Objective:

    Clearly define what you want the AI to achieve. Are you looking for information, creative text formats, or analysis?
    Examples: Write a poem about..., Summarize the key points of..., Translate this text to....

3. Details and Instructions:

    Provide specific details or instructions to guide the AI.
    This can include:
        Tone: serious, humorous, informative, etc.
        Style: formal, informal, persuasive, etc.
        Length: word count or desired format (e.g., bullet points, paragraph).
        Data (if applicable): Provide the data you want the AI to work with in a clear format.

4. Examples (Optional):

    Include examples of desired outputs to illustrate what you're looking for.
    This can be helpful for creative tasks or specific formats.

5. Additional Specifications (Optional):

    Mention any specific requirements or limitations.
    This could include things like:
        References to use for factual prompts.
        Characters or themes to include in creative writing.
        Data sources or limitations for analysis tasks.


    Clarity and Specificity: The clearer and more specific your prompt, the better the AI will understand your request and generate a relevant response.
    Tailor the prompt: Adapt the framework elements to fit the specific task you're giving the AI.

By following this framework and keeping these pointers in mind, you can create effective prompts that will get the most out of your interactions with large language models.


 Summarization Prompt Framework

Here's a framework to craft effective prompts for summarizing text:

1. Input Text:

    Provide the text you want summarized. This can be:
        Pasted directly into the prompt.
        A link to the text online (if publicly accessible).
        A reference to a file on your system (if compatible with the tool).

2. Desired Length (Optional):

    Specify the desired length of the summary.
        Options might include:
            Number of words (e.g., summarize this article in 50 words).
            Bullet points capturing key points.
            Short paragraph format.

3. Focus Area (Optional):

    If the text is lengthy, specify the area of focus for the summary.
        This helps guide the AI towards the most important information.
        Example: "Summarize the main arguments of this research paper."

4. Additional Specifications (Optional):

    Mention any specific details you want the summary to include.
        This could be names, dates, or key concepts mentioned in the text.


    Summarize this article (provide the article text) in 3 bullet points focusing on the environmental impact.
    Briefly summarize the key findings of this research paper (link to the paper).
    What are the main points of this news story (provide the first sentence or two)?


    Ensure the input text is clear and formatted correctly.
    Be realistic about the length of the summary for the complexity of the text.
    Adjust the prompt based on the specific summarization tool you're using.

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Here are some ways to incorporate tone into your prompts to achieve the desired outcome:

Explicitly Mentioning Tone:

    This is the most straightforward approach. Simply state the desired tone at the beginning of your prompt. Here are some examples:
        "Write a persuasive email in a formal tone..."
        "...using a humorous and lighthearted tone."
        "...with a serious and informative approach."

Using Descriptive Language:

    Paint a picture with words that evoke the desired feeling.
        For a formal tone: "professional," "objective," "respectful"
        For an informal tone: "conversational," "friendly," "casual"
        For a humorous tone: "witty," "playful," "lighthearted"

Providing Examples:

    Sometimes, showing is better than telling. Include an example of text written in the desired tone to guide the AI.
        "Write a product description similar to this one (insert example with desired tone)..."

Focus on Sentence Structure and Word Choice:

    Sentence structure and word choice can influence tone. Here's a breakdown:
        Formal tone: Longer sentences, complex vocabulary, passive voice.
        Informal tone: Shorter sentences, simpler vocabulary, active voice.
        Humorous tone: Puns, wordplay, figurative language, rhetorical questions.

Prompt Examples:

    "Write a blog post in a friendly and conversational tone, like you're chatting with a friend, about the benefits of using a yoga mat." (Sets a casual and informative tone)
    "Craft a press release announcing the launch of our new product. Use a formal and professional tone, highlighting the product's innovative features." (Formal and informative tone with a focus on specific details)
    "Imagine you're a pirate captain giving a pep talk to your crew before a treasure hunt. Write a motivational speech in a bold and inspiring tone." (Informal and energetic tone with figurative language)


    Combining these techniques can create a more nuanced and effective prompt.
    The specific wording will vary depending on the situation.
    Experiment and see what works best for the AI tool you're using.

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Creative Writing Prompts with Tone:

1. Sci-Fi Mystery (Intriguing Tone):

    Context: A lone astronaut wakes up on a deserted spaceship with no memory of how they got there.
    Objective: Write the astronaut's log entry, detailing their confusion and determination to uncover the truth.
    Tone: Intrigued, Suspenseful, Determined
    Details: Include technical details about the spaceship to create a sense of realism.

2. Fairytale Retelling (Whimsical Tone):

    Objective: Rewrite the classic story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from the perspective of the bears.
    Tone: Whimsical, Annoyed (with a touch of humor)
    Details: Use descriptive language to portray the bears' cottage and their personalities.

3. Business Proposal (Persuasive Tone):

    Context: You are a marketing specialist proposing a social media campaign to a potential client.
    Objective: Write a persuasive email outlining the campaign's benefits and potential for increased sales.
    Tone: Confident, Professional, Persuasive
    Details: Include data and statistics to support your claims about the effectiveness of social media marketing.

Informative Prompts with Tone:

1. Historical Summary (Neutral Tone):

    Objective: Summarize the key events of the American Revolution in a concise and informative way.
    Tone: Neutral, Objective
    Details: Ensure the summary includes important dates, figures, and battles.

2. Restaurant Review (Formal Tone):

    Objective: Write a restaurant review for a travel website.
    Tone: Formal, Informative, Slightly Critical
    Details: Focus on the ambience, food quality, service, and overall value for the price.

3. Science Blog Post (Informal Tone):

    Objective: Explain the concept of photosynthesis to a general audience.
    Tone: Informal, Engaging, Educational
    Details: Use metaphors and analogies to make complex scientific concepts easier to understand.

Remember, these are just a few examples. You can adapt the prompts and tone to fit any creative or informative task you have in mind.
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Persona in Prompt Design

Persona can be a powerful tool when crafting prompts for different purposes. Here's how to integrate persona into your prompts:

1. Define the Persona:

    Identify the character or voice you want to use in your prompt.
    This could be a fictional character, a historical figure, or even an archetype (e.g., detective, superhero).

2. Flesh Out the Persona's Traits:

    Consider the persona's background, knowledge, motivations, and personality.
        What kind of vocabulary would they use?
        What is their tone of voice (serious, humorous, etc.)?

3. Apply the Persona to the Prompt:

    Incorporate the persona's traits into the prompt itself. Here are some approaches:
        Scenario: Frame the prompt as a situation the persona encounters.
            "Sherlock Holmes is presented with a cryptic note..."
        Objective: Set the objective from the persona's perspective.
            "...Write a blog post from the viewpoint of a time traveler..."
        Voice: Indicate the desired voice by describing the persona's communication style.
            "...with a grumpy old man's perspective..."


    Movie Review (Sarcastic Film Critic Persona):
        "Dexter, the master of sardonic wit, dissects the latest superhero flick. Shred the plot to pieces, highlight the cheesy dialogue, and expose any hidden clichés...all with a delightful dose of sarcasm, of course."

    Historical Fiction (Revolutionary War Soldier Persona):
        "You are a weary Continental soldier stationed at Valley Forge. Write a letter home describing the harsh winter conditions, dwindling supplies, and flickering hope for victory. Maintain a courageous tone laced with a touch of homesickness."

    Business Email (Enthusiastic Intern Persona):
        "Embody the boundless energy of a college intern eager to prove themselves. Draft an email to a potential client proposing a social media marketing campaign. Highlight your innovative ideas and express your enthusiasm for the project."


    Research the persona if it's a historical figure or fictional character.
    The more details you provide about the persona, the better the AI can understand and embody their voice.
    Consider the purpose of the prompt and tailor the persona accordingly.

By incorporating persona into your prompts, you can add depth, humor, and a unique perspective to your writing tasks.
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The output of a prompt depends on the specific tool or AI model being used, the prompt itself, and the data available.  I can't directly generate the output, but I can help you understand what the output might look like based on the prompt and the type of task.

Here are some general categories of outputs for different prompt types:

    Creative Writing: A poem, story, script, song lyrics, etc., following the prompt's style, tone, and scenario.
    Informative Text: A summary, explanation, report, email, blog post, etc., conveying the information in a clear and concise way as defined by the prompt.
    Code: Python code, SQL queries, or code in other languages based on the instructions and data provided in the prompt.
    Translation: Translated text from one language to another, maintaining the original meaning and style as specified in the prompt (if tone is specified).
    Analysis: Charts, graphs, or textual summaries of data analysis based on the data and the prompt's objective.

Remember, the quality of the output depends on the clarity and detail of your prompt. The more information you provide, the better the AI can understand your request and generate a relevant response.
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Sure, here's more on prompt design:

Advanced Techniques:

    Chain Prompts: Break down complex tasks into smaller, sequential prompts. This helps the AI build upon its understanding with each step.
    Iterative Prompts: Refine the prompt based on the initial output. Provide feedback to the AI and adjust the prompt for a more tailored response.
    Out-of-the-Box Prompts: Challenge the AI with unconventional prompts to spark creative and unexpected results.


    Chain Prompt (Writing a Song):
        Prompt 1: Describe a nostalgic scene from childhood.
        Prompt 2: Write a metaphorical verse about that memory.
        Prompt 3: Create a catchy chorus that captures the overall feeling.

    Iterative Prompt (Product Description):
        Prompt 1: Write a product description for a new fitness tracker. (Initial output)
        Prompt 2: The description is informative but lacks emotional connection. Focus on the benefits for the user's health and well-being. (Refined output)

    Out-of-the-Box Prompt (Storytelling):

    Prompt: Rewrite a classic fairytale from the villain's perspective, but portray them as the misunderstood hero.

Additional Considerations:

    Bias in Prompts: Be mindful of potential biases in your prompts that might lead the AI to generate skewed outputs. Consider providing diverse perspectives or data to mitigate bias.
    Safety and Ethics: Ensure your prompts are aligned with ethical guidelines and avoid generating harmful or offensive content.

By using these advanced techniques and keeping the considerations in mind, you can become a master of prompt crafting and unlock the full potential of large language models.
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Verbs are indeed crucial for effective prompts! They guide the AI towards the specific action you want it to perform. Here's how verbs play a role in prompt design:

Verb Choice:

    The verb you choose defines the task for the AI.

    Strong verbs provide clear instructions and avoid ambiguity. Here are some categories of verbs commonly used in prompts:
        Creative Writing: Write, compose, describe, narrate, imagine, invent.
        Informative Text: Summarize, explain, analyze, compare, translate, paraphrase.
        Code Generation: Generate, create, write (code), translate (code).
        Data Analysis: Analyze, visualize, identify trends, predict.


    Move beyond generic verbs like "do" or "be" and use more specific verbs that pinpoint the desired outcome.
    Instead of "Write something about nature," try "Compose a haiku poem about the beauty of a sunrise."

Desired Action:

    Consider the action you want the AI to take. Do you want it to write something new, translate something existing, or analyze data? Choose verbs that reflect that action.


    Vague Prompt: Write a story. (Unclear what kind of story or what elements to include)
    Improved Prompt: Write a science fiction story about a group of teenagers who discover a hidden portal to another dimension. (Specifies genre, characters, and plot element)

Combining Verbs:

    Sometimes, combining verbs can provide even more precise instructions.
        Example: "Write a persuasive email that analyzes the benefits of our new product and convinces the customer to make a purchase."


    Maintain a consistent verb tense throughout your prompt.
    Use a thesaurus to explore synonyms for verbs and find the most fitting option for your prompt.
    When in doubt, opt for a more specific and action-oriented verb.

By carefully selecting your verbs, you can craft prompts that effectively communicate your desired outcome to large language models and unlock their full potential.
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The format of your prompt can vary depending on the tool you're using, but here are some general guidelines:

Clarity and Structure:

    Keep your prompt clear, concise, and well-structured.
    Avoid ambiguity and redundancy.

Separate Sections (Optional):

    Some tools allow separating your prompt into sections for better organization. Here's a possible breakdown:
        Context (Optional): Briefly set the scene or provide background information.
        Objective: Clearly define what you want the AI to achieve.
        Details and Instructions: Specify the tone, style, length, and any other relevant details for the desired output.
        Data (if applicable): Provide the data you want the AI to work with in a clear and well-formatted way (text, code, tables, etc.).
        Examples (Optional): Include examples of desired outputs to illustrate what you're looking for.

Text Formatting:

    Use simple text formatting like bullet points or numbered lists to improve readability, especially for longer prompts.
    Some tools might have specific formatting requirements, so consult their documentation if needed.


Here's a basic prompt formatted for readability:

**Objective:** Write a short, informative blog post.

**Topic:** Benefits of using a yoga mat for beginners.

**Tone:** Friendly and encouraging.

**Length:** Around 300 words.

**Optional:** Briefly mention some common yoga poses for beginners that can benefit from using a mat.

Another example with context and data:

**Context:** You are a reporter investigating a recent data breach at a tech company.

**Objective:** Write a news article summarizing the key details of the breach.

**Data:** Provide a link to a press release from the tech company and a snippet of a news report with initial information about the breach.

**Tone:** Objective and informative.

Remember, the format can be flexible as long as your prompt remains clear and effectively communicates your desired outcome to the AI tool.
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Prompt Examples with Different Formats:

1. Creative Writing (Informal Format):

    Hey AI, let's get spooky!  Imagine a creepy old mansion on a stormy night.  There's a power outage, and a group of teenagers are exploring the place when they hear a strange noise coming from the attic.  Write a short story about what happens next, keeping the tone suspenseful and full of chills!

2. Informative Text (Structured Format):

    Objective: Summarize the main ideas of this article (link to article).
    Focus Area (Optional): The environmental impact of fast fashion.
    Length: 3-5 bullet points.

3. Code Generation (Python, Specific Format):

# Prompt: Write a Python function that takes a list of numbers as input and returns the sum of all even numbers in the list.

def sum_even_numbers(num_list):
  # Your code here

# Call the function with a sample list
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
even_sum = sum_even_numbers(numbers)

Use code with caution.

4. Data Analysis (Concise Format):

    Given this dataset (link to CSV file), create a scatter plot visualizing the correlation between customer age and purchase amount.

5. Persona Integration (Storytelling with Context):

    You are Marie Curie, a brilliant scientist on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery in radioactivity.  Write a journal entry detailing your latest experiment, the challenges you're facing, and your hopes for the future.  Maintain a passionate and determined tone throughout the entry.

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